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Agricultural Learning

Posted by Sylia on

Account still with the figure of the mobilizador, pessoaresponsvel for detecting the demands of courses and training for the city. In this format, the Senar has as objective the execution of duasvertentes of work: formao Profissional Rural (FPR) and Promoo Social (PS), to promote ' ' capacitao' ' of the agricultural producer and seusfamiliares, aiming at to ' ' professionalization and to the improvement of the quality due of the population rural' '. Both the work sources present to ocarter educative not-deed of division, systemize participativo and, enclosing eventosprogramados with intention to take care of to the necessities and the interests especficosde each agricultural community. Therefore the Senar is a private institution, but quese defines with a public office (BRAZIL, 1998). The resources of the Senar are proceeding from the Agricultural contribuioPrevidenciria (old Funrural) and are gotten by means of one percentualaplicado in the commercialization of the Agricultural Producer. This value is collected pelGuia of Collect of Previdncia (GPS).

In this direction, the City of Ub-MG, where apesquisa was carried through, for intermediary of the Union of the Agricultural Producers pertaining aoEscritrio Regional 7 of Juiz De Fora, firmed accord with the nodia Senar Mines 23 of August of 1993. After this date, the Senar started to develop vriostrabalhos of Professional Formation and Social Promotion in the 16 city. With the continuity of this partnership, in 2001foipossvel to arrive at the city, this Programaque is the main object darealizao of this study. The City of Ub is inserted in the mesorregio of the Zone Mining dMata, being part of the microregion that takes its name, composed for 13municpios, of which only nine make verge: Divinsia, Pains of the Disturbance, Firmino Senator, Tocantins, Piraba, Astolfo Dutra, Rodeiro, Guidoval eVisconde of the Rio Branco. Headquarters of the biggest moveleiro polar region of Minas Gerais, the 290 km of Belo Horizonte. Oseu Sedine, the Regional Supervision of Education, the Municpioapresenta the following referring data to> Ensino 5,614 19 State Net of 12,085 Basic and Average Education Total – 17,699 Source: Sedine Ub-MG Convm to stand out that Sowing is one of the components doPrograma Our Environment and is a program of socioambiental responsibility doSistema Federacy of the Agriculture of the State of Minas Gerais Faemg, developed next to the National Service of the Agricultural Learning Senar and seusparceiros.


The Problems

Posted by Sylia on

) The population continues growing and intent in the same urban areas. b) The economy continues growing and intent in the same urban areas. If the processes of occupation and use of the territory to continue following the trend of the form as have occurred, that is, advancing on the edges and stream beds of courses d? water, on areas of forests and bushes, hillsides excessively steep and inapropriadas for the occupation human being and the economic use, concentrating populations each time more intensely in spaces reduced, the Humanity it will continue to attend, impotent, to the desolating pictures of suffering and pain that the people will try for the loss of its houses, its good and its dear beings. Because in the week that finished in 18 of December of the 2009, while the world-wide press still had the eyes directed toward the COP-15, in Copenhagen, where 192 world-wide leaders had not obtained to arrive at an agreement on the future of the planet, press of all Brazil still followed with the eyes come back toward the catastrophes that intense rains continued provoking. The resolution of the problems caused for the climatic changes will be able to cause a false sensation of security. It is imagined situation: In them we do not confrot more with the climatic problems that, until then, afflict the Humanity.

But, we follow with the processes of occupation and chaotic use of the territory as we have seen until then. E, when meteorological phenomena if to reveal, the consequences will be the same ones that we are living of the present. Therefore nor the climate is the villain for catastrophes and problems and upheavals that afflict families and companies, nor the territory is its abetter. Both are hostages of the Man, as to be social. But, in the end, the Nature always is successful. the Man, as to be natural, will sobrepujar the Man as to be social. That it will not deny its social characteristics, but, necessarily, through them, will establish new forms of its proper organization on the physical and natural base, on which depends irreversible. The necessary Nature of space to interact with the proper Nature. Because if the Man not to change the forms of its proper organization on the physical and natural base, later does not advance to cry on spilled rain?


Environment: A Problem Of All

Posted by Sylia on

Environment: A Problem of All Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History, Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Words Key Environment, Society, Preservation, Education, Humanity Summary the modern man is placing at risk of extinguishing its proper species, due to lack of ambient and social politics. In this direction the education and the support of the man in such a way in the cities as in the field influence directly in the preservation of the planet. During all the history of the humanity the man always took care of of the future generations through legacies, as the environment, science, the arts and music. This inheritance raises the advance of the humanity through the times. To understand this rank better, we have that to remember the tribute left by the Romans through society model, the Roman law offered intellectual support for many codes legislaes of you vary different nations and races through history. The renascentista movement changed the conceptions of the art and of the beauty in the Decrease Average Age, this movement was so important for the humanity of the time that gave support for the great navigations and the religious reform of century XVI.

' ' The logic would have to serve not only to state the general order of the inverse one, but also it would have to be capable to state and to allow the reasoning on particular facts. The proposals in the estica logic, when enunciating an event, are simple, immediate and not necessary; they describe something on the citizen that occurs in certain time or lugar' '. (ANDERY, PG 105) However, our generation comes spending the natural resources of a devastadora form, on behalf of an advance that can take the extinguishing of our species. Century XX shows given alarming, the effect greenhouse, for example, the extinguishing of many vegetal species significantly changed the temperature of the planet leading animals, this loses is lamentable therefore, many species had not yet been nor studies for the scientists and already it does not exist more in our ecosystems, these you lose take the limitation of possibilities of cures of illnesses and change in the natural order of the development of the evolutivos cycles of our planet.