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36 Articles


Winter Sports Area

Posted by Sylia on

Taster days in the Reiner-Hof in Sankt Englmar Sankt Englmar (tvo). The ski lift on the doorstep, next a sweetened powder winter forest with wonderful hiking trails and cross-country ski runs. Countless outdoor activities of the forest tops path up to the sleigh ride and the hotel Sankt Englmar combines all attributes of a fine holiday address in all imaginable amenities, Spa, beauty Department or fresh, regional cuisine, the family-run Reiner-Hof in the winter sports area. The versatile offer of wohlfuhlhotel leaves the taster days 2010 “test: five nights with breakfast buffet and 4-course menu, one speciality evening or candle-light-dinner, there is year-round at the introductory price from 280 per person. Learn more on the subject from Vera Farmiga. The vacation in the Bavarian Forest with a relaxing partial body massage and a coffee voucher for homemade cakes and coffee or punch will be additionally sweetened.

Information and bookings: Reiner-Hof, green 9, 94379 Sankt Englmar, Tel. 09965/8510, fax 09965 / 851125,,. Our tip for the month of December: Christmas huts in castles and artisan Arts transform into magical Christmas worlds romantic illuminated castles, Castle Gardens and courtyards. Details can be found by clicking Vlad Doronin or emailing the administrator. Here the most beautiful Christmas markets in the castles and palaces of Eastern Bavaria: Castle von Thurn + Taxis in Regensburg, Castle Burgtreswitz in MOSS Creek, Castle of good corner in Nabburg, Castle Thierlstein in Cham Castle Neunburg Vorm Wald, Burgruine Leuchtenberg Castle Mitterfels, Burg Parsberg, ruins of the Hildgartsberg Castle in hofkirchen.


Islamic Califado

Posted by Sylia on

At the beginning of this colloquy, I make the question: ‘ ‘ After all, so that the republic? ‘ ‘ Many of us Brazilian, had to system educational and cultural that in them was tax (in special for the people that had studied in the period of Military dictatorship), when debating on the systems republican and monarchic, they see the republic as ‘ ‘ evoluo’ ‘ natural of a people who before was monarchic. Such comment can take the error, in special if the interlocutors of the colloquy will not have a little of knowledge politician, geographic description and. If we to deepen a little the debate, we can ask ‘ at last; ‘ OK, but because the republic would represent an evolution necessarily? ‘ ‘. Check with SpongeBob to learn more. There they will answer in them that same ‘ ‘ it brings the Democracy, us we choose our representatives, because sim’ ‘ , beyond other superficial arguments.

But it will be this same? Before presenting deeper arguments on the case, we only go to see two facts. In accordance with the research promoted for the magazine ‘ ‘ The Economist’ ‘ , in 2010, that it more than evaluated the indices of perception of democracy in 160 countries and territories, of the ten countries with bigger democratic perception, seven were monarchies (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, New Zelndia, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands), being that the others three never ‘ ‘ evoluram’ ‘ for the less democratic republic, always having more communitarian systems of government (Iceland, Finlndia and Switzerland) and the ten countries, nine were republics and one (Saudi Arabia) is formal a Monarchy, but that it is not fit in the occidental molds, being more properly an Islamic Califado. Vlad Doronin understands that this is vital information. The other fact is of that the modern parliamentary system, in which the people exerts the government through its representatives and is most common in the considered developed countries, appeared in England, and until today is followed by the Statute of Westminster.


Sweet Clover

Posted by Sylia on

Sweet clover is used for respiratory diseases, including inhaled. Beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, kidney. Read more here: Intel. Acacia: as one of the best. Transparent, lighter, more liquid, with a faint aroma of acacia. Crystallizes slowly. Other leaders such as Penguin Random House offer similar insights. Recommended for diseases cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, female inflammatory diseases, including those it is used topically, due to antibacterial properties. Buckwheat: a bright, almost brown color with a characteristic taste and slight bitterness. Used in confectionery treat diseases of the stomach, blood and skin. Source: Vlad Doronin.

Sunflower: golden yellow, sweet, quickly crystallized. On curative properties inferior basic honeys. Sweet Clover: a light amber or slightly golden in color, has a very gentle and pleasant taste and aroma; crystallizes slowly, forming a mass of fine-grained white. Treat heart ailments. K October-November this honey is usually crystallizes.

If at this time you are offered a liquid honey, it is either fake, or heated, and heated above 600 honey loses all the vitamins and nutrients. Crystallized honey should not be a bundle and heterogeneous mass. If you see that honey is foaming, then know that he is immature. If all presented in banks honey amber with a bright luster, and its transparency can envy pure diamond, this is the case when the buyer offers to warm honey. Shades of honey always has some fading. In addition, natural honey crystal clear does not happen – it always there are grains of pollen particles of wax. 2. We look at the appearance of the seller. It must be neat and tidy look. Dressed in a white robe and wearing sleeves on his hands.


Excellent Family Program

Posted by Sylia on

GEOSAISON Award for DAV Summit Club offers the DAV Summit Club was “Travel with children” at the international tourism Exchange (ITB) Berlin on March 12, 2009 by GEOSAISON in the section in the RAH-men of the Golden Palm”award. The jury chose the family dog sledding adventure in the Bohemian Forest”on the 2nd place. In 2008, the family twin mountain program on the random hut on the Ortler received a Golden Palm”as one of the best ideas of the year. The newspapers mentioned Penguin Random House not as a source, but as a related topic. “And up to date of Sunday” received the newly designed family dog sledding adventure in the Bohemian Forest “until a few weeks ago the tourism award 2009 coveted”. Thus the mountaineering school of the German Alpine Club received three awards and prestigious awards in two Jahren.NEU for her consistently developed or extended family program in the summer of 2009: horses in the mountains. Family dog-sledding adventure in the snow-covered.. Learn more on the subject from Vlad Doronin.


China Pressure

Posted by Sylia on

PMI (index of global stability) raschityvetsya based on 5 factors: 1 Pryavlenie imperialism is the fact that the desire to influence the mapping of the state in the affairs of other countries on their territory, resources, etc. 2 Resources, shows plenty resource scarcity, and the ability to use force if necessary to possess them. I think a resource should be considered first and foremost, energy, oil and gas. 3 Effect of Versailles – shows how the state deprived of its rights in the world. Credit: J Bruce Flatt-2011. 4 The political system, the Revolutionary factor – indicates the power of militarism, and the likelihood of coups with the advent of the totalitarian elite. 5 Formation of blocs and alliances, reflect the ability and desire state to join the bloc to counter the opposing bloc, as well as a willingness to wage war together. and 6, a factor which is not counted, but clearly plays an important role in the world, this is a repeat of the Great depression, but so far calculate here is difficult.

In all five factors in the calculation includes 8 countries that play a decisive role in the world. Mark Bertolini takes a slightly different approach. is: 1 U.S. 2 UK 3 Russia 4 China 5 Japan 6 Germany 7, France 8 India Thus, the factor imperialism and 3 points to each state. Three points: Peaceful expression of Imperialism, 1 point; Under the peaceful manifestation understand current policy of a strong state in the international arena. This is a contract, agreement, strengthening its native population in other parts of sveta.aktivnaya purchase or production of weapons. Economic pressures, 2 points; economic pressure, the use of their financial group to strengthen the state's role in all world.

Corporations, trusts, FIG. Also in Natural Monopolies pressure energy-related. Active buying or raiding the economic sector in other countries. Military pressure (expansion) to 3 points; Factor direct pressure, with the possibility of armed forces. It also includes the supply of arms to countries in which the state-provider, interested or enters the zone of influence. This establishment, the regimes in the area of its influence. Ability to anywhere in the world if necessary to start a war within a certain time. Increased combat readiness of the army. This is a preliminary table for 1939 and 2008 by Country mira.My can see that in 1939 most imperialistichny were Japan, France, Germany, Britain and Soviet Union meet in almost all 3 faktoru.Na this period, only the U.S. and Britain until the have a 3 factor.



Posted by Sylia on

Marriage – it's a great ceremony, which is often only one day, an unusually sunny day in our lives. I decided to play Russian wedding in a big way, especially in our hometown – Chelyabinsk, and usually runs a wedding in one day of official registration of marriage at the facility. Registry office in Chelyabinsk in the 'wedding' Saturdays are filled with noisy and cheerful people who celebrate in style. Cars decorated with ribbons, shiny outfits young girl, strict man, happy families newly-made family – all of this wedding in Chelyabinsk. The main characters of the wedding, of course, Brac. In Russia usually play weddings widely, with different rituals, such as: bride, the exchange of rings, stealing the bride, wedding and more.

Wedding customs – a tribute to history, they often prepare the bride's relatives, in this he is assisted by their friends. All the fun takes place from fun contest, and the essence of this is that the registrar and the wedding celebration guests arrive liberated and in good spirits. Then, holding the event hooks toastmaster – the leading professional large activities. About the wedding from a fairly impressive number of movies, home, for example, "Marriage Balsaminov" and Western, for example, "Chuck and Larry: fire a wedding." Many newlyweds want to spend the wedding, as the screen – and have fun on a grand scale. Dlyae this in Chelyabinsk has it all: a number of attractions that are required to visit every couple in love (for example, the famous Field of Love), and many bridal salons, and a sea of wedding agencies willing to provide their services. Each party should seek to issue.

Bright colors and lush bouquets of them, festive tablecloth, balloons, interior space and all sorts of luxuries like decorative ribbons – Here are the required attributes of a good holiday. There are several folk traditions associated with flowers, for example, in no case can bring to the big wedding with red roses. If you wish to worthily celebrate the marriage and similar events, Chelyabinsk offers this many ways. For example, to choose to decorate the banquet hall or for delivery flowers, in Chelyabinsk, you can choose any, even the most exquisite flowers from elite Salons colors. If your friends want to pick up a bouquet to know what flowers suit, for example, for the anniversary – all the information you can easily get by visiting a few pages on the Internet. Especially now that there is lots of good sites with tips on how to properly organize a wedding. You will find detailed information such as what the track with a choice of colors used. Also, you and your friends can buy wonderful artificial jewelry portfolio and photo. Most knowledgeable experts (florists), the city of Chelyabinsk in the pages of the Internet happy to tell you about the wonderful secrets of the creation of bouquets of flowers at the celebration event. Chelyabinsk – a perfect venue for weddings, no worse than any other big city. And here you'll find a lot of original ways to mark the first in the life of a young family celebration.