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Site Layout

Posted by Sylia on

In the HTML code containing only the data and their structure and representation, that is, the appearance is kept separately in a file styles CSS. This structure makes it easy to change the appearance without affecting the code of web pages. For example, you can create different styles to display and print, and do not need to create a separate page specifically for printing. Except Furthermore, this separation allows you to divide work of specialists, when engaged coder layout and design – designer. And, finally, separation of content and appearance allows you to sites with changing external views.

A visitor can choose the style of the site is suitable for him, the choice will be remembered for future visits. Using semantic markup easier registration of all identical elements in the same style. Sufficient to describe the style in the file of CSS, and you can not worry about the appearance of newly added items. In addition, the simplified procedure for adding new documents created in word processors. Often materials Site is written in a text editor Word. There is a simple means of transforming the headlines, selection lists, and other elements in the corresponding elements of HTML.

If the application tag in layout differs from the standard convert Word document to a Web page must manually if there is a desire to preserve the original formatting. Semantic markup makes it easier to structure the code of web pages and avoid many unnecessary structures. While the average user does not see the code, the search engine spiders work with it, and literate code helps in promoting the site. Semantic layout helps significantly the internal search engine optimization Web pages, which is especially important for the promotion of mid-range and low-frequency queries. And in moving to high-demand optimization allows a few to save money on increasing the reference mass.


Great Dictator

Posted by Sylia on

The ambassadors or foreigners who visited the Sultn of Istambul, rambling by the gardens, ran into with the deprived residence of the Sultn and heard this word like indication of which they could not go further on. The correct word is ” Serrallo”: Part of the Muslim house where they inhabit the women, or set of all the women who live under the dependency of a Muslim head of family. In the western masculine fantasy, this word suggests polygamy; sexual slaves prepared to satisfy desires with its gentleman. Hebefilia: With this word those are identified that feel sexually attracted by the adolescents. Lees: They are denominated thus to the remainders of the digestion that are expelled by the anus.

The people who are excited with the vision, the expulsion, the game or the tasting of lees denominate coproflicos to them; if it is the urine, uroflicos are called. Hermafrodita: The hermafroditas are people with sexual characters of man and woman. They must his name to the son of Hermes and Aphrodite that was born with these characteristics: penis, testicles and sines; for that reason it received the name of Hermafrodito. Hetairas: During centuries IV and V a. Cs., in Greece, existed called women hetairas who were the equivalent of geishas in Japan. They were women very educated and gorgeous. Many of them were the models of the classic sculptors; some, actresses who served like company to the men public in the highest step as prostitution.

And they were the unique free women who were in the century of Pericles. They had properties and they managed his immense fortunes. They remained unmarried and some when they retired created schools of seduction for free women. Like example, of its power in the Greek masculine society, we have to Aspasia; inteligentsima and beautiful lover of Pericles that governed next to him and advised him with wisdom in all the questions of state. Heterosexuals: The heterosexualidad is the preference by a companion of different sex. Like homosexuality, this inclination, comes determined by genetic, hormonal and social factors. The majority of the modern biologists thinks that the heterosexualidad is the manifestation of the human bisexuality. Higrofilia: Higrofilia is called to the sexual excitation brought about by the contact with corporal secretions between which are the tears, the saliva, the semen or the snots. For that reason some people practice the call nasolingus, that is a oriented caress to savor snots of the other. Or salirofilia, that is the excitation brought about by the flavor of the sweat. Or the vampirismo, the suction of a bleeding wound. Homilofilia: It is called thus to the sexual excitation brought about to listen to or to give to sermons or speeches. One tells that Hitler was excited sexually during their speeches; It thus express it to Charlot in parodia that does of this in the Great Dictator.


The Restaurateur

Posted by Sylia on

The requirements for a tax-free or tax-advantaged acquisitions were currently reformed again and makes it easier. Who inherits a company so from the 01.01.2010 or will be presented, remains already exempt from inheritance or gift tax if the company will be continued only at least 5 years and the wage bill is not lower than the value of 700% of the original wage bill after 7 years. Only 15% Steuerzahlt of the contractor if he continues the operation of at least five years and the wage bill for this period at least 400% of the wage summer reached in the year of acquisition. VAT hospitality in the press much discussion was now valid lowering the sales tax rate for accommodation services from the hotel business in advance. The overnight stay in the hotel, for example, only 7% instead of so far 19% subject to VAT. In the hotel industry, which is particularly affected by the economic crisis would be – dropped in the past year not only the number of holiday nights but above all the number of business travelers who make up a significant share of sales in the hotel.

In practice, this can still some lead to difficulties because any additional services, like meals (breakfast, half board, for example) are still with 19% taxable, while the pure night performance is tax deductible. The restaurateur or hotelier must accordingly on the invoice separately the different services or create multiple invoices. 2 also thanks to work and social crisis is the agreed extension of short-time money. The short money (abbreviated also Kug) will be extended by another year, economically endangered companies can introduce short-time working to bridge the Straits so also in the year 2010. At the request of the workers who partially or completely be exempted from work, receive short money in the amount of 60-67% of their previous Nettolohns. .


Honoris Causa

Posted by Sylia on

Keeping some requirements preset for certame of the credenciador agency, in this case the MEC. To the measure that the theological courses if had become obligator requirements, for the attainment of certain ecclesiastical positions and half for certain secular benefits in the evanglicas Christian churches, and theological education in these institutions did not evolve, before regrediu the rudimentary platforms becoming as some religious pursuings, chance of easy profit.> , Great Businesses . We import and we incorporate the sacerdotal and saint, profane and the corruptvel one. Transforming what he would be synonymous of growth in the favour and knowledge, in bargain currency. It came the recognition, however the promise of so waited knowledge disappeared. In this scene, suddenly, we were apanhados in our supposed intelligence and engodados by the biggest cause of males of our time, the anxiety for new sensations and experiences; It is not enough to be theological, it has that to be doctor, it is not enough the favour has that to have something more, a differential, that such a intergalaxial minister! A new name to dispute themselves, to differentiate themselves. What it will be that stimulates and stimulates these males! It would be the poverty of being simple as the cautious dove and as the serpent? I do not know! THE TWO SIDES OF THE CURRENCY You are on the other hand are stimulated aberrations as recognized courses basic and average in theology for the Mec in the anxiety for the quality and supposed legality it has a great amount of plagiarisms and little or no quality and theological identity. It has people that brazenly buys headings Honoris Causa and not even they know its meaning, and worse, the said institution of education is connivent showing that its plan of education is pure and simply getting fat of its banking account, favoring and stimulating this practical pernicious unprincipled person.

Very similar some institutions that offer headings of ‘ ‘ Federal judge; ‘ ‘ ‘ Judge of Peace Eclesistico’ ‘ , as being autarchies, ladainhas and mazelas of the sort stimulate others where the informed evil titleholder, at least knows legal the system national. Beyond spending significant values of its monthly soldier’s pays to support the lie, they act as being exmios differentials, menosprezando until that in fact and right they are for the state. Lie that if valley and fortifies of the easinesses in if set appointments public spaces, where the presence of politicians> planto opportunists confer them certain credibility capable to deceive much unprepared people and ignorant you move of them legal. Perhaps or better, they listened to something the respect, but they had not heard what the respect was said. It would be some type of deafness spiritual, or an excuse to allege ignorance? I do not know! Therefore I only know that nothing I know.


Googling & Post Can Any Depression – But The Depth Only The Bloggers Go In

Posted by Sylia on

Why blogs soon will overtake Facebook & co. on the Internet are all the same. If you blog, you can theoretically do what you want. As a person, one is able to give his own personal opinion often paired with a dash of ramp Sau quality to the best. Partner, to create not competitors and with his detailed texts out there to inspire people – should be the ultimate goal of a blogger. Attention, to reach readers and especially real fans (because they can not buy) – is the premise for those who only do it mean this emerging business. But how exactly is the blogosphere in Germany? We from the leisure coffee shop once went to this question and have found interesting answers.

I shoot at the beginning of times the facts on the table: there are more than 30 million blogs in the United States. Hardly a company comes from there without a blog. In Germany, there are marginal 300,000 blogs. Why actually? Why have we not yet realized the value of the blog German & used mostly for us? The fact is: it are very few people in Germany who can live from blogging. The basic formula is so nice & easy: the goal of the letter is, to make others see. “Quote Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) as it looks. To see you have a blog! Zahlt-, not only the content but also and above all the traffic is for the Monetariersung; make the future money – immensely important! Unfortunately, “blogging” even inside Germany still in its infancy…

Because only 15% of Internet users indicating weblogs at all to read or to know what such a blog at all. This produces daily 120,000 new blogs (!) This makes 1.4 new blogs every second. So 1.5 million articles are per day number 17 in the second. This is a deal and should be taken slowly.


Gourmet Restaurants

Posted by Sylia on

New year, old year. old year represents what we did and what they do not do while the new year represents a new challenge and new adventures. s. To finish the 2011, we decided to out to dinner at the Elephanta restaurants since we are left with an excellent impression on the first visit and said and fact. Given the demand for a table at the elephant and the Thai, my family and I decided to book the night of the 31st in the elephant and the cover was to buy a bottle of Moet for $2,000 more consumption a la carte food and beverage. As mentioned in previous posts, the prices are good considering the excellent quality on the cymbals and the unbeatable view of the lagoon. We ordered the curry in different formats, 2 of lamb and chicken 2 and each texture was excellent. in general, curry of lamb is very strong and tastes like meat, not taking as inconsistency, since the flavors of spices are not as strong. The chicken curry fascinated me, even more than the shrimp that I tried on the first occasion, since the flavor of Peppers is perfect and feels as the pink pepper you suffocates by a few milliseconds then leave an exquisite flavour on the palate.

Cymbals names are hard to remember, but which we ordered are the numbers 40, 41, 42 and 46; 63 as an accompanist as well as the Martini was the companion of our food par excellence, which we liked the most was the kiwi and Litchi, although we also tested the of Apple, pineapple, white chocolate and any other lost but my recommendation are the first 2 and if the people of the elephant reads this, change your coffee Martini recipeyou could simply not be taken. The distinctive touch was to make the toast on one side of the Nichupte lagoon with your glass of Moet and asking your wishes for the new year returning to water to sea stars (if you can live in Laguna) and that’s how we celebrate our night of new year in the elephant. The night not just there but in question gastronomy, then in another very special to me, toast dined a La Piola Hawaiian pizza and not dudare in say this: CANCUN’s best PIZZA. Soon I will visit them to make one outline in the form.


Rio De Janeiro

Posted by Sylia on

Enterprise intelligence: a new model of management for the new economy. RAP? Magazine of Public Administration. v.35, n.6, p.7 the 21, nov/ten. 2001.

CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Management of people: the new paper of the human resources in the organizations. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004? 3 reimpresso. DAVENPORT, Thomas H; PRUSAK, Laurence. Enterprise knowledge: as the organizations manage its capital intellectual. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1998.

FLEURY, M.T. ; FLEURY. the learning and organizacional innovation: the experiences of Japan, Korea and Brazil. So Paulo: Atlases, 1995. FLEURY, Tereza Maria Helm. Learning and management of knowledge. In: DUTRA, Joel Souza. et al. Management for abilities: a model for the management of people. So Paulo: ed. People, 2001. GIL, Antonio Carlos. As to elaborate research projects. 3 ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 1991. GRAMIGNA, Rita Maria. Model of abilities and management of the talentos. So Paulo: ed. Pearson Makron Books, 2002. MILK, Joo Diniz Baptist; PORSSE, Melody De Campos To sound. Competition based on abilities and organizacional learning. In: STREETS, Robert Rasps; et al. New horizontes of the management: organizacional learning and abilities. Porto Alegre: Bookmann, 2005. MARTINS, Mnica. It extracts shares of the intellectual capital of its company. Magazine of public administration. v.10, n.107, p.46-59, abr.2001. NONAKA, Ikujiro; TAKEUCHI, Hirotaka. Creation of knowledge in the company. 3 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1997. OLIVEIRA JR, M.M. Essential abilities and the knowledge in the company. In: FLEURY, M.T; OLIVEIRA JR, M.M. Strategical management of the knowledge: integrating learning, knowledge and abilities. So Paulo: Atlases, 2001. SENGE, Peter M. fifth disciplines. So Paulo: Ed. Best Seller, 2002. SMITH, Anthony F.; KELLY, Tim. The human capital in the digital economy. In: HESSELBEIN, French et al. The organization of the future. 5. ed. So Paulo: Future, 1997. P. 219-232. SPENDER, J.C. Managing knowledge systems. In: FLEURY, M.T; OLIVEIRA JR, M.M. Strategical management of the knowledge: integrating learning, knowledge and abilities. So Paulo: Atlases, 2001. STEWART, T.A. Intellectual capital: the new competitive advantage of the companies. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1998. SVEIBY, Karl Erik. The new wealth of the organizations. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1998. TEIXEIRA, Maria L.M; POPADIUK, Silvio. RAC – Magazine of administration TEIXEIRA SON, Jayme. Managing knowledge: as the company can use the organizacional memory and competitive intelligence in the development business-oriented. Rio De Janeiro: ed. SENAC, 2000. QUINN, James Brian; et al. Managing the intellect professional: extracting the maximum of better. In: Management of the knowledge. Harvard Business Review; translation Alfonso Celso of in service Wedge. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 2000. ZIMMER, Landmark Vinicio; BOFF, Luiz Enrique. The creation of knowledge in the companies: a study of case on the adequacy of the model of Nonaka and Takeuchi the virtual environments of work. In: STREETS, Robert Rasps. New horizontes of the management: organizacional learning and abilities. Porto Alegre: Bookmann, 2005.


The Problems

Posted by Sylia on

) The population continues growing and intent in the same urban areas. b) The economy continues growing and intent in the same urban areas. If the processes of occupation and use of the territory to continue following the trend of the form as have occurred, that is, advancing on the edges and stream beds of courses d? water, on areas of forests and bushes, hillsides excessively steep and inapropriadas for the occupation human being and the economic use, concentrating populations each time more intensely in spaces reduced, the Humanity it will continue to attend, impotent, to the desolating pictures of suffering and pain that the people will try for the loss of its houses, its good and its dear beings. Because in the week that finished in 18 of December of the 2009, while the world-wide press still had the eyes directed toward the COP-15, in Copenhagen, where 192 world-wide leaders had not obtained to arrive at an agreement on the future of the planet, press of all Brazil still followed with the eyes come back toward the catastrophes that intense rains continued provoking. The resolution of the problems caused for the climatic changes will be able to cause a false sensation of security. It is imagined situation: In them we do not confrot more with the climatic problems that, until then, afflict the Humanity.

But, we follow with the processes of occupation and chaotic use of the territory as we have seen until then. E, when meteorological phenomena if to reveal, the consequences will be the same ones that we are living of the present. Therefore nor the climate is the villain for catastrophes and problems and upheavals that afflict families and companies, nor the territory is its abetter. Both are hostages of the Man, as to be social. But, in the end, the Nature always is successful. the Man, as to be natural, will sobrepujar the Man as to be social. That it will not deny its social characteristics, but, necessarily, through them, will establish new forms of its proper organization on the physical and natural base, on which depends irreversible. The necessary Nature of space to interact with the proper Nature. Because if the Man not to change the forms of its proper organization on the physical and natural base, later does not advance to cry on spilled rain?



Posted by Sylia on

Today, ahead of as many selective tests (initial, competitions, election for a job etc.) the use of an orthography inside of the norm becomes necessary standard of the language. In it, it has rules that they must be respected. It is the case of the words that finish in ' ' esa' ' (calabresa) or ' ' eza' ' (singeleza). The grafia of the letters ' ' s' ' or ' ' z' ' , in this in case that, it would depend on the direction of two concepts: concrete and abstract. In general way, being concrete, we write with ' ' s' ' vocbulo being abstract, then we write with ' ' z' '. hroughout. An abbreviation in these words could suffocate the perception of who ahead selecionarsse the candidate of a test, therefore if it would not know to the certainty if the candidate shortened because she did not know the grafia of the word, or if she made this for economy for ' ' to gain tempo' ' , inside of a bigger text. As much a case as another one, is not accepted for the examiners ahead of official a selective process.

It is necessary that if everything leaves clearly what is intended to write of form concise, with the correct orthography in the writing of the words. In this point, we can reflect the use of ' ' abreviaturas' '. Of the Latin, it has as root the expression ' ' breve' ' , adjective that means ' ' of little extension; little durao' '. When we write a writing, the abbreviation can be useful to make a rough draft, but it does not stop officializing its text (to ' ' to pass limpo' ' a writing, the words must be written with the ortogrficas rules). Considering the factor ' ' economia' ' to vocabular, beyond the writing, the trend today is that if it says to each time more abbreviations.


Maximum Living Space

Posted by Sylia on

Maximum living space in small apartments Small apartments are ubiquitous in our lives, but living in these apartments, we always think about how to correct this injustice. Man always strive to live in comfort and proper allocation of space is the first step to functionality and comfort. To date, there are many ways to turn a small house in an interesting interior without overloading the space of interior details. For example, using furniture – transformer. This may be a case – a bed, which folded up looks like a cupboard, but it can be quite functional for storage, and factored form is a full bed. Coffee table – a transformer that unfolds at the right time to the table, behind which can fit a lot of people. Do not forget about the sofas – Transformers. Sofa necessary attribute of any apartments, but in our case, it can be simply irreplaceable.

There is a compact corner sofas with economy layout, which does not occupy much space, but it unfolded in size resembles a large double bed. Drawers – shelves that can move between them, to be very functional and roomy, and still maintain a lot of living space. So – can also design and bathroom room. Such as can properly install a washing machine in a small bathroom? There are several ways: one of them – it's a washing machine "baby", which is established under a special sink without taking up much space. Another way – is to design a single countertop, under which establishes the washing machine with one hand, countertops, and on the other countertops integrated sink (Internal) and that relieved a lot of space.