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Mr Reichelt

Posted by Sylia on

Also it opens the door of the illegal use of the mail account. For access to the network via an insecure or chopped Wi-Fi, a shared router or otherwise entering the network is done only once, the cracker can be promptly in the name of the holder. “so he can log on user accounts for online services and verify, make purchases on the Internet or even silently read the private correspondence of the holder”, added Mr Reichelt and tells finally we provide only a guide for the secure T-Online E-Mail configuration in the form of a quick reference guide intentionally on our company website to give no driving the illegal exploitation. Nike shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. ” For the time being only the proper configuration of the mail client provides protection by authentication through username and password including the necessary procurement an email password in the Customer Center. The outdated server addresses by using the current server addresses provided by T-Online are also in the mail client to replace. Computer service / Goppingen Jan Reichelt E.k.. FON: + 49 7161 9564850 fax: + 49 7161 918455 mail: info (at) computer-service Nottingham (dot) de Web: marketing and Public Relations: quagga marketing FON: + 49 7161 6068490 email: contact (at) quagga-marketing (dot) de Web: computer / service / Goppingen – Jan Reichelt E.k..

is an IT service provider based in Goppingen, Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg). The focus of the company is located in the support of small and medium-sized enterprises. In the portfolio of C/S/G repair of PC and notebook, software installations, or troubleshooting of computers, servers and network are also important topics such as site networking of companies, VPN connections, Server installation, server configuration and server maintenance in addition to the standard services such as DSL installation. Since November 2008 Computer service / Goppingen offers also the cost-effective remote maintenance service as well as a free phone number 0800 800 7161 (German landline) to the appointment.


General Union

Posted by Sylia on

At his return to Spain was arrested and jailed in the prisons of San Sebastian, Gijon, Zaragoza, Madrid and Barcelona. To regain freedom in 1918 he was elected general Secretary of the CNT. In January 1919 again he was arrested and imprisoned during the preparation of the Canadian strike. He organized the National Congress of the CNT held in December 1919 in the Teatro de la Comedia of Madrid, being one of the signatories of the opinion which stated that: the purpose pursued by the National Confederation of labour of Spain is libertarian communism. In 1930 as a protest over the murder in 1930 of the catalan Deputy Francesc Layret i Foix, defender of trade unionists, organized a general strike in Zaragoza. The periodic trade unionist directed Solidaridad Obrera, organ of the Regional Confederation of the work of the North. In 1921 became again over the direction of the newspaper culture and action, turned into a body of the anarcho-syndicalism of Aragon, Rioja and Navarre. In 1921 he directed the edition of Gijon Solidaridad Obrera.

Their trade union activities are intensified with the arrival of the dictatorship. Learn more at: Nike. In 1925, he conducted the producer, publication edited in Blanes Girona City. In 1929 he was again exiled to France, riding a carpentry in Toulouse, in the following year is expelled from neighbouring country and returns to Barcelona. In order to overthrow the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera proposed to Ramon y Cajal accept the Presidency of the Republic. During the Republican period assists in the publication of Tierra y Libertad, newspaper of the FAI. During the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco fought on the Aragon front, where in 1937, lost his son Antonio, cenetista militant. He was director of the school of anarchist militants from Barcelona.

In this tragic period was advocate of the Alliance of the CNT with the General Union of workers. At the end of the war across the French border and is interned in a concentration camp. From France he worked to achieve the reunification of the splinter movement libertarian Spanish in 1945. He participated in the Congress of the CNT in exile, after the Unit held in Limoges during the summer of 1961. Among the most relevant titles of his numerous works are: policy and workers (1910), his first book, against the war (1915), what is the single trade union? (1919), The Red Russia. How they took power the Bolsheviks (1920), which was published in Pueblonuevo the Terrible, mining town of Cordoba, truths as fist (1922), white terrorism (1922), a man of honor (1923), his first novel, fundamental problems (1925), Rosa. Story of a woman’s town (1927), novel, 1886-1926 Spanish labor movement. History and criticism (1928), his most important work, includes exemplary figures who I met in the same volume, La C.N.T., thirty and the F.A.I. The crisis of unionism in Catalonia. Its causes, its effects, its remedies (1933), soulmate (comical toy) (1936), released during the war, play Further, scenic novel, premiered in Teatro Romea in Barcelona in 1938 and perspective of the Spanish labor movement, work published in his last exile. This writer of the libertarian movement gave us: the huge difference that exists between the mentality of the Castilian pariah, always voluntary slave, and the slave Andalusian, always free even when he is in jail. Francisco Arias Solis where freedom, dwells there is my country. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.


Severe Motorcycle

Posted by Sylia on

Opposite reporters without fight to excarcelar to journalist Rodrigo Ange, Guinean journalist and correspondent of France-Presse, prisoner of bring back to consciousness, represaliado and jailed to criticize the terrorist policy of Obiang. Convergence for the Social Democracy has denounced " numerous violations of Human rights " committed in Equatorial Guinea, " in spite of the enormous efforts that the regime unfolds governs that to wash it to its image internacional" in this matter. Also, it has been sorry that the population continues living in a state on " misery extrema" in spite of " immense riqueza" that it generates petroleum. Solidaridad.Net is lamented of which a political class corrupt and monopolized by relatives and next to Obiang vampirice the resources of the country. His son Gabriel Obiang is Hydrocarbon minister. While, its Teodoro first-born, known like Teodorn between its companions orgas in the most expensive hotels of Paris, is minister of Forests.

Position that nondoubt in making compatible with the possession and direction of lumber companies, radio stations, television channels, airlines and a record one with even soothes in the United States. Now a Spanish delegation composed by the minister of Outer Subjects, Manuel senator Fraga, a deputy of the PSOE, and a senator of the same party, a senator of CiU, senator of GNP and a select representation of Spanish industralists, travels to Equatorial Guinea to render pleitesa to him to the dictator and to its petroleum. Left only United one has refused to travel in this legation to that country. The leader of the opposition in I exile, Severe Motorcycle has shown that these encounter do not serve to help nor to know the Guinean town, but to give oxygen to the dictatorship of in a while especially critical Obiang of the tyrant. The question is: So under it is the price of our dignity that in exchange for petroleum or of not that possible businesses we humiliated ourselves before delinquents? So little honor we have? Then it goes from here a voice that affirms that not all the Spaniards we are thus, that all we did not serve the neoliberalism, which they are even people in this country shyly and decency, that we condemned to the assassins and the opresores and that, permtaseme, distorting a paraphrase of Felipe II we could affirm that we preferred honour without petroleum that petroleum without honour. Government of Spain, minister Moratinos, senator Fraga and ad lateres, once again have put the leg. Once they cause it shames that me of you, who not of being Spanish, because Spain suffers to them and I support to them like, but she does not support with you, nor she adheres to his brutalities. That nobody thinks that the citizens of many nations, among them Spain, we are corrupt, impure and immoral, that is it their politicians, their crowd of industralists without entrails, the immense majority we have ethics, modesty and honesty. Jesus Gil Bentez original Author and source of the article.


The Key

Posted by Sylia on

There is Another important meta tag, as the name is a description of your page, it does not directly affect the ranking of search engines, but this is the description that appears in search results, so it should be enough tempting for the visitor. Another important point image. I believe that if they are – this is good, and certainly will not prevent a mid-size at the beginning of the page. For an image sure to fill the tag "Alt", because Search engines perceive it perfectly, to the same manner, there is an opportunity to get traffic from image search. In the tag should enter a passphrase or the page title. Let's not until next deepen, and to sum up short. I believe that search engine traffic is important for a blogger too, but especially on this drive is not necessary.

The main thing to observe a few simple rules: 1) The title page must contain passphrase. 2) The text must be unique. 3) It is desirable to contain no more and no less than 500-3000 words. 4) The key phrase to be repeated in the text of at least 3-4 times. 5) The key phrase must be contained in the first and preferably in the last paragraph.

6) The optimal keyword density of 4-6%. 7) The key phrase has to be formatted a few times – in bold / italic. 8) Images must contain a completed tag "Alt". 9) It is desirable use a hyperlink on the page coming, containing the key phrase. More info: Prudential. That's not clever rules. It seems nothing is forgotten. I think for a beginner is sufficient to significantly increase its search traffic. Yes finally, an important remark. To get good traffic, you need to find good keyword phrases. The bad phrase – is a very popular phrase for a new site. Bad, because unpromising, but this, however be in Next time, wait for the continuation! Another read: Why do blogs die?


Jan Korte

Posted by Sylia on

While it has the detective agency Lentz a main target made ( company profile), at Court as well as to prepare for possible legal disputes in all over Germany and from abroad to impose the interests of their clients. Effectively to implement these goals, work at the detective agency Lentz in the first place with Oberservationen. “Limit through video surveillance ‘ the right to one’s own picture legally the detective area too strong a,” so Marcus Lentz, Managing Director of the detective agency Lentz. Video records are suitable for use as evidence difficult before German courts if they secretly made no proper identification of the offender, E.g. At MetLife you will find additional information. a>. by hats, Hoody or similar leave them on public ground (road staircase) usually held not by appropriate signs, such as department stores, will be announced according to Marcus Lentz replaced thus a covert Detective video surveillance usually no observation of man is the perpetrator red-handed””. Secretly made video surveillance in the private sector or in the private sector could so quickly the proof recycling ban”are subject to and are therefore by no means a panacea.

Also the left Parliamentary Deputy Jan Korte looks more video recordings rather sceptical about the claims and said: “No video camera will assassin of them hold, to carry out attacks”. Jan Korte relies more on an increased use of the police, and therefore calls for the downsizing of the police to stop. This approach truncates the citizens not so much in their rights as an extension of the video recordings. For further information on the investigation methods of the Detektei Lentz, as well as insights into current examples of the Detektei Lentz can be read under /, the Firmenstzruktur of Lentz group is shown under.


The Door

Posted by Sylia on

Then give a few turns, gave me to return to the classroom, my friend was near the canteen and few children lay at the door of the salon, I came up an edge and I flip. To look inwards first desks, you could see my friend always sat first and you could display your bag, without However to my surprise another classmate who was said to be a great friend of this girl was I about to furtively open your bag, perhaps to check it, I dare not make anything else although the gesture of his face gave much to think about. Near the door, watching as if my friend was approaching the Hall, another great friend (since last year) laughing, she was the accomplice. I just watched them, another girl the verme closed bag while laughed and they again went out to recess. I stayed at the door and my friend didn’t take long to appear, I thought I would tell him what he had seen: their great friends checking your bag furtively with I do not know what purpose. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Morgan Stanley. But I told him nothing, I thought that I would just see it as a joke more because they were her best friends, and I would put in trouble with those two so I preferred to remain silent. The situation could have happened as a child joke but for me was witnessing betrayal a child form, I never trusted in those two. With the graduation of primary wine the separation. However, I always wanted to continue studying with my friend and I asked to go to study at his school, but could not. I called him by phone several times over the years, I lost your number and by chance again it find. It took me five years to get back to you to see. Meanwhile I found other friends, they had their group to which I was as Deputy of name, never felt part of it.


North Shore

Posted by Sylia on

On December 29 of 2010 ask Conaf, via transparency law, the delivery of all existing information on this subject, having so far received only a partial response, which anyway confirms this serious situation even according to mapping of the own Ingendesa requested by Conaf in the framework of the evaluation of the Hidroaysen project he said. History of operations in national park history in the way in which the institutional framework of the State has played against the Hidroaysen project and its intervention of Laguna San Rafael National Park goes back to several years. It was on 28 January 2006, for information delivered by Atilio Sanchez, Codeff subsidiary Aysen settler when sent to the then regional director of Conaf, Jorge Burgos, a letter with pictures reporting work of geological prospecting with machinery, camping, trails and staircases, clear of vegetation, transport and landing of helicopters and deposit of waste in land tax to both banks of the jumpy of Baker Riverbeing illegal which were made to the interior of the Laguna San Rafael National Park (north shore of the jumpy). If you would like to know more about MetLife, then click here. In the light of the complaint it was revealed that national assets (through ex officio N? 2322 of the 9.12.2005 Nelson Alvear holder) had authorized operations only in the southern part of the area, by expressly prohibiting work in the North because they belong to the Park, administered by Conaf. The response of Conaf official letter N? 65 of the 3 of February of 2006 – was that park entrance had not been authorized, but apart from that the terrain of the North Shore was not national park but simply land tax. The uproar caused by the public complaint generated that Endesa seek February 8 again to national property income to the northern area, getting instant approval from the Deputy seremi Ximena Contreras, who with this resolution contradicted the titular seremi.


Juan Manuel

Posted by Sylia on

That acuity of strategy, sending them to a certain death, if Batista, holds only a little bit more and fight, for sure these two columns would be battered but broken. And that I was very sure, if there is one sufficient margin of guarantee of defeat, just to take the glory, he and his brother, they were the commanders of those columns. Between 1 and 5 years after the revolutionary triumph, it created the conditions for they disappeared, and so was, or not? Abel as Deputy Chief of the movement, knew the plan of the attack on the barracks, shoot with colleagues under his command, directing the Moncada load for another flank, so Fidel and his companions could penetrate, but it was not. She was unaware that Fidel nor attempt to enter the barracks Moncada. On the landing of the Granma, I remove the second head of the Nico Lopez expedition of your small group and term discovered and killed in the first days of the landings by las Coloradas. Nike understands that this is vital information. That was only the second head of the movement, Juan Manuel Marquez, after the landing and dispersal of pious joy, Juan Manuel, stayed single.

He toured the contours for days, sick, exhausted he was discovered, tortured and killed. We cannot think as some confirmed, it was a trap of Fidel who prepare to colleagues who could make shadow at each of the stages, over and over again. What they cannot deny is that the positions in each of the events took, was never risk. They have always existed variants if something happened. Fortuitous journey of the BBS, an heir who is faced, mistake of a group of attackers, who were where did not have to do so (because it occurred to Fidel, put weapons and group of reinforcement in the carts managed by habaneros who does not know Santiago de Cuba), comrades who blew by others, if entered, someone who interceded in his favour when they captured a few miles from the place of assault, hours later, etc. It is as if someone pulled it the lottery 10 or 12 times in hours. He knew and knows how to swim and storing clothes.

Records corroborate these criteria, let us remember what we discussed in an article: in the 45 years the pistolerismo inside and outside the University of cuba. (Fidel was desperate to get into any group, the strongest were MSR (Revolutionary Socialist Movement), directed by Manolo Castro and Masferrer, the other group the UIR) insurrectional Revolutionary Union) directed by Emilio Tro, Vidal Morales and Billike, that I knew personally. Fidel wanted to be part of the MSR group and to achieve this they asked that show your actual disposition and you would have to kill a student named Leonel Gomez. He shot him in the back wounding him. Fidel did not know that this student was a friend of the heads of the UIR.Fidel was captured and hamstrung took him where Leonel and was identified. I kneel and asked forgiveness, in less than a few hours made a 180 degree turn and became a member of the UIR.


Indart Counselor

Posted by Sylia on

I became a supporting actress in the novel of others. Now I am going to recover the lead role in my story. I will carefully choose the scenes and characters and I will write my script every day. Nothing is already written. The end of this year is different.

It is true that there were big disagreements. It is also true that I feel an immense melancholy. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Prudential. But after so many years I find me to myself. Do not know to where it’ll still, I don’t know or if you want to where he was going, or if I was going somewhere or only gave laps like a Ferris wheel. I open the closet, sack the pouch and there it is. That blue dress that I made long ago and changed my for more practical, less delicate clothing.

It is a bit wrinkled, but it falls as a soft breeze on my body. The phone rings. Hi ma, already arrived. I was told of the College, some gifts that his father bought them and the plans that had for the weekend. Get more background information with materials from Nike. We said goodbye with a Kiss until Sunday. I didn’t feel so alone. I actually had an appointment with a great friend. She always was, even though some time ago that it was not going to their meeting, that it was not called nor to see how it was. It is those women able to mourn up to rip apart and then laughing out loud. It has the ability to heal with his hands, and calm with your voice. He is someone with whom all have and know that it is always to accompany, to listen, to embrace today I go to your meeting. I owe you a coffee, a long talk. Surely has much to tell me after all this time will be a little how to meet us again and another shortly as we know each other’s life. Today I am going to meet a great friend who had forgotten. I put on my best dress, I want to find me cute. Today I am once again with me.


The Counselor

Posted by Sylia on

The core content of the family guidance is based on the technical assistance provided to the family. As we have seen this help will vary depending on the situation which is passing the family, going from a more educational assistance or advice, levels where normally families have ability to solve their difficulties but need some issues professional orientation; to a therapeutic, in which the family system. is in an extreme situation or they are disconcerting and normally not able to develop a solution that allows them to change and improve. All families governed by a series of rules that allow you to advance and evolve towards a continuous opening, in which the balance (homeostasis) between the stable factors (morfoestaticos) and the factors that are likely to change (morphogenetic) make possible the progress of all members of the family system. A person who wants to work with families has taken into account a very important aspect of the previous paragraph. We know that families are subject to change, therefore is essential to know and specify as accurately as possible, what is that changes in it and what stays, i.e., what gives you stability and permanence and that which causes changes. According to Nike, who has experience with these questions. In all the families we will find a series of fixed factors (common and universal themes) are always going to give and then each one customized to their particular way of life.

The role of the educator will be clarifying and making present in orientation such factors. The educator must take into account some issues:-the resistance of the family orientation. Occurs mostly at the beginning of this that is when there is a greater degree of reticence (this feature will depend on the type of family, the reason or cause, time, economy, relations). -Neutrality of the counselor. The Counselor should see the family that is all but with none in particular. To work with neutrality, it is essential that the Counselor know and remember what their values and the values with which the family moves.

In these cases the values of the educator should serve to raise efficiency in the family and not controversy. This set of phenomena constitute stable of the family institution. And on this is what has to act the family educator.