Pedagogical Team

Posted by Sylia on

– Mathematical? Classification and seriao for color, form and size; Recognition and association of the colors and its variations; Verbal counting; Association of the writing of the number the amount; Differentiation between letter and number; Identification and reconhecimentos of the numbers. – Movement? Expressive use of the movement in the daily situations and its tricks; Perfectioning of the related gestures the hold, the rabbet, the tracing in the drawing, the launching; Perception of rhythmic structures to express itself corporally through the dance and of the tricks. – Music Repertoire of songs to develop the musical memory; Participation in games and tricks that involve the dance and the musical improvisation; Recognition of sounds of the nature; Comment of the organization of the sounds and silence in musical language. – Nature and Society? To the same recognize and to identify to some existing differences between pertaining people the social group; Differences between Urban Zone and Agricultural Zone; To recognize different forms of exploration of the nature; To recognize the quarter as linked geographic space to other places; To recognize that the corporal hygiene is a factor it welfare and for the social convivncia. – Arts? Exploration and manipulation of materials, as: pencil of diverse colors, wax brushes, chalk, paper, bristol board, ink; Creation of drawings, paintings, colagens and modelagens; Releitura of works of art; Construction together with the family of the personage favourite person or thing of the pupil; Comment and identification of diverse images. X – Interest and Motivation To work of playful and pleasant form the moral and ethical education, assisting the child in the education process learning. XI – Enceramento Culminncia to lock up the project, we will organize a presentation of music ‘ ‘ Colorido’ world; ‘ (Group of the Mnica) with the pupils where exactly they will have to come dresses with characterized clothes of its favourite personage and will receive in this occasion the dolls confectioned with the respective families.