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Castells Family

Posted by Sylia on

According to exactly author, in the traditional conception, the family is constituted of a group of parents and children, or, in a more including direction, also including relatives next. This concept corresponds to the notion of nuclear family or extensive family, but family understanding got excited, mainly, in the decade of 90. In such a way, the family concept is inserted in ampler an ideological system, at the same time where it develops and it reproduces a system of proper values. Another factor mentions the transformations technological, providing to controls on the reproduction human being to it. For the author, it is the movement feminist, with impact in the sphere of the work and the elimination of any form of oppression or inaquality of being able. Beyond these factors, the author mentions the diffusion of a new identity of the woman, decurrent of the feminine emancipation. Salient Castells (1999), that the adjournment of the formation of the couples, derived from the difficulty to make compatible marriage, work and life, as well as the formation of relationships without legalized marriage, had contributed to weaken the patriarcal and institucional authority.

For it, ' ' these trends indicate the end of the family as the one that we know so far: not only the nuclear family, but based in the patriarcal domain, that has predominated has milnios.' ' (CASTELLS, 1999, P. 174). These alterations in the familiar structures disclose that what he is in game ' ' it is not the disappearance of the family, but its deep diversification and the change of its system of poder.' ' (CASTELLS, 1999, P. 177). In accordance with Axe (2005, P. 319), are perceived that the family notion involves a complexity currently, in the measure where different forms coexist in the same culture, representing a differentiated composition of the traditional and patriarcal nuclear family, as much for its integrant ones and the redifinio of being able.