
Planning Of The Day

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Time management is to review and analyze our concepts on the proper application of the time. This article tries to explain the tools that can support the proper use of the time. Although this is focused on time management to an administrative application of production, manage time really means managing oneself, so you can optimize the performance of the time available. Time is a simple measure but time is the most precious natural resource that you have the time is well managed if: your personal sense of time should be aware of the value or the importance of the time of other people. A long day, it starts with a first step. Plan your day with a week in advance and in detail a day earlier. It is essential to discipline to organize the program of the day. The plan of the day, can take 15 minutes.

In reward for this investment of time, you calculate time limits for all tasks. He has worked according to his sense of priorities, you have surely made the most important tasks, and this is the most important time management. The plan of the day must be done at the end of the previous day. Or alternatively, they can be scheduled at the beginning of the day, allowing you to focus on the day which has ahead. Choose the best way to plan the day, and keep it. Decide specifically when it starts and ends the day, both at work and at home. Carlos Gallego creator of the course dominates Tu time rejoinder Tu productivity in 7 days, click original author and source of the article


International Airport Terminal II

Posted by Sylia on

Strategy. Formacion. RR. HH. Financing. Marketing. Markets. Internet. Risks. Logistic … Highlights of the internationalization andgt, investment and finance …
During recent years he has lived in a deep transformation Nacional Financiera, which has yielded results:
With a clear vision of customer needs, have been international best practices (innovation, aligning processes to a solid technology platform and quality certification) to meet the target.
Thanks to this, sales of telephone and internet Nafinsa represent more than 95 percent of the total, and Quadrant Asset Management its website is the second most visited site among the world’s development banks.
In fact, in 2007 was awarded as the best website in the world in the category ‘e-business’ by the World Summit Award contest, an initiative of the United Nations Organization (UNO).
Also, Nacional Financiera has been honored with the National Quality Award in Mexico and participated in contests at the international level of quality.
Through three channels’ production chains of large companies, financial intermediaries and manufactures electronic credit ‘move has been made to respond a bit more than 15 thousand small and medium enterprises in 2000, more than a million customers with it closed 2008. The balance of loan portfolio to the private sector of Mexico, which in 2000 was 18,720 million pesos, reaching 100 billion in 2008.
The other mandate of the National Finance, to contribute to the development of non-bank financial markets, also showed positive results. In this activity, the institution record revenue for seven years, have accumulated more than 7 billion pesos, representing resources that have helped clean up the balance sheet and modernize the institution to meet the small and medium enterprises.
Regarding the task of promoting public and private investment to boost business competitiveness, Nafinsa has dispersed before integrating efforts in the field of venture capital.
On the other hand, have been driven innovative schemes to finance large infrastructure projects, strategic as well as programs that support the stock guarantees placement firms in capital markets. In this way, Nafinsa once again his Forbes role as Investment Banking from the Mexican government.
In this sense, the largest credit union in history, to finance the International Airport Terminal II of Mexico City, recognized as the operation of the financial year by Latin Finance.
These activities and results, along with a strategy to reduce operating costs, as part of an internal structural change, we could do more with less and achieved the results are positive.
In sum, Nafinsa step to meet 8 per employee company in 2000 to provide various information services, training, technical assistance and funding to an average of more than 700 companies for each worker at present, an indicator comparable with other institutions efficient development in the world.
In performing its functions, the National Finance is also responsible for preserving the capital and be more efficient. In this sense, we have made profits in the last seven years after having lost appellants. The status of 2006 results reflected a net profit of 840 million pesos in the year. … payments fixed in advance throughout the period during which their IT investments. … It is easy to adapt to a computer needs …
financing to boost its organic expansion and acquisitions strategy.


United Kingdom

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Making ends meet is one of the biggest challenges that should be front after reaching retirement, to such an extent, that 73% of retirees living virtually a day, without any saving capacity. This aspect confronted with data in favour of the elderly of 65 years; and 82% of them is his landlord. Turn our House into a source of income is an easy task if you know the different possibilities offered by the market. Income lifetime on a property is the newest formula and which can bring major advantages to older persons. Annuity, strongly rooted in countries like Germany, France or United Kingdom, is a contract by which an elderly person receives a monthly income for the rest of his life, in exchange for the cession of their housing, while maintaining at all times the right of use and enjoyment of the same. It is the ideal solution for those wishing to live as best as possible with their own economic means through an adequate management of its real estate assets, and all this, without losing the reference posed to continue living in your home.

In addition, the annuity may also be the best way to finance the stay in a residence or Senior Center, since, if they so wish, the elderly can resign, since the start of the operation either elapsed time, to the right of usufruct over their housing, what affects a considerable increase in income to receive monthly, allowing you to afford the payment of residence that you choose and with the tranquility that provides knowledge that these monthly income are guaranteed of lifetime. The reverse mortgage reverse mortgage is a bank credit led to the elderly owners of a property. It works in reverse to the mortgage loan for which buying a home by instalments. In the case of the reverse mortgage the property owner receives a monthly income that would be equivalent to the sum obtained after the sale of the property. Hiring a reverse mortgage, the older person, you can monetize your home receiving one monthly pension and can maintain the right of use and enjoyment of your home. However it has a relevant drawback; It is an operation without lifetime coverage. If the older person survives the engagement of the mortgage and the operation period, therefore, ends, the older person has no guaranteed the payment of pensions. Before such a risk, the recruitment of insurance that guarantees lifetime coverage is suitable.

In such a way and in such a case, the insurance company would pay monthly pensions to the owner until his death. Monthly rents depend on two factors, on the one hand, the value on the tase housing and, on the other hand, the age of the holder, which shall be at least 65 years. Sets an amount for monthly fees that will be paid by the beneficiary, that the management expenses are subtracted.


British Hansard Society Scholar

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profit partners loans financial DATA FROM HONG KONG. City: Hong Kong. Country: Special Administrative Region is owned by China. Population: 7,008,900 In 2004 honored by the Governor’s Committee on Scholastic Achievement for his work towards promoting academic excellence in New York City – was the 1985 Harry S. Truman Scholar from New York and was also recognized as a 1987 British Hansard Society Scholar inhabitants. finance Area: 1,108 credit km2. Distances: Hong Kong – Shanghai: 1242 km Hong Kong – Beijing: 1983 km Hong Kong – Macao management 65 km DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED visa system in Hong Kong is a bit different from mainland China, is more relaxed, and so citizens Europe, among others, do not require a visa to enter and can stay financing 90 days.


Small And Large

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Small and large changes in disputes between gradualism and saltationism underlies the debate on small changes or big changes. Those who have postulated major changes have done so because they hardly have considered a chain of small changes could lead to the acquisition of certain organs and sophistication present in living things today. On the other hand, supporters of small changes (currently it is accepted that life evolves through small changes) understand that major changes, based on these genetic errors, would hardly be viable (since the current paradigm, the changes would correspond to random mutations , errors in DNA replication). He was a physicist, Fred Hoyle, who provided the best metaphor to use this difficulty: In a junkyard are all the bits and pieces of a Boeing 747, loose and messy. It happens that a typhoon is battering the junkyard.What is the probability that after we find a 747 fully assembled and ready to fly It is so small it is negligible, even if the typhoon blew in so many scrap yards that fills the Universe. Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe. Hoyle wanted with this metaphor to describe the difficulty which may arise through random changes complex elements that act synergistically as in the case of a “simple” molecule or the source itself life. He described the metaphor of monkeys trying to write a Shakespeare play, both metaphors were answered by Richard Dawkins, mainly in his book The Blind Watchmaker, by replacing these big changes by small cumulative changes fixed by natural selection. Popper, for this difficulty, in 1972 provided a solution without avoiding a synergy irreducible and without departing from Darwinian gradualism. Simplified the problem in the metaphor of the evolution of an aircraft and its autopilot.From nothing will enhancements on the plane if they are not accompanied by new encroachments on autopilot, even in cases may be cotraproducentes. Suggests that first they will small changes in the aircraft structure to be accompanied by small changes in the logic of the autopilot, otherwise, a development first of the autopilot instructions lead to disaster. We, therefore, the first result: if we start from a dualism in which body are perfectly balanced structure of central provision of executive control and structure controlled, then it seems likely that mutations in the structure of central provision to be a bit less lethal than mutations in the executive controlled (even potentially favorable). Our second key result is the following.Once a new purpose, tendency or disposition, a new skill or way of behaving has evolved into the central file structure, this fact will influence the outcome of natural selection, so that mutations that were previously unfavorable (though potentially favorable) are indeed favorable provided that support the recently established trend. Popper, Objective Knowledge. An evolutionary approach. Margulis simbiog tica defends his theory of evolution of life through discrete steps being its proposed acquisition of a model genomes qualitative changes in body: “The species are caused by inheritance of acquired genomes, together with their reproductive rebellions within the host genome. That’s how come higher taxa such as genera, families and others. ” This acquisition sets of genomes may appear to solve the problems involved in the development of specific organs and apparently irreducible life.Mainly bacteria, would be the breeding ground of complex organs. However, John Maynard Smith and Szathm ry E rs not say: “The motorcycle is a symbiosis between the bicycle and the internal combustion engine. It works perfectly, if one likes this kind of thing, but someone had to invent the bicycle and internal combustion engine. The symbiosis is not an alternative to natural selection, rather it is the reverse: we need a Darwinian explanation of the symbiosis. “


The Research

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In accordance with the same author, the term organizacional climate mentions itself specifically to the motivacionais properties of the institucional environment, that is, to those aspects of the environment that lead to the provocation of different species of motivation. It is the summary of the total of experiences and values that exist in organizacional joint data. Thus, for Light (1995), the climate is resultant of the culture of the organizations; of its positive and negative aspects (conflicts). It results, also, of the positive and strong negative events, that occur outside of them. In the practical one, the organizacional climate depends on the conditions economic of the company, the organizacional structure, the organizacional culture, the chances of personal participation, the meaning of the work, the choice of the team, the preparation and the training of the team, the style of leadership, the evaluation and the remuneration of the team, etc. These determinative factors of the organizacional climate influence the motivation of the people, provoking stimulaton and different levels of satisfaction and productivity, which produce the final result in efficiency terms and effectiveness. The organizacional climate many times is cold, making with that the people lose the espontaneidade and opt to more defensive behaviors, that most of the time inhibit the creativity. Of another side, a good organizacional climate leads to the satisfaction, desinibio and contribution, contributing for the development of an environment of comprometimento and motivation.

METHOD Can be defined research as the rational and systematic procedure that has as objective to provide answers to the problems that are considered. The research is developed by means of the competition of the available knowledge and the careful use of methods, scientific techniques and other procedures (GIL, 2002). The metodolgicos procedures must be understood as the detailed and sequential set of methods and scientific techniques to be executed throughout the research, in such way that if it obtains to reach the objectives initially considered e, at the same time, to take care of to the criteria of lesser cost, greater rapidity, greater effectiveness and more trustworthiness of information (BARRETO; HONORATO, 1998).



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All we, deficient or not, are citizens to suffer discrimination, therefore it is predominant in our society, but the condition of the deficiency multiplies the discrimination. If the question of the sexuality frequently is treated while a taboo in our society, this subject still if polemiza more when we argue the manifestations of the sexuality in people with deficiency. The sexuality also estimates, forms to think, to feel and to act, pertaining to the human being, the form of if perceiving in the world, seeing the world and to interact with other men and women (BECKER, 1984; WSTHOF, 1994). Despite socially it is stipulated derived from an impulse, in the truth, the sexuality is about a dynamic process of approach and thus: ' ' to recognize the meaning of internal states, to organize the sequence of the especificadamente sexual acts, to decode situations, to establish limits in the sexual answers and to properly tie meanings of not sexual aspects of the life for the sexual experience dita' ' (Gagnon & Simon, 1973/2005, p.13). However, in accordance with Scabello, Saints, Profida, Freitas and Galati (in prelo), when the concepts of deficiency and sexuality to aparem linked, instigate a series of preconceptions, doubts and stigmata front to the sexuality of these people. In the words of MAYAN (2001), it is clearly that, the questions related to the sexual development can be harmed in the people with deficiency, but its responsible parents can also bring difficulties or, who wait that the school, how much the institution where these perhaps pass most of the day, gives account to supply adequate to a sexual education its children, forgetting that its deficient children, children, adolescents or adults, has proper yearnings and sexual feelings. In this manner, the perceptions of not-deficient (the educators, researchers and other professionals whom they daily deal with the question of the deficiency; familiar parents and/or) that they deal daily with the questions concernentes to the deficiency and the sexuality of its educandos children/, would be demarcating, the proper way of these to be understood, deal, to guide and to promote the sexual education for these people.


Fashion Accessory

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Wrist watches are indispensable attributes for a business person. The most reliable wristwatches are Swiss watches, not for nothing that they say “precise as a Swiss watch.” In addition, the Swiss men’s watches are a kind of confirmation of a certain status in society. A variety of models men’s collections mark Seculus satisfy anyone, even the most pretentious taste: a model for the bracelets, the models on the strap, sports model, if you prefer to lead an active life, every body shape: a rectangle to an oval. If you want your gift to your favorite constantly reminded of your feelings, give her genuine Swiss watches, and it will remember you every hour! Women’s watches have long been perceived as an accessory, so the designers have paid great attention to small decorative details in the development of women’s collection of models of mark Seculus. Neither is the fastidious fashionista will not remain indifferent to the elegant evening models! The collection of watches is also represented by pairs of watches on a strap, as if created for couples who do not want to be separated even at hour. Care and attention to the needs of the buyer – a distinctive feature brand Seculus, so in addition to the traditional men’s and women’s collections created a collection for the blind and visually impaired people. Thanks to the bright, well- you were watching the dial, Arabic and Roman numerals, or risks, to navigate in time easily, even for people with disabilities.


Environment: A Problem Of All

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Environment: A Problem of All Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History, Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Words Key Environment, Society, Preservation, Education, Humanity Summary the modern man is placing at risk of extinguishing its proper species, due to lack of ambient and social politics. In this direction the education and the support of the man in such a way in the cities as in the field influence directly in the preservation of the planet. During all the history of the humanity the man always took care of of the future generations through legacies, as the environment, science, the arts and music. This inheritance raises the advance of the humanity through the times. To understand this rank better, we have that to remember the tribute left by the Romans through society model, the Roman law offered intellectual support for many codes legislaes of you vary different nations and races through history. The renascentista movement changed the conceptions of the art and of the beauty in the Decrease Average Age, this movement was so important for the humanity of the time that gave support for the great navigations and the religious reform of century XVI.

' ' The logic would have to serve not only to state the general order of the inverse one, but also it would have to be capable to state and to allow the reasoning on particular facts. The proposals in the estica logic, when enunciating an event, are simple, immediate and not necessary; they describe something on the citizen that occurs in certain time or lugar' '. (ANDERY, PG 105) However, our generation comes spending the natural resources of a devastadora form, on behalf of an advance that can take the extinguishing of our species. Century XX shows given alarming, the effect greenhouse, for example, the extinguishing of many vegetal species significantly changed the temperature of the planet leading animals, this loses is lamentable therefore, many species had not yet been nor studies for the scientists and already it does not exist more in our ecosystems, these you lose take the limitation of possibilities of cures of illnesses and change in the natural order of the development of the evolutivos cycles of our planet.


Utopia Design

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All of the foregoing forms a creative design pattern. The design can stand on the plot, where the author's vision of the ground. To go with him in the leg, "according to the plot and reception" (Pavel Chistyakov). Resist him, breaking the old dogma. But it's always the aesthetics, the author's vision, captured the emotional state of the artist, if you want a conversation with God. In Romanticism and distracted by the plot is not particularly important today, it acts as a subject combinations in order to identify what time of design merit a picture.

Erection of wonderful palaces, where the brush, dab the mystical stones, colored marbles nature, filled with life and meaning, the purpose of creative research. All joined in a rush, all identically depicted in the manner of execution. Traced the universal unity of heaven and earth, of all things. Painting begins to compete with the poetry and music. The product of stroke agreed that can be a rock and a tree, a cloud and the person being dissolved in the product, but at the same time, remaining himself. "The sleep of reason produces monsters" dream land, expressed through the artist, his imagination, creates miracles.

All the attention, means of expression and expressiveness are aimed at one target, construction of the city, the planets, the Sun, where dream and reality take on unity. It is a utopia, so what, let utopia, but art can not live without ideals, expressed in utopian form of matter which is a utopia, what it is and what is directed, although it may be, and it does not matter, would be a dream. For example, a social utopia provides social order and orientation. Personal Utopia provides creative momentum. She can transform into a social utopia that was good one, it becomes necessary to others, the majority, but unfortunately, with the author blurs the beginning, especially noticeable now.