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The Reformation

Posted by Sylia on

2,1 Challenges of the Public administration by means of the Reformation of the Brazilian State the challenges of one politics of common governana to all the citizens permeiam for a debate and formularization of public politics that have distinct perspectives looking for to modify the public administration and to stimulate the participation of the society in the taking of decisions and its insertion in the social movements which has the power to implement and to guarantee the collective rights. The Reformation of the Brazilian State lode to structuralize the process of culture of the society for a conquest in the space politician on the part of the social actors nom free and equal social context for all the citizens, contributing for the redemocratizao of the Country, the magnifying of the popular participation in the subjects politicians, the changes and the relations between express government and society in the great letter of 1988, where the paper of the collectives widely is detached. In this in case that, the Reformation of the State aims at to decentralize the actions of the government and to detach the power politician in contraposition to the historical trend from the centered administrative power at the hands of the governmental machine. This made possible the participation of the institutionalized participativos instruments, taking the society to organize themselves and to pressure the government for the democratic opening in the institucional questions, social politics and. In regards to the Reformation of the Brazilian State, for Figueiredo and Limongi the argument of the Executive one is not true when it alleges that the Legislative one has not collaborated with the effort to change Brazil, and to implement necessary reforms in the intention of changes of the Brazilian State. 3. The PAPER OF the STATE AND the MODELS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION the paper of the State is not only summarized in intervining in the market, but it must have the capacity to articulate with the institucional relations of public interest when the market not to take care of the necessities of the citizen, for questions relations they are not melindradas and they obstruct the beginning of the order and of social justice. .