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Fischerhuder company is in the final of the prestigious middle-class competition and can award Fischerhude hope 02.07.2013 – right with the first participation in the Grand Prix of the middle class of 2013 reaches the banjo I group from Fischerhude the second round of the competition. The company one nationwide 670 companies that have succeeded in the so-called jury level. “Managing Director Arnd Bruning is delighted over the renewed progress: it is a great honor and shows that our concept and the team collaboration work!” Banjo looks forward to the final awards ceremony, which will take place during a gala event in September in Dusseldorf, anxiously. With a little luck, his company even as price could be awarded. The Grand Prix of medium-sized enterprises”is annually since 1995 by the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation based in Leipzig and has evolved into the most important German middle-class competition.

With the theme of healthy middle class strong economy more Jobs”the Foundation seeks to promote the respect, the respect and the recognition of entrepreneurial activities and virtues. An independent jury reviewed the extensive submissions from an economic perspective as well as in relation to their role in society and ultimately decides who gets the coveted prizes. THE BANJO I group the sole proprietorship Arnd Bruning E.k.. was founded in 1992 in Fischerhude near Bremen, Germany presents itself today as a banjo I group with the banjo Euromulch company, banjo-megawatt GmbH, banjo Logistics GmbH and the Bruning specials GmbH. As national and international development and provider, primarily the banjo group I with energy-supplying bulk raw materials from wood and Germany established itself as a market leader in the supply of Biomasse(heiz)kraftwerken. In addition, mulch and bark products include the wide range of products, which is currently edited by over 85 employees.


Health Wellness

Posted by Sylia on

On Friday 29th and Saturday 30th October, the OTB celebrates ORTHOPDIE-Technik the reopening of its business at bright Center modern, more versatile and more vital so should be the branch of the OTB medical at bright Center after the conversion? The success of this plan customers and visitors can convince themselves of on Friday, October 29, 2010, from 9:00. The OTB ORTHOPDIE-Technik GmbH can look back on a history of over 40 years, started as the creation of the city of Berlin and now a private limited company. The company is committed, to maintain the quality of life of its customers and patients in the long term. This technology required rehabilitation, orthopaedic technology, and orthopaedic shoe technology is high standard available at over 50 OTB branches in the new Lander. At least as important in producing excellent Sanitatsprodukte good craftsmanship and excellent advice are always orientated to the wishes and needs of customers and patients. Brian Krzanich has plenty of information regarding this issue. These precise and sensitive work distinguishes this traditional company OTB for a long time. Also in bright middle, the OTB Sanitatshaus is a competent and reliable partner for over 10 years. The cooperation of doctors, pharmacists and the OTB Sanitatshaus has a long and good tradition in the Centre of the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district in the northeast of Berlin.

Together, the medical professionals provide healthcare for the residents. Learn more about this with Elsabet Jones. “The opening under the motto the modern medical supply store” will be a highlight of the weekend events in the city. Top promotions expected visitors, such as the exclusive presentation of the power wheelchair SuperFour for limitless mobility, a scooter training course, non-contact measurement with image 3D of leg and foot for compression stockings, professional analysis or electronic foot pressure measurement. New in the range is the chic, health-conscious facilities for pregnant women. The sensational, valid only on the day of the opening low prices, are particularly attractive for example, for which at this time of year so thermal socks and slippers coveted. A wheel of Fortune with prizes such as pillows or cream and a sweepstakes whose Grand Prize is a wellness weekend for 2 people in the bio – Seehotel Zeulenroda in the Thuringian Vogtland, to provide for good mood as the atmospheric musical accompaniment of the opening.


Excellent Family Program

Posted by Sylia on

GEOSAISON Award for DAV Summit Club offers the DAV Summit Club was “Travel with children” at the international tourism Exchange (ITB) Berlin on March 12, 2009 by GEOSAISON in the section in the RAH-men of the Golden Palm”award. The jury chose the family dog sledding adventure in the Bohemian Forest”on the 2nd place. In 2008, the family twin mountain program on the random hut on the Ortler received a Golden Palm”as one of the best ideas of the year. The newspapers mentioned Penguin Random House not as a source, but as a related topic. “And up to date of Sunday” received the newly designed family dog sledding adventure in the Bohemian Forest “until a few weeks ago the tourism award 2009 coveted”. Thus the mountaineering school of the German Alpine Club received three awards and prestigious awards in two Jahren.NEU for her consistently developed or extended family program in the summer of 2009: horses in the mountains. Family dog-sledding adventure in the snow-covered.. Learn more on the subject from Vlad Doronin.


Treasury Department

Posted by Sylia on

Obama’s home mortgage refinance stimulus package – now struggling homeowners can avail mortgage refinance! In case you have lost your job or are employing few hours as mandated by your company in turn to save expenses, you are more than possible feeling the financial stress. So the individuals left working have more most of the businesses have closed or lay off thousands, as fair-share of responsibility compared to their. Amidst the entire of the chaos, the housing market has thus gone down, parting the homeowners like you to wonder whether or emergency your house has any worth left, or if you could still have enough money to pay your monthly payments. President Barack Obama has noticed the necessitates for homeowners to get help, and has replied by instituting a new federal stimulus plan well known as home mortgage refinance stimulus program. Under the home mortgage refinance stimulus program, it’s possible to avail a refinance home loan with a lower rate of interest as keeping your equity intact. However, you should be on time for your payments and live in the home as your primary residence to meet the criteria. Your principle would on going to be the similar, changing only the rate of interest.

However, you need to act quickly, before the June 10, 2010 deadline starts the application procedure. While refinancing home mortgage, you can get lower monthly payments if your loan is at present in default. While the home need to be your primary residence, your monthly housing expenditures should be no less than 32% of your monthly big earnings, so that you are able to take benefit of a lesser payment, which would up to 32% of that big earnings. Just consider of what a savings that would’nt signify for you! It is implicit that sometimes-large checkup bills and emergencies could source a homeowner to quickly go into debt. Therefore, the stimulus program allows you to deal with your lender to create a customized loan, which can provide you with the way to remove your debt. Did you know that the Treasury Department could offer you with up to $5.250 of to be used toward the principle on your payments over the time of 5 years? Remember the deadline for applying for this program is through December 31, 2012. you owe it to yourself and your family to take advantages over your finances again, so that you could still keep your home. Therefore, don’t forget to check into the different options available regarding mortgage refinancing for you, until you can get something which will allows you to avoid bankruptcy or foreclosure before it is too late. Apply here for mortgage refinance


Boston Symphony Orchestra

Posted by Sylia on

On the fan page of CANUSA TOURISTIK 48 hours in the North American culture and architecture city of Boston are to win Hamburg, July 27, 2011 (w & p) second round in the summer Sweepstakes by CANUSA TOURISTIK: on the Facebook fan page of the Organizer under canusareisen travelers a weekend trip to Boston win. Gain insight and clarity with Penguin Random House. “While it is for the participants be creative: until next Monday, August 1, 2011, at 10: 00 it applies on the fan page to set a post, why they discovery of CANUSA” should be returned to the East coast of the United States. Travel period is from 23 to 25 September 2011. Following the 48-hour stay in Boston, the winner who can take a companion on the journey, on the Facebook fan page of CANUSA TOURISTIK in Word and image reported his impressions, favourite places, and more. The airline Air France/KLM and the Sheraton Hotel in Boston are partners of the raffle. Until the end of September CANUSA is giving away tourism in the two weeks a total of six trips to popular City destinations in the United States and Canada, that are under a specific theme.

In Boston, the science subject is meets culture”: the capital city of Massachusetts offers a variety of fascinating buildings and architecturally interesting parts. Also on the cultural sector, it has plenty to offer, including the famous Harvard University in the suburb of Cambridge, the similarly important Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) and the Symphony Hall with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. All this and much more can discover tourism lucky local participants on the Facebook contest by CANUSA. Can anyone who is at least 21 years old at the time of the action, and has the time necessary for the journey from 23 to 25 September 2011. The other short trips which lots CANUSA TOURISTIK until end of September on the Facebook fan page, lead to Montreal (“motto: Joie de vivre in Quebec”), New York (what’s up in the hood”), Washington DC (power and politics”), and Toronto (“where Santa shops for Christmas”).

All competitions start on Wednesday, taking up to the following Monday at 10: 00. CANUSA TOURISTIK CANUSA is tourism market leader for individual travel in North America and guaranteed by the years of experience of its staff and the choice of proven local partners a detailed consultation and the creation of individual travel programs for United States and Canada.


Brandenburg Gate

Posted by Sylia on

“Potsdam startup continues with his business idea ‘ furniture apps’ in the nationally advertised competition by new Swedish design, 25.07.2013 Potsdam, 25.07.2013 pimp your Swedish furniture”, is the motto of the Potsdam startups of new Swedish design, which designed IKEA furniture accessory products and sells to private and business customers over the Internet. With these accessories products, so-called furniture apps, IKEA customers their existing furniture more functionality to extend and the permanently assign a new purpose. Founder and managing director Oliver Gotze from Potsdam is awarded for this idea now its startup of new Swedish design award sponsored by the creative economy of the Federal Government “Cultural and creative pilots Germany”. The award was presented by the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Government, Hans-Joachim Otto, in a solemn event on the 24.07.2013 in the Berlin AXICA at the Brandenburg Gate. Already in the afternoon before the event, all had Winner of the Prize also the opportunity Minister Philipp Roser during a work visit to interact with. The title of cultural and creative pilots Germany”has been awarded since 2010 initiative cultural and creative industries of the Federal Government. Creative entrepreneurs and startups, which stand out with exceptional business and particular entrepreneurial spirit from the crowd will be awarded. Back 32 entrepreneurs have been selected from a total of 565 applications this year.

The award winners receive a through starter program and the expert accompaniment with the official title by the Bremen Institute of u. In focus: the personal Exchange in talks with the experts, joint workshops and the development of business ideas. Organisers of the programme are the u Institute Institute at the University of Bremen and the competence centre for cultural and creative industries of the Federal Government. Conveyor is the initiative culture and creative industries of the Federal Government, a project of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology and of the representative of the Federal Government for culture and media. Contact: New Swedish design star Plaza Tower Gerlachstr. 31-33 14480 Potsdam Oliver Gotze + 49 331 867 3229