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Posted by Sylia on

The youngster made everything that could to assist Mr. Daniel, deLuciana father, for the accomplishment of the burial of D.Ana, what alone girl for the youngster made to increase carinhoda. Prudential is likely to agree. Mr. Daniel already had perceived the one interest pelooutro, and knowing of the will of Luciana of living far from the island, he saw that he would noadiantaria to argue with the son in the attempt to make with it came back paracasa and was not admired with the fact of soon after the burial, Robert came atele to legalize a marriage order. The heart of that father wise person who that one union, torepentina, had few possibilities to give certain, but it did not have what to make not to serabenoar the son and remembers it of that it was changed of idea could come back paracasa when wanted. All age maravilhosopara Luciana, how many new features, and the life with Robert was a dream.

But passed operodo of discoveries, the life was if becoming real more of what he elaimaginava, its prince was showing its true character, arrived later in casacada day, drunk ace times other times with woman perfume, and sempresem money, the reason it came to discover when a pair badly faced to veiocobrar one divides of game that Robert had contracted in one of those nights that disappeared. The fight between the couple if had become frequent, sofrimentocom the disillusionment of Luciana took account of its heart, that each day was maisapertado of homesicknesses of the father and mainly of the sea, ' ' house of Deus' ' , seurefugio, where it always found alliviates for its pains, that compared with asde today, was nothing. Engravidou still in the first year of married, and this the deixoumais despaired, as it would take care of of it of a child? Cidadeonde was alone in that one did not know nobody, did not want to ask for helps the father, for pride and peladificuldade of communication.