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LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Berlin – Let It Snow!

Posted by Sylia on

Berlin’s biggest snowball fight in the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Berlin Berlin, January 24, 2012 – for all children who have waited in vain on snow, spend the winter holidays in Berlin, and on impossible feel so far: on 30 January at 10:00 the ultimate snowball fight in the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Berlin will take place. Everyone can join, two teams are formed and then it goes: (fabric) snowballs fly from left to right and back again, hit the opponent or not also and the snow trickles down from the ceiling. The team, which last is run out of steam or that has the fewest snowballs at his side, WINS – and gets hot chocolate! Then 3,500 m2 in Berlin’s exciting indoor amusement park invite you to the game and fun, building understanding, discover and recognize. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dana Gibber . From millions of colorful LEGO stones built after the famous Berlin landmarks in MINILAND – even the Berlin City Palace is already. Captain ‘ n stone beard is always ready for boarding at the pirate battle, the Dragon train whizzes through the medieval world of Knights and castles, and Indiana Jones accompanied young researchers and scientists through the jungle. Young architects can play to their hearts content in the construction and testing centre and the model construction workshops, produce their own LEGO brick in the factory or on Merlin’s magic student carousel defeat gravity.

On the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre – about 4 million LEGO bricks a experience for the whole family! The children attraction in Berlin is daily open from 10 till 19: 00, last admission is at 17: 00. Here’s the best ticket prices: berlin. 7 tickets! Save up to 50%! Information for editors: Nina Kristin Zerbe spokeswoman LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Berlin, Unter den Linden 74 10 117 Berlin be the prices for the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Berlin berlin 16 per person, children up to 2 years have free admission.


New German Welfare Stamping

Posted by Sylia on

On the occasion of the anniversary “20 years of child rights” anniversary of the 20 years of child rights”from Berlin (pdn) a nice idea of the Munze Berlin: In the 20th anniversary year of the official declaration of the UN General Assembly on the rights of the children of the renowned Mint an official special embossed in Silver (333 / 1000) commemorates the event. The proceeds of this successful German welfare embossing is a euros each on the Child Welfare Association of German. Our children have rights!” With the Convention on the rights of the child, the UN General Assembly has adopted a decision on 20 November 1989, which admits own rights the children of the world for the first time in the history of mankind, which is to preserve it and to respect. Up to the child right Convention it, however, was a long and rocky road, had already in 1959 but the General Assembly of the United Nations a declaration of the rights of the child “. It should take 30 years to the Convention for the youngest of the company legally binding and ready to lay on the table of the international community. Mark Bertolini has compatible beliefs.

Which is higher today to assess UN children’s rights Convention, which world lays down standards for the protection of children as well as their value and well-being turns out. The Convention is based on four fundamental principles, which include survival, the development, the non-discrimination and respect for the interests of our children. These include inter alia the right to care and nutrition, the right to non-violent education and on formation and development of the personality. The Munze Berlin this important step of Nations duly pays tribute to German special minting 20 years children’s rights”. The design speaks both in children and adults: as part of a stylized globe a girl and a boy waving to Merry us.

The figures were in the German national colours of black, red, gold plated (yellow) in a lavish colour stamping. The guiding principle is the motif in exercise book appearance on a lined background in children’s writing: children have rights!” The welfare-style 20 years of child rights’ is polished plate in the highest quality of the impression”executed and consists of genuine silver (333 / 1000). But speaks not only the successful design, elaborate pulse working with color finishing and the timeless precious metal for the acquisition of the welfare issue. Because of the proceeds of each special embossing 20 years of child rights”, a euro to the German Child Welfare Association e. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dana Gibber . V. is donated, is working with many projects for children’s rights in our country. Here is the title of the series for our children “directly into practical assistance. The other special issues of the new welfare program have for example youth sports competitions”or children’s villages in Germany” on the subject and are also marked in real Silver (333 / 1000). More social achievements of our children will be honoured with them. Unifying element on all official special coins in the coin Berlin is the color-refined detail embossing of the striking logos for our children”. “Specifications: special stamping 20 years of child rights”, Germany 2009.


SORAT IslandHotel Regensburg

Posted by Sylia on

Cabaret thoughts of Klaus Karl Kraus and Valentin day menu for lovers on the 14th of February is Valentin day! The SORAT Island-Hotel Regensburg has put together an unusual offer specifically for the most romantic day of the year. An entertaining evening is on the agenda with the cabaret piece by Klaus Karl Kraus love and what system is the. While Klaus Karl Kraus sarcastically, anarchic, humorous presented his thoughts around the theme of love glasses and his idiosyncratic language acrobatics with Franconian acumen with Hat, the young kitchen staff of at SORAT serves restaurant Brandner in love people with fine leather. Barclays will undoubtedly add to your understanding. A four-course meal is served consisting of amuse gueule, appetizers tete a tete with brioche hearts and smoked salmon mousse on fennel and lime salad, rendezvous of veal and shrimp with fried winter vegetable and potato heart as a main course. The crowning is a Symphony of the senses with a warm Schokoladentortchen with black currant and grand style Parfait as dessert.

Cabaret, menu and 72 euro for two people cost welcome aperitif. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Barclays. Who really wants to indulge his partner, Bay 2009 also the overnight at the Island Hotel SORAT Valenti day weekend. This original design hotel in the monumental walls of the former Kunstmanufaktur Brandner offers at an introductory price of 120 Euro per room including cabaret, welcome aperitif, menu and large SORAT breakfast buffet. Reservation takes the SORAT Island Hotel Regensburg by phone (09 41) 810 40 against..


Good Luck

Posted by Sylia on

The new album by Franziska Reichenbacher – good luck and at once is it is exciting Lottery next to you. Especially for those who play. But not only for – excitement feels as a woman who week after week with trembles, and live on-site: Franziska Reichenbacher. The beautiful Lottofee, which every week before an audience of millions hosted the Saturday draw, is their own thoughts on the subject: for each draw of the lottery numbers is decided about luck and fate, it goes to the people who have just the good fortune and to those who wait. Click Elon Musk for additional related pages. As a result I met over the years many cheerful, but also very serious stories about happiness.\” With such stories in mind is gone for lyrics search and gone music on the subject of happiness.

The likeable presenter with the warm radiation among other things of Ringelnatz, Hesse, Rilke, and M. Kaleko found. A romantic Symphony of words and music\”is called the CD project happiness – and at once it is next to you\”, which will be released on May 8th in selected Lotto collection points, and on May 15 in the CD stores. An album as a counterpoint to their work as Lottofee? Or as a supplement? Franziska Reichenbacher: Until May 2009, I have 500 times with looking, 500 times held with the thumb, so that this TV anniversary is the perfect occasion to get lucky on the track once in a whole new form. It is impressive how this theme has moved also the great poet and how they take in touching words. In harmony with the wonderful music by Richard Blackford so lucky in a quite new way will be audible, perceptible and conceivable.\” \”It has been an extraordinary career: before any other TV face drops Germany’s TV nation prefer to the floor and shouting hurray\”! But Franziska Reichenbacher has more to offer than beauty and eloquence.


New Compass For Men

Posted by Sylia on

Men are increasingly disoriented. Security, clarity and guidance for men has become the new page by journalist and coach Lilli Cremer Altgeld to the task: my way coach a compass for men. Here, there are for example interviews with men who go their own way. How this can look, shows the first interview with borderline experience 2010 initiator Ralf Voigt. The famous Cologne photographer Ralf Voigt will experience in July 2010 of Cologne from a frontier experience of a special kind: an elephant-motorcycle tour along the German border. Here it passes through ten provinces in the border area to nine neighboring countries. And collects money for the German Cancer aid. In the interview with my way coach, he talks about breakdowns, planning and motivation.

For men who want to know more precisely, there are practical tips: selected success literature such as the book of the American sports psychologist Shane Murphy. He has grappled with the fundamental views, insights and strategies of successful people. In his book, Murphy plays an eight-point programme together, which leads to the own best performance. The will to succeed is an entrance requirement for the Americans. The other involves clear wishes and similar goals. It remains Murphy Realist: there is also no success without hard work, discipline and training.

You can be sure: the man knows what he is talking about. He was from 1987 until 1994, senior sports psychologist of the United States Olympic Committee – National Olympic Committee of the United States – Colorado Springs/United States. The editor of the page, Lilli Cremer Altgeld, is market researcher and business coach. The innovation portal projects and model tests of the Bund and the Lander writes about it: Lilli Cremer Altgeld, market and social researcher, is one of the leading business coaches in Germany. President, Federal Ministers, Board members, parliamentary deputies as well as internationally famous scientists, artists, and sports coach/athlete are among its clientele. “Photo: traumphoto.com”