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Tension Breath

Posted by Sylia on

Much of the value of the massage depends on sensitivity, the dexterity and the hands of the person who makes the manipulation. In the measure that the massage is a function of the touch, the person must be always in contact with the FEELINGS of the massageada person. BREATH the importance of a correct breath for the physical and mental health is subestimada by the majority of the doctors and therapists. Knowing that the breath is essential to the life, and that the oxygen supplies energy. We understand that an inadequate breath reduces the vitality of the organism. The common complaint of fatigue and exhaustion is generally not attributed the breath to me. However DEPRESSION and the FATIGUE is resulted right-handers of me the breath. Further details can be found at Danske Bank, an internet resource.

It does not have good metabolic combustion in the absence of enough oxygen. In chronic cases me the breath the arteries are contracted and have a fall of the number of hemcias. The majority of the people breathes badly. Its breath is superficial and has one strong trend of arrests it in situations of estresse, exactly in estresse simple, as in the act to direct an car, situations to type a letter or to wait to be received in a consultation or interview. The result is an increase of the Tension. When the people become conscientious of its Breath, they perceive how many times arrest (they stop to breathe) and they inhibit as it. The inadequate breath provokes anxiety, irritability and tension (cases of claustrofobia, and diverse psychological riots) serious Difficulties can lead to the panic. The human being such limit the Breath therefore to breathe produce feared sensations as Fear, Sadness, Anger Since first infancy we learn to control the emotions stopping the Breath, I cry in such a way it was contained happened of the anger, fear, since you drink we test behaviors acceptable In such a way all the muscular groups were involved in this Task of ' ' conter' ' , thus the Muscular harnesses of character are fixed that deform the body creating Chronic Contractions that had later diminished the Capacity to express feelings, to enter in contact with self (itself exactly) and to go deep themselves as person.


Society Definition

Posted by Sylia on

However, we perceive that this understanding was lost. It does not have plus a definition of polar regions: asset or liabilities, good badly, young man and outlaw. Today, he seems to have me a so great similarity to the point to have difficulties for distinguiz them. Outlaw and young man only break up themselves for the first name, or who knows for the nickname, but they are elements of one same substance: the man. The films, books and soap operas present the rivalry of the evil with the evil. A chaotic society does not present as well as the ideal of quality of life and the proper certainty of the best moral, but, evidently, ' ' law selva' ' as source of a new moral, the moral of the chaos; or, in the truth, the amoralism of the chaos. Get more background information with materials from MetLife. The social relations had been conturbadas.

Hardly we perceive the supreme valuation of the love, the romance and the afetuosidade, since the celeridade of the social relations stimulates the perception of the relationship for adhesion contract, easy of being discarded, rejected. We believe that the capitalism attributed to value to the relationships and the emotions, becoming the man each more insensitive and frigido time to the human heat and the feelings. The immediate projection of the social relations transforms the society emptying me of the Christian moral understanding that has in me, does not confess in a desregrada forest of any pure Christian moral sustentation (exempt of liberal hermeneutics). It has, in the truth, a material anarquismo of rules human beings. A penalty! Distanciar the man of any Christian moral reference, or simply to relativize this understanding, does not become the man best nor neither less overwhelming.

For certain, the society one more time leaves losing with this teratolgica desconstruo the specific certainty of what being the good and what being the evil. In short, with all it evidences, the man to lose its central point of balance and reference (family, religion, moral etc.). thus, if the society currently already is condemned to the estupefato chaos, imagines years to the front. Let us reflect!



Posted by Sylia on

then, had to the traditional description of the differentiation of functions, where the man would have to occupy with the labor activities, whereas the women would be in charge them domestic functions, was in fact a to be broken barrier, an ideological value that the women had had to face to search its space in the current economic and social conjuncture, and, therefore the effect of this implication still endorse in a context contemporary, thus providing the different women conditions of work in comparison the reality lived deeply for the men. This implication is characteristic that still happens of the existence of the sort inaquality, that also is propitious phenomenon and of some form it pro finishes to fall again into practical of moral siege against the women. Then, using itself of this quarrel to understand that even so the women come gaining new spaces throughout the years, the feminine situation not yet is one of the best ones, that is, not yet if of the one of igualitria form, it sees that this problem falls again, therefore, of the inaquality of sort, treated to follow. 4,3 Inaquality of Sort in the Work To speak in sort inaquality with approach in the work questions means to understand the relations of being able existing between men and women. As already firmed previously, the feminine ascension was not given of homogeneous form throughout the time, therefore, exactly with the increasing busy space for the women in the market of work, the best jobs, the wages highest, and the great positions politicians, among others, still then in significant concentration of the men. It is lamentable to describe that these characteristics still send of one old discriminatory ideology, where the inaquality traces have its explanation in the traditional separation of papers between men and women. The preference of certain companies for the act of contract of men, instead of women, possess as basic explanation the concept of productivity and costs on social changes. .