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362 Articles


Latin American Technological Information

Posted by Sylia on

In accordance with the graph presented for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), Farid (2009) also encloses a significant increase of 26,5% in 2007 for 31,2% in 2008 of the domiciles that possess microcomputers, reaching 17,9 million domiciles. In its analysis, the author affirms that more than the half of the Brazilian domiciles that possuam computer in the previous year was in the Southeastern region, that totalized 10.1 million domiciles with this characteristic. It is evidenced that the relation computer and Internet if equalizam, where the access to the computer, consequentemente, premakes use its possessor to search a form of connects it world-wide net. The graph below presented by the National Research of Sampling for Domicilio (PNAD) demonstrates to the question of the users who had bought computers and those that are connected the world-wide net. Graph 1 – Source: IBGE PNAD 2007-2008 When analyzing these data and relating them with the Maranho, perceive that the State presents indicating countyer-productive in relation the access to the net.

Although to belong to the Northeast region, its data are most inferior of federacy, surpassing all the States, particularly of the region North, where the Internet still is a sufficiently restricted instrument. This peculiarity can be confirmed through the Net of Latin American Technological Information 4 (RITLA) that it carries through diverse research, between which, on the technological accessibility in all continent Latin American. In accordance with its study, the Maranho presents the lesser indices of access to the world-wide net of computers of Brazil, about 2% of the homes they are connected, and is of 7,7% the parcel of inhabitants who use the net, either inside of house, in public centers or schools. Ahead the pointers presented for the Maranho, Rollemberg (2009) conglomerates the too much States with lack of accessibility to the net and comments, that amongst 10 people, less than 1 have access to the computer in house in these regions, and complement around the relation made for the MEC with socioeconmicos factors of inaqualities affirming that: The work, with support of the Ministry of the Education, related to the inaqualities socioeconmicos factors as income, race and offers of ranks of public access.


Russian Billiards Rules

Posted by Sylia on

Article provided by the Internet magazine "Billiards in Russia '1. The first goal of the game to score eight balls. Balls used: cue ball and fifteen object balls. The cue ball must be different from the object balls with a color or special markings. Arrange balls: fifteen object balls are arranged in the shape of a pyramid with the apex on the foot spot. A kick-off (with his hands out of the house): The strike allowed to produce from any position, including in and out of the outer towards the long side, but without going for the continuation of the front line (the line at home).

With the right hit count all the balls played into any pocket, after the cue ball out of the house, or his contact with the object ball, outside the home. Conduct of the game: The game comes with a double order, ie can be ordered and 'your' and 'foreign' balls at the same time, the order shall be allowed if they fall, even one ball. During the game, after all played by the order of the ball, any, accidentally fallen balls count. After plugging 'his' ball player puts your 'own' the ball anywhere on the table necessarily a 'foreign' ball, ie plays' with his hands. " If you play 'with hands' your 'own' the ball falls together with 'others', then 'own' scored and the next ball again with his hands. If you play 'with hands' falls just 'his' ball and not 'foreign', it is not fine, but the blow 'to hand' moves to the opponent. Spotting Balls: All illegally pocketed, jumped, and the balls removed from the shelves for a fine set at the foot spot (third point).

If this place is busy, the balls are set on the long string as close as possible, but not against the nuisance to the ball in the direction of the tailgate, and if this line taken, in the direction of the center mark. If at the same time exposed a few balls, they are placed close to each other. Penalties for violations: For each violation of the rules from the player is charged a penalty of one ball. If time of the breach of goals a player has no balls, no fee will be charged after his first goal of the ball.


United Nations

Posted by Sylia on

Commerce of Emisses (CE), establishes a market of purchase and sales of ' ' right to emit GEE' ' – the Carbon credits. Mechanism of Clean Development (Clean Development Mechanism), this is practically a fruit of a proposal Brazilian to establish a deep one that, with some modifications, it was adopted in Kyoto. The proposal original was to establish one ' ' penalidade' ' to the countries of the Attached I, as the contribution that each one would supply the increase of the globe temperature above of the established limits, in order to create a Deep one of Desenvolvimento Limpo (FDL), destined to the developing countries. At the evolution of this deep it was arrived the MDL. In other words the intention of the MDL is to give assistance to Parts Not Attached I of Convention-Picture of United Nations on Change of Clima (CQNUMC), so that they make possible the sustainable development, through the implementation of the activity of the project and that if it contributes for the final objective of limitation and reduction of GEE emissions.

For the Brazilian companies, the MDL if constitutes in a great chance for the development of programs of reduction of emission (or absorption of CO ), mainly in what if it relates the energies you renewed and the projects of increase of energy efficiency (reforestation and planted forests). In the implementation of these projects, it is counted on the possibility of external resource and technology transfers of companies of countries of the Attached I, interested in the attainment of certifyd of GEE reduction (ARAUJO, 2006). 1.5.1 Project of MDL For the concession of a MDL project and attainment of carbon credits in our country, is necessary the accomplishment of some proceedings: Presentation of projects related with reduced or prevented emissions; Basic study of all the project; Protocol of monitoramento and verification; Opinion and validation for independent agency; Approval for the Inter-ministerial Commission; Authorization of the emission of certifyd by an executive agency; The negotiation enters the interested people culminating in financial agreement.


Congreso Mexicano

Posted by Sylia on

I can not mention this last meeting during the V Congreso Mexicano de education holistic, inside the spirit given there was something very different, they invaded me moments of much reflection I discovered reviewing several times paragraph of the scenery where he said studying the holistic education is leave the darkness and find the light and Ramon Gallegos opens the door that separates the two. I thought at that stage in the before dark and the now light, and I felt confusion at the beginning and in a short time, my understanding was clarified as when your vision is not accurate by the lighting, you sometimes dazzles and not reach to locate is more beyond, but that by continuing to read tells you that his vision of education is a guide with which I can achieve something hopeful as it is the integral consciousness that I can live in confluence with our spirituality, our intelligence, creativity and the love; i.e. all beings of the world in a Kosmica Symphony. I learned to give me the opportunity to hear who I was for others with the same goals, they opened their arms to encouraging me and welcoming me according to its essence, I say let me wanting because they showed me its worth and acceptance from diversity. I was able to realize that reflecting on this coexistence my meditations made in moments of backwater paying attention if my breathing as I indicate my master Ramon Gallegos and also from the heart is found where my spirituality to achieve quiet and observe my thoughts realizing that also the mind needed calm of peace and rest to let flow the synergy that the universe has and complemented the totality of how continue fuelling the flame of love to hear from the serenity to the learning community for being able to be myself being happy.


Great Adventure

Posted by Sylia on

PURI expensive presents the concert in theatrical format Madame Noir. It acts this Saturday at the Auditori in Barcelona. The lioness of Figueres sank in the music industry well and took seven years to exit, reborn, and aside from the totems of the market. In independence, has found a new path that leads her to the 1950s. This Saturday you’ll find in Barcelona. Monica Naranjo has been transformed into Madame Noir? The character of Monica Naranjo Yes has to do with her but the Monica person, absolutely not.

They are very disparate lives. What I can say is that Madame Noir is a gift. How is this diva of 50? Very dedicated to cinema, narcissistic, haughty, selfish but attractive and even endearing. Remember I am addicted to the biographies. I read a lot. So to Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth Este dramatized concert was decided at a dinner with my computer: would bear on stage what happens behind the scenes. Power interact with the public and make them laugh is the medicine of life.

What Monica Naranjo will we see? In 20 years of career, I have played many records. You need to reinvent yourself, but it’s very boring. There is no music as we knew it. For better or for worse, you think? Fortunately. Earlier, artists and authors were the last crap out of the industry. Now, fortunately, prevailing great spectacles. How your environment received his return after seven years away? When I decided to go back to the theatres is organized a Cabinet crisis. But, in the end, the worst ideas are the best. Some years I do what I want. With my life game I. I have no owner. I am a free soul. But before, what was you happening? I’ve learned to meditate, listen to me internally. I am very skin and intuition. I had always heard but, as a result of its proximity to the entertainment world, he had fallen into a well by not knowing how to jump before the boat. It is finalizing a rock opera. I am finishing the production. I am a songwriter of all my work. I’ve always known what I wanted to sing in every moment. I spend many hours in the recording Studio. I’ve created an appeal to the human conscience and I am taking it me with peace of mind because it is a work of Chinese. This June we recorded with a Symphony and a coral. And sum other project dance with the Spanish DJ Brian Cross. We will be on tour in the major clubs in Europe. How it addresses this maelstrom after the hiatus in his career? Knowing that after I go home and see my son (aged 19), my dogs, my cats and my field. The great adventure of my life started when I quit this job. What happened before these 7 years I barely remember or I want to remember it. I learned and I grew up but do not live in the past. But what was the problem? He was a junkie’s work. * L Auditori. Lepant, 150. On Saturday, at 2130 hours. Price of tickets from 35 to 75 euros. Source of the news: Monica Naranjo: “the great adventure of my life began to leave this job”


Sushi Restaurants

Posted by Sylia on

"Academy of sushi new facility. The interior is simple and, occasionally, even austere, but rather 'fresh', and so comfortable. Kitchen: A large number of hot dishes. Although so far and have not tried, but a good selection. Roll on all standard, although I note a lot of hot rolls on the menu.

Such amount any more who do not. In general, a good level of quality. Apparently, this is an element of promotion institutions. Although the portions could be bigger. My favorite 'Philadelphia' was already very low. Soups have not tried yet another time, but I think with 'exit' slukavili – 400 grams on the menu Do not believe it! Retail Price: Some kind of strange. 'Philadelphia' in its 'slim' was worth close to 300 rubles, while the hot dishes on the menu are much cheaper than in many institutions in this direction.

The logic is strange, considering the cost, labor, etc. Staff: Moderately courteous and friendly. From a glass specifically noted (0,3) of beer, which brought the roll, and coupon for a hookah. Very 'original' with the shisha, of course, yes even so! To be continued Sushi restaurant sao tao When this place came on the street Red, I noticed it immediately, because driving there every day from work. Read online reviews and was surprised. How so? Institution of new, and reviewers are already bad? Yes, this can not be! In the next Saturday, of course, went to check Maybe I was lucky, but still 4-5 times that I was there I liked everything.


Client Publishing

Posted by Sylia on

I call office to him but it can be a single person: he, or it, is her own company. This one type on watch extremely is specialized. Much people do not know her characteristics mainly, but the important solutions and benefits that she can offer to an endless number of other businesses. Their main clients are the publishing companies, although also educative and cultural institutions, nonlucrative organizations and independent authors. He does not have much presence in the deprived initiative, or at least not of a constant way.

Nevertheless in this sector there are important opportunities: frequently they have more liquidity than the cultural projects and perhaps they demand more concise, brief, but constant works. Which is the kind of problems that faces the publishing design at present? Many of their problems derive from the loss of value of this office. Because? We see two aspects: The text processor in the computer has replaced the publishing design. Since the same person whom the information catches can give some presentable format to the document. The electronic publishings have reduced the necessity to print materials.

In many cases it is enough with sending a file in format pdf. But an interesting question would be What has not been able to replace this type of solutions? To obtain a better understanding of text constructed with a hierarchial structuring criterion based on the typography and other resources that only a designer of this type can contribute. In addition he adds aesthetic to the work which not only aid to that he is more legible, also he contributes a unique and memorable experience to the own reading. In order to find new opportunities at the market it is necessary to recognize that these prospectuses do not know these possibilities. The effort of this type of designers would have to focus in presenting and to show those benefits. What strategy could be implemented? Web site with a catalogue in line of the projects developed by the design office, so that the client-prospectus can in detail review the works carried out. The ideal will be that this catalogue comes accompanied from an explanatory text with the objectives wished initially and a balance of the obtained results, emphasizing, I insist, in the benefits obtained by the client. Some focused practical articles to the advantages that the publishing design can to contribute. Probably a unballastable file with a useful guide in the form of tips or advice for the purposes of " educar" to our clients, captive as as much potential. To give ideas them and to generate the necessity. In summary, these procedures will be constructing visibility, credibility and positioning of the office in that market. Continuous promotion of a professional and unique service to a significantly low cost. We will continue analyzing other cases. Original author and source of the article.


The Infection

Posted by Sylia on

They have actually labeled these links "bad neighborhoods." You can raise a toast to the fact that you can not be penalized when a bad area is associated with your site; penalty happens only when you are – one, sending communications to the poor district. But you need to check and recheck all the connections that are active on your links page to make sure that you are not contacted with the bad area. The first thing to check is if the pages have contacted you to be fined. You will then see that most pages give 'Pagerank', which is represented by a sliding green scale on the toolbar, Google. Do not mess with any place that shows no green at all to scale. This is particularly important when the scale is completely gray.

More than likely that these pages have been penalized. If you are associated with these pages, you can catch their penalty, and like the flu, it can be difficult to recover from the infection. There is no need to fear the connection with the places whose scale shows only a tiny sliver of green in their scale. These places have not been fined, and their relationship can go up in price and popularity. However, do make sure you close control over such links, to establish that at some point they do not stand up fine as soon as You have connected to them from your links page. Another evil trick that illicit webmasters use to artificially boost their link popularity is the use of hidden text. Search engines usually use the words on Web pages as a factor in forming their rankings, which means that if the text on your page contains your keywords, you have more opportunities to increase your search engine, which occupies place than a page that does not contain text inclusive of keywords. Some webmasters have circumvented this formula by hiding their keywords in such a way so as to be invisible to any visitors to their site. For example, they used the keywords but made them the same color as the background color of a page, such as a set of white keywords on a white background. You can not see these words by the human eye – but the eye spiders the system can identify them easily! Spider – use a search engine program to make web pages indexed, and when it sees these invisible words, it comes back and increases the ranking of the links page. Importantly to combine optimization and redesign of the site.


Professional Public

Posted by Sylia on

Already average education, this, continue being palco of social inaquality, although the number of school registrations is also increased in the nocturnal period. Moreover, where it would have to form citizens with common-sense? critic, that they know to think, to reason, is not making it, perhaps due to qualification of some professionals and resources in the schools. He has a great insatisfao of the parents, or parents who do not have a concern with its children, professors who lack to the lessons and do not suffer punishment, neither are made responsible by its systematic imperfections, strikes etc. The parents, even so consider acceptable education the quality of average public education and basic he is conscientious of that it is quality is insufficient to assure the success in the walked one. Necessary public education to cultivate to guide and to stimulate professional vocations. Beyond what, education has a great paper to play the function of consolidation of the knowledge and the preparation for the work and the citizenship to more continue learning each time. The marcantes characteristics are: the wallets piled up until the ceiling of the room, 40 pupils for classroom, walls and walls more than pinchados, professors not motivated and threatened by the proper pupils, without library, laboratories, sultry classrooms, without square or some place descent for the leisure and physical activities, schools without security in the entrances and exits, pupils with extreme aggressiveness or depressive, familiar problems and etc. and the primordial o professor goes beyond its functions in the truth, becomes social psychologists, assistants, or better, parents and mothers. What it is a dream that must be fulfilled with bigger rapidity is the professional valuation, a financing that are really capable to surpass the economic difficulties of the public education, and a democratic management not forgetting part the responsibility of the family who the proper one must arcar.


Internet Use

Posted by Sylia on

I always run away for the friends who to make obtain me to gargalhar between colloquies on amenities or the accomplishment of impossible dreams, as a trip of sail-boat for another continent, to buy a convertible one, etc I remain myself most of the time been silent, only hearing and gargalhando, therefore I know that I will not obtain to buy a convertible one or to pilot a sail-boat. The Internet is another escape, where I sail searching photos of landscapes, site of purchases, trips, varieties, adventures, beautiful girls, amongst other amenities, aiming at always distant subjects very of my work. When these escapes (friends, Internet) are not presented interesting, for some few times I made use of antialrgicos that give sleep, therefore I do not obtain to drink alcohol and nor to use calmantes. During the day, when the problems if show of difficult solution I am taken by an overwhelming sleep, almost lethargic, a will to erase, to fall in the bed pra not to have that to live the problem and in this circumstance I also feel my psychic and motor rhythm to diminish. In the periods where these bad sensations if present with bigger intensity my memory is sufficiently harmed, intervening negative with my professional performance. I never made use of illicit alcoholic beverage drugs nor, I only make medicine use with the had medical indication, without relation with calmantes or antidepressants or other medicines of this line. My sexuality is very well decided being heterossexual, therefore never I had any interest for the same sex, being that this bad sensation in nothing becomes related with my sexuality. I have normal relations with mine (s) partner (s).

It is very difficult to display this subject, therefore this story sounds as pure laziness and that this is only will not to work and to be with the friends debating amenities, or sailing in the Internet, thing of malandro. For this reason I cannot look aid, therefore it would not have courage to tell this nobody, remaining then a sensation of absolute solitude. It makes me completely to nothing happy and my dream only is not to have no problem to decide. Music already does not please me, to read is tiring, to travel does not satisfy me, the sex is good, but it does not have nothing of new, I do not have will to buy nothing, nor to make nothing, to only sleep. In the recent past this with passion adored everything. I do not have for where to run and contenting me to living creature in nothing to make not to suffer, running the decurrent risks of this act. How dumb everything this? How I survive thus so discouraged?