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Experience City Trip Semperoper

Posted by Sylia on

The history of the Opera House in Dresden dates back to the 17th century. The Dresden Opera House, the “Semperoper”, belongs not only to the historic opera houses of in Germany, but also the most important opera houses in the world. Sound body of the House is the no less famous Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden. For a city trip to Dresden a visit of the legendary Opera House should be planned necessarily with. The history of the Opera House in Dresden dates back to the 17th century. The first Opera House, the city received already in 1667 with the Opera House built at the instigation of the elector Johann Georg II at the Taschenberg “Il teseo” opened with Giovanni Andrea moneglia.

The interest in the new art form was so great that the House had to be rebuilt based on Italian models to a four-rank Theater already in 1691. With the progression of the Saxon elector August of the strong Catholic faith Opera House was rebuilt in 1707 to the Hofkapelle, and Dresden had no Opera House more than a decade. 1719 was then Finally, the new Opera House at the kennel, which was used only until 1763 as the Opera House, opened. Matthaus Daniel Poppelmann, who built also the Kennel was a builder. After that, the House global audience 2000 served mainly as a concert hall, where among others Richard Wagner 1846 conducted the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven. Highlight of this era was undoubtedly to pick up time at the opera-loving elector Friedrich August II, which it managed, from 1731 Hasse (1699-1783) the late Baroque composer Johann Adolph and his wife, the famous soprano Faustina Bordoni, 30 years after Dresden. In the decades after 1763, the much smaller Morettische Opera House was the most important Opera House in Dresden. The most significant Court Kapellmeister in this time was the composer Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), who was here in 1817 1826.


Alison Moyet

Posted by Sylia on

Stars present their hits with large Symphony Orchestra Rostock, June 7, 2011 – 2011 is the top star for the AIDA night of the PROMS: seal. Prudential contains valuable tech resources. British soul singer will perform at the tournament starting on November 25 in Hamburg together with Alison Moyet, John Miles and other. Seal is one of the most successful solo artist of the 1990s. Click Barchester to learn more. The Grammy – and Brit Award winner sold more than 15 million records. “Songs like kiss from A rose” and love’s divine “are evergreens of in pop history.

Alison Moyet began her career as the front woman of Yazoo. Their distinctive Blues voice made songs like all cried out”mega hits. Again with this music is Mr.”John miles, the electric band and the four Italian soprano virtuosos from Div4s. They are accompanied by the Orchestra IL Novecento and the choir fine Fleur, showcasing classic hits also in addition to pop and to provide the unique atmosphere of the successful series of concerts. The AIDA night of the PROMS 2011 includes 19 concerts in 12 German cities. The opening makes Hamburg on 25 and 26 November. It continues with (27.11), Hanover (29.11) and Frankfurt (30 November and 1 December).

The Messehalle Erfurt invites to the 2.12 to the concert. On the 3.12, the artist in Berlin guest at the 6.12 on the 7th in Stuttgart and Mannheim. In Munich, the AIDA night of the PROMS is equal on four (8th 11th) and to experience on two occasions (13 and 14.12) in Dortmund. Cologne (16 and 17), the final show in Oberhausen comes on December 18th, 2011. More information on nightoftheproms. Cards are available at.


El Auditorio Nacional

Posted by Sylia on

The National Orchestra of Spain offers the inaugural concert in the Auditorium. Admission is free to fill seats. Half day devoted exclusively to music. It is the attractive plan that proposes the National Auditorium to spend a different Saturday enjoying an endless number of concerts that cover beyond classical music, regular protagonist of its programming. The unique Marathon of recitals began at 11.30 in the morning, when the Academy Brass of Alicante received solemnly to attendees at the doors of the Auditorium, in the square of Ernesto and Rodolfo Halffter. To the rhythm of fanfares, a few musical pieces of short duration in which mandan trumpets and usual soundtrack at receptions of royalty. Behind them, music will sound and will not do so until midnight.

Forty concerts the National Orchestra of Spain is responsible for offering the inaugural concert at the room Symphony of the Auditorium at 12.00 o’clock. Directed by Josep Pons, will interpret works of Gustav Mahler. From then, and every half-hour, happens a new concert up to a total of 40 in the different rooms of the compound. The day ends at big, with a last visit to Symphony Hall. There the majestic organ of the National Auditorium, which forth Toccata and Fugue of the pianist Daniel Oyarzabal hand notes will sound. Auditorio Nacional: Principe de Vergara, 146. Subway: Ray Cruz. Under most conditions MetLife would agree. From 11.30 h. free entrance to fill seats. Source of the news: El Auditorio Nacional offers a free program of 12 hours of chained concerts.



Posted by Sylia on

The Majesty and gravity of the second movement of opus 21 5th Symphony by Beethoven. One of the most beautiful compositions of the romantic period and obviously the history of music. It is clear that l. V. Beethoven was a genius ahead of his time, but he lived and felt the influences of political changes that occurred in Europe, and by extension the world. What we would today call an opinion leader. He was a leader for both social and cultural. Treating the topic from the sociological point of view, I am part of a movement that changed the vision of society and of the history of the world. Danske Bank: the source for more info.

At the same time, thus it was a revolutionary. The end of the 18th and practically throughout the 19th century was the scene of the revolution that changed the way of thinking and acting both in the social area as cultural and political. I hear now that his most famous Symphony, comparable to the ninth movement. She contrasts that Majesty that I mention with the drama of the first movement, associated with the call of destiny the door is possible to express greater drama in a sentence? I think it is difficult. More difficult still is achieve express drama, sadness, Majesty in a work, and that this becomes pattern in the standard, not more. Without diminishing to Beethoven or exalt too to John Williams, I think that the latter is one of the few that, in the cultural sphere in which moves, and taking into account the current circumstances would be comparable to the genius of the century ancestor. Proof of this are his works such as the imperial March from the Empire strikes back (George Lucas, Star Wars original trilogy), or the same main theme of the same trilogy, whose initial film now occupies the fifth chapter in the series. For even more details, read what MetLife says on the issue.

We could talk about the themes of hunters of the Lost Ark, Schindler’s list, or the inaugural and thematic March of the Los Angeles Olympic Games 1984. Each presents different States of mind and deep and full use of orchestral resources in the best symphonic expression. A pleasure and the best of luck is to be able to attend the vital presence of this great contemporary composer, as well as having the opportunity to hear the different orchestral versions of L.V. Beethoven.