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15 Articles


The President

Posted by Sylia on

In case of serious disturbance of the public order that attempt of imminent way against the institutional stability, the security of the State, or the citizen coexistence, and that cannot be sworn in by means of the use of the ordinary attributions of the authorities of Police, the President of the Republic, with the company/signature of all the ministers, will be able to declare the State of Inner Commotion, in all the Republic or leaves from her, by nongreater term of ninety days, deferrable until by two equal periods, the second of which requires previous and favorable concept of the Senate of the Republic. By means of such declaration, the Government will have the faculties strictly necessary to swear in the causes of the disturbance and to prevent the extension of his effects. The legislative decrees that the Government dictates will be able to suspend the incompatible laws with the State of Commotion and will stop prevailing as soon as it is declared restored the public order. The Government will be able to prorogue his use until by ninety days more. Within the three days following to declaration or prorogation of the State of Commotion, the Congress will meet by own right, with the fullness of its constitutional and legal attributions. The President will immediately pass a motivated report to him over the reasons that determined the declaration.

In no case the civilians could be investigated or be judged by military penal justice. ARTICLE 214. The States of emergency, emergency situation to that the previous articles talk about will put under the following dispositions: The legislative decrees will take the company/signature of the President of the Republic and all ministers and will only be able to talk about to matters that have direct relation and specific with the situation that will have determined the declaration of the State of emergency, emergency situation.



Posted by Sylia on

It is the case dacidade of Bartholonew, in London, where the fair is a meeting point desimples popular amusements, without serious businesses. They had been the fairs that had given origin to the system of credit, leaving of the strong money commerce until the coming of produolocal merchandise, since simplest until most luxurious, that is: the evolution dasgrandes fairs seems to have consisted, in general, in giving advantage to credits emrelao to it to the merchandise: to the vertex in relation to the base of the pyramid 4. The FREE FAIRS IN BRAZIL AND Referring SERGIPE to Brazil, Hiss detach that: In Brazil, localizaodas fairs, is a basic factor, for constituting a privileged space, apartir of which many cities had appeared and in its entorno they appear outrasatividades are commercial or social, exactly having that after that mudarde 5 place. Gift in almost all the Brazilian cities, feirastm a great entailing with the Northeast region of Brazil, since it is the partirdestas, that the supplying of the destined merchandises occurs to take care of snecessidades of the population characterizing the presence of a periodic, typical market of underdeveloped countries, that also attracts consumers of cidadesprximas, generating flows of people, capitals and merchandises. In Sergipe, the sprouting of the first fairs is poucoconhecido: …

if does not have certain knowledge of when they had started. Emborase knows that some had been created from official licenses. The grandemaioria of the current fairs appeared spontaneously, arriving at many of them to setornar an important fact for the city where they occur 6. In Brazil and Sergipe, the sprouting of some cities estassociado to the periodic markets. In accordance with development and the dinmicaassumida one, the cities appears in result of its negotiable paper and arrives to adesaparecer, for commercial failure.


Portuguese Government

Posted by Sylia on

The indian lived in its natural habitat, without if to worry about the accumulation of wealth, however, for the ambition and interest of the conquerors the wealth of Brazil had started to be taken by the Europeans whom they had invested in its countries, deluding and enslaving the indians with objects of little value. They had introduced its culture had explored the forests of Brazil and had changed the way of life of the natives, had thus accumulated wealth in its countries. Later, the region that today corresponds to the South America was divided in two parts between Spaniard and Portuguese. This division attracted the attention of other countries, such as France, England and Holland that, in the same way had also acquired colonies in central America and North America. However, what it attracted the attention of as many Europeans had been the vegetal and mineral wealth. These extracted products were taken, transformed into products manufactured and vendidos in the colony the high prices.

It will be that today it is different of old? We can say that the financial difficulty, the unemployment and the poverty are inheritances in the way as the country was colonized, therefore, Brazil still is a developing country. The territory that today corresponds to Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese and is part of the context of exploration of the New World, whose objectives were to strengthen the power of the monarchs absolutists and to enrich to the s European nations. In 1500, with the arrival of the expedition commanded for Peter lvares Cabral, the Portuguese Government initiated the process of domination of Brazilian lands, recognizing them officially as a colony of Portugal, inside of the limits of the Treated one to Tordesilhas. Map of the Division of America for the Treated one to Tordesilhas For the map above perceives that, Brazil of century XVI did not present the same territorial extension of today.


Modular System

Posted by Sylia on

The research in analysis has as study proposal to identify the main difficulties that reach the professors of History whom they act in 6 year of the Modular System of Education of the city of Marab. It was carried through from the interviews with 10 professors of varies schools of the agricultural zone between November and December 2009 and of the analysis of some authors who deal with the subject. The Modular System of Education for being a modality that if it differentiates of regular education presents particular characteristic in the form disciplines to give them, being, for in such a way necessary to work the corresponding horria load to one school year in 50 days. The analysis of the searched data allowed to make a reflection on the performance of the professor and its anguish in the daily one of the classroom. The research demonstrated some problems of objective order and subjective that has direct influence in the performance of the professor, the traditional methodology of education still is one practical boarded one in classroom. However, efforts are being carried through with intention of if adopting new a practical one metodolgica that it searchs to open space of interaction between professor and pupil being created an environment of effective learning. The research of the account that many professors who give it disciplines it of history is of another area and, the majority works of irregular form (contract). Some languages had been analysis object during this work with the objective to contribute as alternative of education for the professor of History: document, illustration, photograph, verbal source, Realia, cinematographic image, canonic image, memory and music.

One concludes that the difficulty of the professor if of the one due to support, incentive, recognition of its profession, in the measure where the minimum conditions of work are not real, practical the pedagogical one is not materialize in the adequate form. Word-key: Research. Agricultural zone. Metodolgica analysis. Performance of the professor in classroom. Difficulty to teach. Working with sources.


Russian TV Stations

Posted by Sylia on

It's no secret that the central Russian television stations are not always truthful, sometimes not quite correct, highly politicized, and their air-time in general, is filled with commercial content, designed to interest by the mass consumer. The topic announced in the program "Gordon Quixote", aired April 3, 2009 was very unexpected, and interpretation of the theme – at least, one-sided and biased. The theme of this very untypical ORT for the transfer was an archaeological site, "Arch," which, allegedly, in the minds of many of our contemporaries is a "national idea of Russia." A small prehistory Open Country in 1987 towns is really the deepest interest by completely different people, from academics to activists, from politicians to adherents of different religions. Since its opening has been more than twenty years, but the craving for it is increasing. Each year the Arch attracts more visitors, including representatives of non-traditional religious denominations. About Arkaim expressed variety of opinions, sometimes contradictory, sometimes quite absurd, moreover, has the property of Arch stir people's minds, it is far from science. The increased attention of the general public and representatives of the so-called "neo-paganism" can be called one of the reasons found it difficult to process Arkaima recognition by official science. Magnetic attraction Arkaima effecting thousands people in the south of Chelyabinsk region has a real, underlying reason is understandable: in 1991, Arch visited an astrologer Tamara Globa. Her visit has received wide publicity, and media reports, quickly shot it on film Arkaim, and, moreover, publication of her notorious husband Pavel Globa generated enormous interest in this unexpected phenomenon in the scientific community of astrologers, psychics, "energy", "neo-pagans" of all stripes, which is extremely complicated life scientists working there.