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Posted by Sylia on

All we, deficient or not, are citizens to suffer discrimination, therefore it is predominant in our society, but the condition of the deficiency multiplies the discrimination. If the question of the sexuality frequently is treated while a taboo in our society, this subject still if polemiza more when we argue the manifestations of the sexuality in people with deficiency. The sexuality also estimates, forms to think, to feel and to act, pertaining to the human being, the form of if perceiving in the world, seeing the world and to interact with other men and women (BECKER, 1984; WSTHOF, 1994). Despite socially it is stipulated derived from an impulse, in the truth, the sexuality is about a dynamic process of approach and thus: ' ' to recognize the meaning of internal states, to organize the sequence of the especificadamente sexual acts, to decode situations, to establish limits in the sexual answers and to properly tie meanings of not sexual aspects of the life for the sexual experience dita' ' (Gagnon & Simon, 1973/2005, p.13). However, in accordance with Scabello, Saints, Profida, Freitas and Galati (in prelo), when the concepts of deficiency and sexuality to aparem linked, instigate a series of preconceptions, doubts and stigmata front to the sexuality of these people. In the words of MAYAN (2001), it is clearly that, the questions related to the sexual development can be harmed in the people with deficiency, but its responsible parents can also bring difficulties or, who wait that the school, how much the institution where these perhaps pass most of the day, gives account to supply adequate to a sexual education its children, forgetting that its deficient children, children, adolescents or adults, has proper yearnings and sexual feelings. In this manner, the perceptions of not-deficient (the educators, researchers and other professionals whom they daily deal with the question of the deficiency; familiar parents and/or) that they deal daily with the questions concernentes to the deficiency and the sexuality of its educandos children/, would be demarcating, the proper way of these to be understood, deal, to guide and to promote the sexual education for these people.


Fashion Accessory

Posted by Sylia on

Wrist watches are indispensable attributes for a business person. The most reliable wristwatches are Swiss watches, not for nothing that they say “precise as a Swiss watch.” In addition, the Swiss men’s watches are a kind of confirmation of a certain status in society. A variety of models men’s collections mark Seculus satisfy anyone, even the most pretentious taste: a model for the bracelets, the models on the strap, sports model, if you prefer to lead an active life, every body shape: a rectangle to an oval. If you want your gift to your favorite constantly reminded of your feelings, give her genuine Swiss watches, and it will remember you every hour! Women’s watches have long been perceived as an accessory, so the designers have paid great attention to small decorative details in the development of women’s collection of models of mark Seculus. Neither is the fastidious fashionista will not remain indifferent to the elegant evening models! The collection of watches is also represented by pairs of watches on a strap, as if created for couples who do not want to be separated even at hour. Care and attention to the needs of the buyer – a distinctive feature brand Seculus, so in addition to the traditional men’s and women’s collections created a collection for the blind and visually impaired people. Thanks to the bright, well- you were watching the dial, Arabic and Roman numerals, or risks, to navigate in time easily, even for people with disabilities.


Environment: A Problem Of All

Posted by Sylia on

Environment: A Problem of All Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History, Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Words Key Environment, Society, Preservation, Education, Humanity Summary the modern man is placing at risk of extinguishing its proper species, due to lack of ambient and social politics. In this direction the education and the support of the man in such a way in the cities as in the field influence directly in the preservation of the planet. During all the history of the humanity the man always took care of of the future generations through legacies, as the environment, science, the arts and music. This inheritance raises the advance of the humanity through the times. To understand this rank better, we have that to remember the tribute left by the Romans through society model, the Roman law offered intellectual support for many codes legislaes of you vary different nations and races through history. The renascentista movement changed the conceptions of the art and of the beauty in the Decrease Average Age, this movement was so important for the humanity of the time that gave support for the great navigations and the religious reform of century XVI.

' ' The logic would have to serve not only to state the general order of the inverse one, but also it would have to be capable to state and to allow the reasoning on particular facts. The proposals in the estica logic, when enunciating an event, are simple, immediate and not necessary; they describe something on the citizen that occurs in certain time or lugar' '. (ANDERY, PG 105) However, our generation comes spending the natural resources of a devastadora form, on behalf of an advance that can take the extinguishing of our species. Century XX shows given alarming, the effect greenhouse, for example, the extinguishing of many vegetal species significantly changed the temperature of the planet leading animals, this loses is lamentable therefore, many species had not yet been nor studies for the scientists and already it does not exist more in our ecosystems, these you lose take the limitation of possibilities of cures of illnesses and change in the natural order of the development of the evolutivos cycles of our planet.


Utopia Design

Posted by Sylia on

All of the foregoing forms a creative design pattern. The design can stand on the plot, where the author's vision of the ground. To go with him in the leg, "according to the plot and reception" (Pavel Chistyakov). Resist him, breaking the old dogma. But it's always the aesthetics, the author's vision, captured the emotional state of the artist, if you want a conversation with God. In Romanticism and distracted by the plot is not particularly important today, it acts as a subject combinations in order to identify what time of design merit a picture.

Erection of wonderful palaces, where the brush, dab the mystical stones, colored marbles nature, filled with life and meaning, the purpose of creative research. All joined in a rush, all identically depicted in the manner of execution. Traced the universal unity of heaven and earth, of all things. Painting begins to compete with the poetry and music. The product of stroke agreed that can be a rock and a tree, a cloud and the person being dissolved in the product, but at the same time, remaining himself. "The sleep of reason produces monsters" dream land, expressed through the artist, his imagination, creates miracles.

All the attention, means of expression and expressiveness are aimed at one target, construction of the city, the planets, the Sun, where dream and reality take on unity. It is a utopia, so what, let utopia, but art can not live without ideals, expressed in utopian form of matter which is a utopia, what it is and what is directed, although it may be, and it does not matter, would be a dream. For example, a social utopia provides social order and orientation. Personal Utopia provides creative momentum. She can transform into a social utopia that was good one, it becomes necessary to others, the majority, but unfortunately, with the author blurs the beginning, especially noticeable now.


Venezuela Petroleum

Posted by Sylia on

And a good alternative to increase its income, although not in dollars, but at least in strong bolivars (strong), it is through the devaluation of his currency. But this potential devaluation could be high, in line with the needs of the government of Chvez to maintain its accounts low. Then, if the Venezuelan accounts could close without inconvenient majors with a price of petroleum a 10% major: Why not to devaluate the Venezuelan currency in a 10% and thus to obtain that greater entrance than would be needed? Logically this one is not an idea that would recommend I, but I imagine that it can be an alternative that is evaluating Chvez. But OPEC already thought about a strategy that benefits to Chvez, although does not solve totally the problem that has taken place to him by the strong loss in the price of the petroleum, and that consists simply of the reduction of the daily production of barrels. In this arrived agreement, Venezuela would reduce its daily production of petroleum barrels in 129.000. Although it is a decision that serves to them to these countries, including Venezuela, to maintain the price of the barrel of petroleum, certainly it is not a good decision at moments in that the world-wide economy is to the doors of a recession. This decision could aggravate the situation of global crisis when generating some type of inflationary impulse. And for Venezuela it could have negative implicancias in terms of imported inflation, perhaps consequently, the benefit of this measurement turns out to be null. But returning to the subject of the dollar, its value in Venezuela maintains worried to its minister about Finances very. Al Rodriguez Araque, admitted in a televising interview that it represents a dilemma for the economic cabinet: somebody will say to me, good, if you have an sobreestimated dollar, then is easier to matter than to produce, partly that is certain, but also it is certain that as we have a great dependency of the imports, if we devaluated we are going to increase in price the imports strongly.


Gratefulness Motivates To You

Posted by Sylia on

Gratefulness is the most effective tool for the construction of our present, and therefore to construct a better past. This phrase or some of sense we have read similar it or heard without paying the sufficient attention, since although a thought inspires to us for a moment, little we practiced doing of this intention that allows a jump us of quality in our lives. Pienselo a good one now, guarantees a good memory to us of the lived thing it enables and us for a better morning. it is or not thus? Frequently I hear the colloquial phrase " first Dios" , accompanied by requests that mention what it is desired or it sought. In essence invoking something that is not controlled.

If we dedicated a little attention, we will notice that we invested great part of our time, trying to secure to goods or estatus, that we considered for our happiness or tranquillity necessary, the interesting thing is that those requests are not endorsed by disciplined actions oriented to an intention, far from that, do not happen of an assembly position, generating dissatisfaction of our present one position or condition. As a result of the practice, our thought is structured to the request of conditions and missing resources, ignoring the qualities, conditions, capacities and skills that we own, which are generating source of harmony and constant personal satisfaction, to put it another way motor of self-esteem. I try to invite them to the individual reflection and the discovery of the power of the gratefulness of the resources that at the moment arranges each; spiritual, mental, material resources, abilities, etc. that if we took care to apply them in our newspaper to live, will be evident before us the true quality of life which at the moment we own. It already has everything what now needs, seloIt is thankful by as you are and reason why she has, to obtain the rest is a consequence, of adapting to think and a positive attitude before the situations that are called on to him to live to you. U) avoids to conmiserar itself or to feel pobrecita (I, that if it is a good first step and a clear and coherent action and so the life has given him until today, allowing him a handle in order to transform its desires into commitments which will be realistic if they are accompanied of oriented actions to which you you want. courtesy of original Author and source of the article.


The Market

Posted by Sylia on

In these cases the problem of the succession is the key of its continued success. In this culture if it glimpses clearly that the power of the resources with some elements of being able personal is the base of being able main. In it also if it can see that it is deposited much faith in the individual and little in the committees, the judgment is made by results and has tolerance in relation to the ways. 5.2.Cultura of Papers culture of papers is that one that very establishes a relation next with the system to bureaucratic organization, whose drawing is schematical and if it is similar to a Greek temple, in which the emphasis is given them pillars that support the structure (in this in case that the organization), that is, the apia organization of papers its force in its functions or specialties (pillars), that they are strong by themselves. Thus, for example, any department can have international reputation for its efficiency. The work of them pillars and interaction between the same ones is controlled for the procedures for papers, procedures for communication and rules for the solution of disputes. Frequently, in the organizations that have this type of culture, the paper or description of the work, they have more importance of what the individual plays that it.

An activity beyond the given one for the paper is not necessary, what 0ccasionally it can be also destructive. To the individual security is offered and previsibility, chance to acquire specialist skill without risk of danger, rewards for who makes the work according to definitive standard. The success in these organizations if of when they operate in a steady environment, when controls the environment, when the market it is steady, previsible or controlable or when the product has long life. However these organizations are fragile when exchanges in the environment exist, therefore the cultures of papers delay in perceiving the changes and are very slow to effect necessary modifications for its adaptation to the new situation.


The Institution

Posted by Sylia on

We question here: how much valley its professional image? If we could contract professionals of marketing, personal style and others as many professionals, how much we would be made use to pay to take care of of our image? Our professional image is the patrimony more precious than we possess. a time that this is neglected can not be had a new chance of if recouping. One another saying of unknown author becomes true who says ' ' the first impression is the one that fica' ' , therefore a time that caused a crisis in the professional image, if perhaps does not have exactly one second possibility to repair it. The actual damages for one me the image much of the times are irreversible and the damages are enormous. What it can cause a crisis in the image of a professional? The possibilities are innumerable: me the behavior, rumors, bad interpersonal relationship, disrespect the authorities of the organization. Many other attitudes could be cited here, more would deviate the focus, but it is not our intention to be here telling to the human behavior and yes the damage that this generates in such a way of how much positive negative impact in case of different behavior of the mentioned ones. The image crisis and potentially more devastadora of what the common crises, because they can destroy the biggest patrimony of a company, personality or professionals: the reputation.

ROSA-2003 we are living ' ' it was of escndalos' ' where our privacy is invaded to each moment for people who are armed of technological apparatuses that are poured in the market all the moment. Then we must have care with what we make or we speak perhaps so that let us not have our professional image stained by attitudes that can take years to be extinguished, and believes not if it exactly obtains to erase. A zeal with the professional image is necessary, so that such image continues without stains what it will open many doors and the base of everything that is to pautar all the decisions in a way ethical and also come back toward a social responsibility, acting with loyalty stops with the institution which is tied. Looking for to pautar what it is vendido in the resumes with it practises. Thus remaining itself far from situations that can cause it consumes to its image and to bring irreparable damages for all life.



Posted by Sylia on

If you are unsatisfied with the present work that you carry out, you feel that it is not for you, who does not fill you, that you spend many hours there of the day inside, that the pay which you receive is not sufficient, that the company where you are working not you likes is hour that you take a break in your life, leaves the complaints to a side and begins to create new options for your labor life. It only depends on you that you can see them. You do not forget that, if &quot first; ves" these possibilities in your mind, you will be able to show them in your reality. The emotion of the constant complaint that you feel can be affecting your actions and your possibilities of going after new and better experiences for you. It remembers that the moods are generated from the positive or negative thoughts that are created first in your mind. The emotional states by which you journey, affect your predisposition constantly to act.

The complaints appear by something. If you feel bad in your present work, you already know how you go to predisponerte. Surely you will see black the panorama, you will feel like victim of the situation, you will look for guilty Results? You will follow equal or worse, because your feelings and reactions of victim will have prisoner to you and this emocionalidad will not impel to look for solutions to you. If you are open to " escuchar" what these complaints are meaning to you, surely you will be able to realise positive changes. If listening the hidden message in your complaints (what is what I need), you will create in you moods that predispose to act to solve to you what lack does. You will feel like energetic and protagonist of the situation and will look for opportunities to be better.


The Consequence Of Not Having Affection

Posted by Sylia on

By: Jaime Hernandez that theme so important, the truth that is vital to have affection toward oneself, to be able to provide it also. In one of my articles put me a comet to talk to this person to the affection, the commentary above commented, that a friend of hers that is inhibiting to give a hug or kiss. And of course as I have mentioned on several occasions, nothing comes from nothing, everything has its cause and effect. If a person tries to give something you don’t have, because it is obvious that it is impossible, it is illogical to try to deliver what one no. If you don’t have love, then do you give love? The first thing is on you, and then others.

Returning to the point that everything has its cause. If a person is cold, rebel, bad temper, etc. Is highly likely that if children received or lived in an atmosphere of discussions, psychological abuse, scolding, insults, criticisms etc. Why being when it comes to adulthood difficult give affection towards others, because you cannot give what you do not have. In fact when a child grows in a bad environment, they tend to be an offender on the other hand, when a young boy growing up in a home full of love, harmony and love, is very difficult to be a criminal.

My recommendations: If your you grew in a good environment, thanks and think on how to educate your children, watch your words, or how much in as you talk to them, hug them, Kiss them and make him feel that for you it is the most have a child as well. It recognizes their qualities not their defects. If not you grew in a good environment, also appreciates the good that you provided your parents, if you costs today I work to give love to others, working in you, at first Amarte a ti, recognizes that you are a being unique, special and a being with unique qualities that ever existed or will exist in the Earth. Look good that is in thee, focus on it and I really like te iras falling for yourself. You have things that other people don’t have them, of that I am sure. If you look at your flaws also I am sure you will find more, but do so do it? Better get the opposite. Finally look at you in the mirror and say you are love and have right to be happy practice all of the above and looks like it is giving results. For a better quality of life, Jaime Hernandez original author and source of the article.