Astral Charter

Posted by Sylia on

Astrology is the science that studies the influence from the Cosmos, the Sun, Moon and planets exert on human life here on Earth. To explain a little more this definition must be said that we start from two basic principles or assumptions: 1. The Earth is for us, its inhabitants, for the purpose of receiving any kind of cosmic influence, the symbolic center of the universe. It is what is called geocentric or anthropocentric mentality. 2. that the cosmos is a vast ecosystem, within which we have our habitat (Solar System) and within it our cabin (the planet Earth), in which we live and evolve.

Therefore, everything that relates more directly to the Earth is of vital importance. That is, the planets and stars in our solar system, members of the same family as the Earth, are the ones who will influence us most. There is an old aphorism that comes to explain everything here is being exposed. It tells us that "the human being is a microcosm of a macrocosm, or, in Otherwise, "we are like drops of water from a vast ocean." Any vibration or movement that affects or comes from a part of the ocean, sooner or later we will also affect us. Another more precise definition of astrology would be "planetary Applied Statistics", ie in more detail, "Statistics of the effects of celestial bodies to institutions vary depending on the time." With this definition Astrology join two most popular sciences, astronomy and statistics.