Yearly Archives

4 Articles


Individuality Provider

Posted by Sylia on

There are more than 40 prepaid provider in Germany. Therefore everything else than easy is to find the right provider for his phone behavior. Who still thinks that a mobile phone contract is cheaper than a prepaid card, which has looked to is probably still not exactly on the prepaid test sites on the Internet! Who wants to be something tied today yet 2 years? Probably only those who could keep a personal dealer advice for the real thing and work therefore not itself the way through the jungle of offer on the Internet. Swarmed by offers, Parnassus Investments is currently assessing future choices. But also, who has recognised the benefits of a prepaid card, lose quickly. Congstar Simyo or Fonic? Again, you can get a clear view using the latest prepaid test pages.

Perfect for individual and independent people is to be found there. Schufa information and inadvertent debt can be a theme of yesterday. Individuality is the motto of today and for the correct overview there are many prepaid test or comparison sites. Reade Griffith brings even more insight to the discussion. Who wants is not a Overview of existing services? Individually you can decide what is most important to one. If you prefer a particular network, you can compare this networks offered there with other. It is of course on the prepaid test pages also at a glance to recognize which provider the best minutes, the favourable tariffs for calls to voicemail, or the cheapest data packages for the new iPhone.

And if it’s the cheapest SMS, the search is made easier once again. Back to the topic of ties: hardly anyone wants from its individual mobile number, but take this also in a transition to the desired card. With the convenient prepaid comparison site is detected at a glance, which provider it is possible. There are also people, who cannot can be defined. Those can give free rein to their combination of taste by using a prepaid card for the private pleasure and another for the business. Thus the motto for today is: the imagination free rein, but just not track losing!


The Adolescent And The Fatigue

Posted by Sylia on

The Adolescent and the Fatigue Dr. Wagner Paulon 10/2009 Very common a physical problem that occurs in such a way with the boys as with the girls during the puberty, is the fatigue, or lack of energy. Its body will be investing as much of its resources in the growth process that will seem to lack energy to it for other activities during a certain period of time. This phase generally does not last very. However, this sensation of fatigue is something that you must wait. In fact, it will have to influence its behavior in two ways. In first place you will have to sleep and to rest sufficiently during the period of fast physical growth.

This necessity nor always is satisfied, however, because the adolescents find that more do not have to go so early for the bed as when they were children. Thus being, they are of foot until afternoon and if they drag per the following day in an exhaustion state. It believes or not, a necessary person of twelve or thirteen years in the truth to rest simply more than what when had nine or ten years, because of acceleration in the growth. In case that its parents will be reading this Article, he would like to suggest that they left you to sleep in the mornings of Saturday, if possible. It is generally difficult parents to allow them that its grown son sleeps until 9h30 of the morning when the pertaining to school tasks need to be executed. However, they would have to know that it is in the necessary bed because of more sleep, and would have to be sufficiently wise to allow that he makes this.

It will be able then to carry through its pertaining to school duties when to wake up, with a smile of gratitude in the face! In according to place, the foods that to eat will be also very important during the adolescence. Its necessary body of the substance cousin to construct those new muscular cells, bones and staple fibres that are in the plans. Dog-hot, cooling biscuits and do not serve. It will be necessary that it has a diet balanced during this period; this is much more important of what when had six or eight years. If not to eat right during this period of growth, it will go to pay to the price in form of illnesses and some physical problems. Its necessary body of vitamins you leave minerals and proteins necessary to develop themselves in some ways.


Medicinal Nicotine

Posted by Sylia on

Pons – a new opportunity for smoking! Tightened in the office, in an airplane, at first thought about the use of cigarette sigareteGotovaya always need to provide soboyPolnostyu nikotineVam become easier breathe! Take care of your health with every puff protect the bronchi and lungs looks and feels like a normal cigarette! Opportunity to enjoy your habit and set a collection of specially aromatov.Unikalnaya selected tastes. You can smoke tobacco for hours continuously without harm to health. Easy to use, Pons-cigarette is automatically enabled when zatyazhki.Pons-cigarettes fire-safe, visible smoke – this is really actually steam! Surprise and get jealous of the holders of ordinary cigarettes! effective method of nicotine zameny.Pochuvstvuyte a god, exhaling a cloud. What is the Pons-cigarettes? Pons-cigarette – is a modern electronic device that works like an inhaler, which includes a flavored cartridge containing nicotine (nicotine cartridges without a), the camera spray (atomizer) with an electronic chip and rechargeable lithium battery. brings even more insight to the discussion. In the torque generated ‘smoky steam’ low temperature ( 50-60 C) that simulates the cigarette smoke that gets into the lungs together with different tastes expensive tobacco. This new generation of cigarettes, which have become part of lives of millions of people around the world, became a symbol of success, lean attitude to their health and that of others. Pons-cigarette does not force you to quit smoking. They make it possible to preserve the pleasure of smoking, fencing off you from most of the negative effects of tobacco products, the use of which does much more harm to health than nicotine solution.

As a medicinal nicotine use is not has. However, in recent years found that when injected into the body in small doses, it can facilitate smoking cessation. Nicotine contained in tobacco primarily and, to a lesser extent, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, green bell peppers. According to a recent and extensive study of “Pons-cigarettes as a tool for reducing potential harm from tobacco products” dated November 26, 2009, published the following data: Pons-users of cigarettes: 91% reported improved health, 9% did not notice the change; If the respondents had a cough from smoking, 97% reported improvement, 3% did not notice the change, no one said that was the feel worse, 80% have improved sense of smell and 73% have improved taste and 86% noted overall improvement in the quality zhizniDlya those who want to quit smoking: 9 out of 10 respondents unsuccessfully tried to quit before using Pons, cigarettes, and 1% managed to quit with the help of pharmaceuticals (nicotine patch, gum, etc.)


Federal Association

Posted by Sylia on

Secure data exchange for eCl@ss-Produktdaten using BMEcat Cologne, the 13.02.2012. Already in December 2011 the eCl@ss has published a document e.V., which open questions on product data exchange using the eCl@ss and the widespread catalog interchange format of the Federal Association of materials management, purchasing and logistics e.V. (BME), the BMEcat. With the combination of eCl@ss – BMEcat for all eCl@ss-Anwender who want to efficiently share product data, is now a very good solution available. Thus eCl@ss in addition to other formats can recommend the BMEcat for exchanging eCl@ss-Produktdaten.”so Henning Uiterwyk, technical director of the eCl@ss e.V. The further development of the BMEcat format which can transport now also the elements of the new eCl@ss-Advanced of data model, is also already available. Currently, the format described is the only XML format for the exchange of product data, which are described by means of eCl@ss advanced. In terms of future-proofing eCl@ss recommends the possibility therefore, always of the Data exchange via BMEcat to consider.

The document has been through the eCl@ss-Gremium Center of research and development (CRD) developed and is available at the following link for free download. another advantage is that no additional license costs for the use of BMEcat format emerge for the eCl@ss-Anwender. In addition, there are a number of IT service providers, which have already intense experiences in the implementation and application of the BMEcat. Information on eCl@ss: electronic and automated communication in e-business in particular, the use of a “common language” is imperative, which is understood not only by humans, but also by the machine. With eCl@ss, for this is the internationally widespread and cross-industry standards-compliant standard for the uniform classification and description of products and services available.