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The President

Posted by Sylia on

In case of serious disturbance of the public order that attempt of imminent way against the institutional stability, the security of the State, or the citizen coexistence, and that cannot be sworn in by means of the use of the ordinary attributions of the authorities of Police, the President of the Republic, with the company/signature of all the ministers, will be able to declare the State of Inner Commotion, in all the Republic or leaves from her, by nongreater term of ninety days, deferrable until by two equal periods, the second of which requires previous and favorable concept of the Senate of the Republic. By means of such declaration, the Government will have the faculties strictly necessary to swear in the causes of the disturbance and to prevent the extension of his effects. The legislative decrees that the Government dictates will be able to suspend the incompatible laws with the State of Commotion and will stop prevailing as soon as it is declared restored the public order. The Government will be able to prorogue his use until by ninety days more. Within the three days following to declaration or prorogation of the State of Commotion, the Congress will meet by own right, with the fullness of its constitutional and legal attributions. The President will immediately pass a motivated report to him over the reasons that determined the declaration.

In no case the civilians could be investigated or be judged by military penal justice. ARTICLE 214. The States of emergency, emergency situation to that the previous articles talk about will put under the following dispositions: The legislative decrees will take the company/signature of the President of the Republic and all ministers and will only be able to talk about to matters that have direct relation and specific with the situation that will have determined the declaration of the State of emergency, emergency situation.


Test Results Option

Posted by Sylia on

Project Name measure: Daily Activity Log. Test Case Name: Case Patients' views according to category. Use Case Name measure: According Viewed Stories category of patients. Test Number: 2 Level of competition or user group: 15 cycles: 10 option to try: We will test a module option Daily Activity Log. (Get Case Report Patients' views according to category.) Results obtained in test 3: The maximum response time of the option having regard to Get Case Report of Patients According to Category: 5.1 sec average time results: 0.9 sec% error: 50% in the option tested. Responses bytes: 9.2 kb / s.

Table 1.4 Test Results 3. The tests were carried out simulating a load of 5, 10 and 15 users requesting reports of cases seen by category of Patient Daily Activities Registry. The test with 15 users can not carried out in these conditions, ie in a single machine, as it requires more than one machine testing the application. Making in one machine, the maximum allowed is 15 users, as the percent of CPU utilization must be less than 90% if the test takes more than that percent, the results are false, and are not real. Having defined the characteristics of the group of users who want to simulate (Test Plan Thread Group) to see the load generated by the application, you create a Request Defaults (Thread Group Request Defaults Config Element), specifying required parameters such as number server ip, port etc. Then it adds a Proxy Server (Non-Test Elements WorkBench Proxy Server), specifying where they will be stored samples.


Baron Rojo

Posted by Sylia on

Thus they appeared more of some thirty the premises, with a clear competition to become the best one, which took many to use others " values agregados" that no longer only it consisted of serving coffee with an pleasant company, which finished discrediting to heading gaining in addition the distrust to the authorities that finished closing many of which they incurred illegal practices. Today the business has left back to the controversy and the rejection of several sectors and has managed to clean its image leaving only which they played fair and that was dedicated to exert the business like so. The Competition More and more Hard At present, although Baron Rojo follows more in the collective memory like the name appellant at the time of speaking of the coffees with legs, many premises have appeared and they have stayed in the market. Welcome to one of the 168 coffees with leg that exist in center of Santiago of Chile. If we removed the account that each coffee is taken care of of average by 3 youngsters in turn, and the day has 2 turns, it gives a total us of almost 1000 women who work taking care of the coffees with leg of Santiago. 9 years ago when all this nobody began it had imagined that a business as this one could get to generate only in Santiago more than half million monthly dollars, employing to almost 2,000 people. We analyzed if it, the secret is in a mixture of coffee, beauty, eroticism, and mainly psychology on the part of these beauties, that during a pair of minutes do of informer of the thousands of clients who happen through these coffees. They are those minutes of animated conversation, mixed with just a little bit of livid that cause that a coffee, that costs a little more than a dollar, knows to us so well and it leaves an indelible registry us. .


Percent Scholarship Emerging Markets

Posted by Sylia on

The successful postgraduate course in general management MBA, which is offered by the Technical University of Vienna in cooperation with the Danube University Krems launches unique opportunity for thirst managers to the career in economic life on October 14, 2011 already for the 12th time. A central concern of both universities lies in the granting of scholarships qualified young professionals in emerging markets”. This special promotion allows the recipients to educate academically, to perfect their knowledge in the respective foreign language and to purchase at the same time, intercultural competence. By promoting postgraduate students from emerging markets”the Technical University of Vienna and the Danube University contribute Krems to the formation of excellently trained managers from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The General management MBA degree course lasts four semesters and is in German (first and second semester) and English language teaching (third semester). It is possible that the third Semester at a foreign partner University (E.g. at the Baruch College in New York City, United States) to complete.

To the speakers, which include renowned scientists TU Vienna and the Danube University Krems and international professors and experts from practice. The Technical University of Vienna awards this year again together with the Danube University Krems a 50% scholarship to graduates of technical, scientific, technical and economic studies, with at least two years of professional experience and with Eastern or South-Eastern European nationality. Interested persons can apply until June 14, 2011. The application documents (including letter of motivation) are to send e-mail only to. Program detailed information about the General management MBA visit our Web site. Contact and more information: Technical University of Vienna like continuing education center. Sabine Schnetzinger T: + 43 (0) 1 58801 41702 E: Danube business school Danube University Krems Dr.


5 Keys To Having Success Online

Posted by Sylia on

1. Work hard maybe one of the main features that every entrepreneur should have, is the willingness to work hard in what are involved, no matter how difficult that may be. Those who are willing to work hard to achieve their goals, over time, will succeed, but those who are not willing to work hard, to sacrifice themselves, are not motivated, or simply do not have the determination to achieve their goals, will be doomed to failure. 2 Determination when an entrepreneur starts its business on the internet will have to face many difficulties. What will do you can overcome them, is determination. If a person is not firmly determined to succeed, then, most likely to leave at the first attempt. 3 Patience position a blog or a website in the search engines is something that takes time. If you think you’re going to achieve this overnight overnight, I have to tell you that you are wrong, and that it expects a long way to go.

Patience is a virtue that every entrepreneur must have. It has that understand that it takes time so things start to operate in the world of the Internet business. 4 Be willing to admit mistakes a thing that is certain is that every entrepreneur in the Internet will make mistakes at one time or another. This in itself same do not have to be negative, on the contrary, these experiences will serve to improve as an entrepreneur. If you’re not willing to admit mistakes, or simply deny them, then your chances of success will be lower.

You don’t leave the first difficulty, instead serve them to convert you into a better and more experienced entrepreneur with greater chances of success. 5 Creativity if you want to be competitive on the Internet, you have to be creative. Have and develop new ideas before the others. Creativity will not only give you an edge over the competition, but it will also help you to develop high value content, something that the search engines love. You must devote time to the creation of quality content, without a doubt, this will help to improve the ranking of the search results for your site. Original author and source of the article.



Posted by Sylia on

Arriving the dark night, not more than my thoughts, vi the reality of that pride to my front. Yes! That one exactly pride that I spoke to you, raw naked and without masks and I perceived that really my place was not to its side, since my love for me was greater that it. Thus, I passed the night to think I decided that the desconcentrao was optimum business at this moment, I entered in the Internet with the simple intention to find people who I eat looked escape in interpretation games, where could be who I I wanted to be, perhaps a warrior without fear of what she can happen, different of me that she was completely lost in my shady thoughts, thus, was prezado reading that I found the sun that lacked in my completely dark days. The light that radiated of it on me was intense and aconchegante, and most interesting it is that it obtained to be close exactly being so far, obtained to supply my illusions of a perpetual love, exactly being one astro unknown.Not, not, it was known, seemed that it are done to illuminate pra me, seemed that without it I would be an extinguished moon with the time in a perpetual blackout, then it was the sun that illuminated this moon to making to shine intensely every day. thus, the time passed, but I continue shining in front of this sun, makes some weeks of this happened, expensive reader, but for me it makes look like to be years. Ahhh! pride, yes the pride, perceives as the time is the father of the life, it leaves arranging, everything what it passed and showing our learnings, today the pride perceived all badly that it made and that auto it if destroys, but now is late, therefore the sun who lacked in my life appeared and continues illuminating all my days in form of the joy to continue living..


Scholastic Achievement

Posted by Sylia on

Until recently, the primary was villacaneros dedication of agriculture cash loan and cash loans related industries of flour mills, winemaking strategic management and distilleries. Today (2005), agriculture is commercial loan in full operation, unsecured loans dominating financial software the entrepreneurship vine, wheat bank loans and olives, but not sba loans related industries.
The industrial structure is based financial management on modern programs manufacturing companies that export wood doors throughout Spain and parts executive of Europe. At present, marketing management this activity employs almost 4,000 people, of which slightly more than half are villacaneros and other neighboring populations.
The industrial lending estate is formed rankings by a score credit of companies engaged bad credit loans in personal loans the wood sector, especially the financial construction of doors as profit indicated property loan above. In 2004 honored by the Governor’s Committee on Scholastic Achievement for his work towards promoting academic excellence in New York City – spent time as a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co., which he joined i



College Of Psychologists Or Psychology Of School

Posted by Sylia on

A school or a school of psychology is a discipline that combines elements of clinical psychology and the psychology of education in order to help students to overcome behavior problems and learning difficulties that interfere with the educational process. This specialty of general psychology professionals, are used in K-12 schools in the United States.UU. equivalent of the educational systems of other countries, and are called school psychologists or school counselors. School psychology is a field in expansion due to a growing number of students who are facing problems in school. Moreover, professionals are involved in the intervention in crisis, violence prevention efforts and work with school staff to create a positive environment for learning.

The main purpose of the specialty of psychology in a school is to help children in an educational environment for academic, social and emotional success. One of the ways in which this is carried out is by using the diagnosis and treatment of behavior problems and learning difficulties, thus helping students to overcome these barriers to academic success. Another aspect of the psychology of school includes advice to students with emotional difficulties and help them process their feelings without interfering with social or academic functioning. In most configurations, this specialty includes helping students with problems of socialization and help them learn how to navigate difficult social situations such as stand up to pressure or negotiating with the intimidating behavior. Professionals in the field of school psychology are called school psychologists, counselors or social workers. The minimum training required to enter the profession is a title of specialist, level that requires at least 60 hours of credit at postgraduate level as well as an internship that lasts approximately nine months. In order to be used in the majority of schools, it typically requires the certification by the competent authority, regional or local. The majority of school psychologists working in K-12 schools, since they play a vital role with important responsibilities.

The field of the psychology of the school is expanding due to a variety of factors, discipline and now includes more than just educational tests. The Madrid psychologists make important contributions to educational environment receiving greater recognition. More and more students have problems that affect their learning, resulting in a greater need for school psychology services. Students with physical and emotional problems as well as those with learning disabilities, are often incorporated and often need the support of the school psychologist to meet academic goals. With the increase in school violence in many localities, the Department of psychology of the school often provides important crisis intervention services and directs the efforts of prevention of violence. In many cases, the schools are trying to meet the needs that were previously the domain of the parents, and all the staff, including psychologists are involved in the creation of a supportive environment for students. Juan Camilo Cano psychologists Valencia original author and source of the article


Methodological Schemes

Posted by Sylia on

Saying about the body and soul, you need to talk about the spirit, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. 3. Place of education in methodological schemes. Education as a type A is represented in the schemes methodology (ULD-Me) as an ideological discipline. Consider some. 3. 1. A diagram of the reproduction and transmission to (WA & TC).

Scheme VD and TC-2 TC-4, 7, 8 shown in Fig. 2 in the author's interpretation. Reproduction processes macroscopic life, and in particular, D-particular, are essential intrinsic phenomena of life, providing the present and future, since all material is subject to entropy and self-destruction as a result of randomization of the eternal energy of motion. Mechanism of reproduction is associated with the work absorbed by the external energy flux substance and fotoradiatsionnym synthesis of organic products and systems, up to the social. A mechanism of reproduction is ensured primarily the reproduction of labor power, ie population through births, according to mechanism of molecular-genetic inheritance from parents to children, which reflects the lower circuit.

t = 2_.jpg Fig. 2. Scheme of the VD and the TC. A – activity, K – culture, C – values. In the reproduction of the D and the child receives 1-e Education, Family and Corporate, primarily by imprinting and imitation, being in the "brine" life (DB). At an early age he put language, bipedalism, skills, self-service, the first concept good and evil, communications, ethics, etc., mainly game methods, ie trial and attempts to demonstrate the action.


Buy Good Clothes

Posted by Sylia on

Possibly, always one looks for that the styles and the combinations appear of natural way, knowing that, clearly, a great catalogue online is one of the best present alternatives. By the way that Sfera has managed to put itself to the vanguard with a very own style, very of himself. This must that the great chains of warehouses long ago that realized to extend their supply in the virtual world, knowing beforehand some preferences basic. That charm, that touch of sophistication, finds its way here. The good moment at which Sfera appears Online agrees with one of the best times. By the way, everything is something very structural, that lets see the vaporous thing to us of a store until its maximum expression without losing in force and location concepts like familiarity. Certainly this must much more to the commitment of the mark of being eclectic every time.

Soon they are the desire that have the clients to discover new cuts, new falls, new references that can simply to make take them to a fashionable intermediate point. Clearly; everything can be made easier with Sfera. And it is that this it is a name that rescues the value of fashion until the point to maximize it. It is also the great form of presentation of the catalogue online that must make think us about the most comfortable way to reinvert everything what we know on style and sobriety. We know that we want good alternatives to dress to us, to be able to recreate to us. In certain way, it obtains an eclecticism that are based on the great configuration of colors, tones and materials that only one company/signature of this category is prepared to always give to us. The world we know as it in the fashion returns interesting. By all means that whenever we entered Sfera, we are acceding to a unique experience.

A experience in that we can certify, certainly, that we are not single, that we can certainly count on a support in the catalogue that is to us very fascinating. Certainly, the fascination to know Sfera Online is part of the call the sophisticated thing. Nothing else to find us whereupon here we can find from the most elegant proposal to the most homemade proposal, more familiar, more traditional, without we must go beyond the account. This is certainly one of the greatest values of Sfera. As it cannot be of another form, it is maintained of assertive way when we entered to think about which Sfera must to give us in the matter of fashion totally and of congruence. By the way that is a great difference between knowing how to choose online and to know how to buy online. Gradually we are given account of that, of the important thing that it is to know how to make the things good when we have the great opportunity ahead to live and to experience Sfera. Clear that it is a site that has not had opportunities to be seen more with much joy and by far gratefulness.