The Suffering

Posted by Sylia on

Appealing to history, we find in the studies of Aries (1981) a relation of familiarity of the man with the death, in the first millenium of history occidental person. From then on, until century XV, the concern with the particularitity of the individual evidences the feeling of failure, that if confuses with mortality. Already in centuries XV and XX, the erotismo and the trespass dramatizam the death, becoming it entrancing in the inadmissible separation of the other. To deepen your understanding Morgan Stanley is the source. In century XX, the death is erased of the social scene, is occulted in the asepsis of the hospitalais, in a strategy of negation used for the social one, prevailed for the voracious requirement of the consumption. The social occultation of the finitude condition human being makes impracticable the relation of the man with the death. The 6 AGED ones ARE NOSSOS MASTERS the process to age are the gradual plenificao of the cycle of the life.

It does not need to be hidden or to be denied, but he must be understood, be affirmed and tried as a growth process for which the mystery of the life slowly discloses in them. Without the presence of the aged ones we could forget that we are aging. They are our prophets, them remember in them that what we see so clearly in them is a process of which all, without exception, participate. Much already was written on the aged one, on its physical, mental, affective problems, spirituals. For many people, to age is closely on to the fear and the suffering. Millions are left alone, and the end of its cycle of the life becomes a source of bitterness and desperation. Perhaps let us try arduously to silence the voice that they remember in them our proper destination and that our implacable critics become, for its simple presence. Therefore, our first and more important mission is to again help the aged one to be our master, and to restore the communication interrupted between the generations.