Yearly Archives

31 Articles


March Krolikiewicz

Posted by Sylia on

Seal of quality the online booking portal premium was awarded with the quality seal ServiceQualitat for more professional tourism services. The occasion was the year’s international tourism exchange in Berlin (ITB). Magdalena Krolikiewicz, owner of the operator portal, received the certificate and the badge with the big Q by the Minister for science and industry in Saxony-Anhalt, Prof. Dr. Brigitta Wolff, as well as the former Prime Minister of Anhalt, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bohmer. Preceded the award was a long certification process, in which the company intensively had to deal with the own service quality and customer expectations.

Now the work really begins”for the next three years the company has committed itself, again and again to question their own quality of service and to improve continuously. The seal of quality is linked to conditions which must comply with the company: each year eight new service ideas have developed and to be implemented. With the certification, we have taken the first hurdle, but now the work starts really”, says the 29-year-old. The first measure was implemented a few days ago: the site premium was reissued in March and in new splendor. For the first year of certification the company intends among other things, to become active Facebook, Twitter and Google + social networks. Our goal is not to provide a wide range of accommodation.

It is much more important, that the apartments to us fit and meet the expectations of our customers”, says Magdalena Krolikiewicz. To ensure this, each object on the ground by us will be visited”. Premium accommodation the online agency portal provides exclusive vacation homes in Germany. The focus is currently on the destinations of resin and Dresden, the inclusion of other travel destinations in Germany is already in planning.


Matthias Ries Forest Park Road

Posted by Sylia on

The Hugeltier water-loving was originally intended as a splash toy for children. After the large crowds on the small Gummitierchen the Aqua Dromedary unceremoniously became the mascot of the entire bathroom and finds himself now on the entrance wall of the bath. More suitable constructional measures are planned. The target group of the Hockenheimer leisure bath proved to be in market research among socio-demographic parameters completely heterogeneous and diffuse. Only the price consciousness is a consistent element in the structure of the visitors. Therefore provides the communication, which mainly focuses on event communication, always the positive voltage ratio of price and performance at the Center. The aquadrom has 35,000 square metres of open space and a new sauna landscape in the Asian style.

In addition to the 25-meter lap pool, it offers a diving pool with one meter Board and three-meter Tower, a bathing area with non-swimmers area, hot tub and Lazy River, as well as a fun area with waterfall. The 72-metre long giant slide with several changes of direction, light effects, Flash and starry sky completes the bathing. The bathroom offers the calmer minds a 32 degree warm salt-water pool with massage jets and underwater sounds. Waiting for the newly renovated sauna area with a wide range of saunas: herbal sauna with 75 degree, log cabin sauna and fire sauna with 90 degrees, a 60 degree warm aroma sauna with light, sounds and fragrances, as well as a steam bath with 45 degrees, 1,600 square metres of NUDIST-garden with plunge pool and outdoor swimming pool, a comfortable relaxation area as well as Kalttauch – and outdoor swimming pool. The magnolia gmbh advertising agency was founded in 2002. You has ten employees and has its headquarters in Mannheim, Germany. In addition to major customers such as ABB, Bauer fruit juices, CinemaxX, Dorint, G + H, graeff halls – and container construction, Granini or Golden toast know from numerous regional customers in Mannheim and the surrounding area the owner-operated full-service agency such as Aquadrom Hockenheim, BMW Mannheim, Cineplex-Mannheim, Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra, metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar, city of Heidelberg or Weldebrau.


Symphony Orchestra

Posted by Sylia on

‘I’d love, it if our plates between Dylan and the Beatles would be!’ ( (sk) just only Asaf Avidan had biggest honor in the homeland of Israel: an additional show with 40-member Symphony Orchestra had to be scheduled to meet the immense interest of the audience after a sold-out performance on the stage of the Opera House in Tel Aviv. Knighted in such musically, Asaf Avidan & the mojos will demonstrate in this country in April/May in lineup, that their English alternative folk rock live Club is at least as good. The tour takes back the 30-year old voice wonders Asaf Avidan with band in five halls, on whose stages he knew already 2010 live to inspire. The release of their second Studio album Poor Boy / lucky man offers best occasion for the revisiting of Germany”(Sony Columbia, Vo: 15.4.). To merge the son of diplomat with the distinctive falsetto and his musical influences from folk, 70s- and indie-rock, blues and Americana. Enriched with contemporary elements, cello sounds, mouth harmonica deposits and last but not least his passionate distinctive vocals of handmade original sound that became the musical figurehead of the five-member band arises.

This is one of the most popular acts of their generation in the country and already opened shows for the who and Morrissey. In this country, last chance to the concert in intimerem framework consists in April/May. Tickets cost in advance 20 (plus fees). Asaf Avidan & the mojos – Poor Boy / lucky man “tour 30.04.11 Frankfurt nightlife (EL: 19:00, 20:00 B:) 02.05.11 Munich ampere (EL: 20:00, B: 21:00) 03.05.11 Cologne Gloria (EL: 19:00, B: 20:00) 05.05.11 Bielefeld Forum (EL: 20:30, 21:00 B:) 07.05.11 Hamburg – bad & dangerous (EL: 19:00, B: 20:00) 09.05.11 Berlin – Frannz Club (EL: 20:00, 21:00 B:) cards: tickets to 20.–euro (plus fees) at the ticket outlets and at” (Ticket hotline: 01805 570 000, 0.14 / minute, mobile prices max 0.42 per minute), (hotline: 01805.4470 0.14 / minute, mobile prices max 0.42 per minute) as well as tour organiser: KBK concert and artist agency GmbH, Tel. 089.411094-0 links: mymojolove, findlovenow, public relations:, Tel.


French State

Posted by Sylia on

His brother Paul also moved a finger to help her. Mother and son not acceded to it to visit or to which maintained correspondence with anyone. In 1917 died Rodin, a nail more on his coffin. It is not known whether he wanted to or not to attend his funeral, but the truth is that came out of the institution. On 19 October 1943, alone, in total neglect, forgotten by all, and with the majority of his works destroyed by his own despair died at the sanatorio de Montdeverguer (moved it there in 1914).

He wrote: I have not done everything that I’ve done to end my life in a sanitarium, he deserved something more. If the last years of his life were tragic, his burial was working on the Colophon. Or his own brother (diplomat, playwright and poet) attended the funeral. It was buried in a grave without a name, so only an inscription: 1943 No. 392.

But the spirit of Camille revoloteaba in the Parisian atmosphere. The death of Paul Claudel in 1955 lifted the veto which had been in the family about Camille Cludel and their descendants wanted to give a dignified burial. They were in contact with the leaders of Montdeverguer to claim the remains. The institution replied that had been disposing of the casket, placed in a small cemetery, because they needed the space for an expansion of the hospital. Oblivion, death and, sadly, disappearance. The first creations of Claudel are marked by the influence of his mentor, Rodin, although with a personal and feminine touch. But then frontally oppose him. Auguste Rodin is soon praised and, conversely, Camille, will be plunged into oblivion not only the own Rodin but his family and stuck in a hell that will take you to retire in life. Camille exhibited regularly and in 1895 received an official commissioned by the French State.


Flores Azules

Posted by Sylia on

The world of flowers offers a variety of beautiful shades and colors, which are its beauty and smells can captivate the attention of anyone, since a beautiful flower can make people see the immense beauty that takes the nature and that often leaves perceive, but there are a few flowers or types of flowers that can be made to feel much more that eye candy and purity of nature and are blue flowerswhich have a very nice tone, can be said that the tone of these flowers is almost a cake, there tone that refers as much to its beauty. As I was mentioned earlier the blue flowers can reach have a pastel tone, there are others that have a clear blue color, however there are others that may have an almost purple tone, this depends on the type of seed to sow, since each seed has a variation and may each come out very blue, others suddenly are a little more pale, finally there are many factors that can influence the fact that blue flowers come out in such a way, among other factors that make or favour that flowers blue effectively have this color is the composition of the soil, that if this highly acidified soil will make certain flowers that vary in color, actually blue flowers, to achieve this effect generally applies to a garden or in an open space aluminum sulfate, but if the flowers are in a pot would be ideally use citric acid, which will cause that the substrate becomes acid, another way for flowers that are a color clear, becomes flowers blue is making a process much more artificial, because not working with the Earth that once has been cut flower, blue adheres him through a dye or a spraywhite flowers, can thus be converted to blue flowers, a way is putting the stem in a small bowl with dye and flower stalk begins to absorb the liquid to carry it to the petals and so white flowers or tenuous shades blue flowers, shall be made which would be a process similar to the absorption of the element that are in the soil and therefore its effect lasts more, as in the It takes, another way is to apply a spray or put the petals in a dye so that they change to blue color, which is a very quick way to make the change, but as the hard tone less time is necessary to clarify that this is a way of doing the flowers turn blue, it is best get blue flowers that are so naturally, since they are much more beautiful, the colors are permanent and a high variety and range of tones that has no comparison with the tones that are made in a manner controlled or artificial, so if you want to see all the beauty of blue flowers is better to get them by simple natural process, unless it is a flower in particular is not the variety of blue tone and for that reason the process becomes so that is of such color. Original author and source of the article.


The Constitution

Posted by Sylia on

Thus, Plato created a system of low social mobility, but to allow the promotion and degradation of citizens in its merits. Portrait of a form of meritocracy, which can be understood as the first criterion for the Justice of the city-state Republican, also be used as a criterion to occupy the places mentioned in the society, the natural capabilities of each individual by measuring skills with the skills developed in each State or private. Therefore, according to this idea, platonic Justice proposes that the man is dedicated to his work, and the fundamental principles of the division of labour (social skills) were present since the formation of the City-State. He stressed the commitment to equality in Plato the intention, the main premise of his concept of justice. Maintain the stability of the State, through legal norms to ensure the effectiveness of the division of tasks which could be questioned by the principle of freedom, ends up being suffocated by law. Kelsen identifies an insurmountable problem in theory formulated by Plato, the absence of a material content of the law, i.e.

the notion of Justice is based on metaphysical criteria. Material of the law is absent in the thinking of the Greek philosopher and Kelsen aims not to justice, therefore, a simple rule of proof in the Constitution is not enough to achieve justice alone. Kelsen reveals that the Constitution, do not represent Plato law, but only the production method to govern on the basis of education. The Constitution has a platonic pedagogical content much more than legal or political. Afer also applies to double between good and bad for Plato is a tonic to define her idea of Justice, as well as noted Kelsen, Plato does not recognize through the perception of the senses. The object of knowledge is beyond the senses, or is outside the scope of the dialectic is experience.


Textile Bags Trend

Posted by Sylia on

The cotton bag between accessory and statement everywhere dangle on the shoulders of passers in the shopping street and the underground, students and pupils for her forgo backpacks, Feierwutige Crown her party outfit with them briefly: fabric bags may no longer be reduced to their function, to transport the week end in purchases. Today they are rather as a fashion accessory and political statement against the wasteful throwaway. And just out of this idea was developed 30 years ago the cloth bag. Dear jute as plastic!’ was the motto of the politically active youth. Also today, the jute bag is carrier by slogans and messages, because their large external surfaces allow plenty of space for personal statements in the form of printed or embroidered. Who would be so even a part of meaningful trends, formulated the own entrepreneurial Maxim in a scarce set of provocative and can be applied to the fabric it. Reasons why the fabric bag is a good advertising medium much is a constant companion, comes around ‘ and is seen.

It has a high value for the customer. (Capacity: mobile key, paperback, running shoes, sweater, wallet, water bottle – only now fully ‘!) It is unisex. She is a eco-friendly! It is not thrown away out of conviction. It is opinion makers ‘! It is located in the trend. Bags with company logos or advertising messages are inexpensive to manufacture. Anna Zens – absatzplus Agency for promotional products


Crowned Of Glory

Posted by Sylia on

The Park San Martin is one of the most traditional strolls of the capital cuyana, that with its abundant vegetation and points of interest attracts so much the premises as to the tourism. Closely together of the main hotels of Mendoza, nobody can stop visiting this true green lung of the city. In the park San Martin a temperature reigns, in average, 4 degrees inferior to the one of suffocating asphalt. From which summer one becomes the rallying point forced of the mendocinos, that usually remain there, enjoying the green one, until high hours of the dawn. But for who arrives from visit at Mendoza, the park offers many other attractiveness to discover to each step. The main one of them is, without doubts, the imposing Hill of the Gloria.

With its 960 mts of height, reward the ascent giving to intrepid a spectacular panoramic view of the city. The passage enters the entrance the park and the access to the hill is ranging of points in which it is worth the pain to pause. Like the Zoological mendocino, the Museum of Archaeology, precious sources of different styles and the not less beautiful lake of the park. In the point in which the way begins to wind, ascending slowly towards the top of the hill, is the popular Greek amphitheatre Frank Day Rosemary, with capacity for 23000 spectators. There the celebration of closing of the Celebration of the Grape harvest is realised every summer and it crowns a new queen. But the amphitheatre is soothes of all type of artistic and musical spectacles at diverse times of the year. Already in the top of the hill, the Monument of the Mother country to the Army of the $andes receives the visitors. Its imponencia surprises: one is an impressive mass of 14 tons of bronze, builds of the Uruguayan sculptor Juan Manuel Ferrari.

The stones that conform the tower truncate, bases of the monument, were brought of the sanmartiniana locality of Uspallata. The frisos of bronze that surround the tower, as well as the central sculptural set that the crown, recreates scenes of the liberating campaign and pays tribute to the thousands of men and women who made the deed possible. Each image keeps, in addition, a rich symbolic meaning, that the visitors they can play to discover. And perhaps while one struggles if the patricias mendocinas had or nonbad face when giving their jewels, what better than to undertake the reduction to continue enjoying this true jewel of the tourism in capital Mendoza. Jorge Alberto Guiazu Hotels in Mendoza


Site Layout

Posted by Sylia on

In the HTML code containing only the data and their structure and representation, that is, the appearance is kept separately in a file styles CSS. This structure makes it easy to change the appearance without affecting the code of web pages. For example, you can create different styles to display and print, and do not need to create a separate page specifically for printing. Except Furthermore, this separation allows you to divide work of specialists, when engaged coder layout and design – designer. And, finally, separation of content and appearance allows you to sites with changing external views.

A visitor can choose the style of the site is suitable for him, the choice will be remembered for future visits. Using semantic markup easier registration of all identical elements in the same style. Sufficient to describe the style in the file of CSS, and you can not worry about the appearance of newly added items. In addition, the simplified procedure for adding new documents created in word processors. Often materials Site is written in a text editor Word. There is a simple means of transforming the headlines, selection lists, and other elements in the corresponding elements of HTML.

If the application tag in layout differs from the standard convert Word document to a Web page must manually if there is a desire to preserve the original formatting. Semantic markup makes it easier to structure the code of web pages and avoid many unnecessary structures. While the average user does not see the code, the search engine spiders work with it, and literate code helps in promoting the site. Semantic layout helps significantly the internal search engine optimization Web pages, which is especially important for the promotion of mid-range and low-frequency queries. And in moving to high-demand optimization allows a few to save money on increasing the reference mass.


Great Dictator

Posted by Sylia on

The ambassadors or foreigners who visited the Sultn of Istambul, rambling by the gardens, ran into with the deprived residence of the Sultn and heard this word like indication of which they could not go further on. The correct word is ” Serrallo”: Part of the Muslim house where they inhabit the women, or set of all the women who live under the dependency of a Muslim head of family. In the western masculine fantasy, this word suggests polygamy; sexual slaves prepared to satisfy desires with its gentleman. Hebefilia: With this word those are identified that feel sexually attracted by the adolescents. Lees: They are denominated thus to the remainders of the digestion that are expelled by the anus.

The people who are excited with the vision, the expulsion, the game or the tasting of lees denominate coproflicos to them; if it is the urine, uroflicos are called. Hermafrodita: The hermafroditas are people with sexual characters of man and woman. They must his name to the son of Hermes and Aphrodite that was born with these characteristics: penis, testicles and sines; for that reason it received the name of Hermafrodito. Hetairas: During centuries IV and V a. Cs., in Greece, existed called women hetairas who were the equivalent of geishas in Japan. They were women very educated and gorgeous. Many of them were the models of the classic sculptors; some, actresses who served like company to the men public in the highest step as prostitution.

And they were the unique free women who were in the century of Pericles. They had properties and they managed his immense fortunes. They remained unmarried and some when they retired created schools of seduction for free women. Like example, of its power in the Greek masculine society, we have to Aspasia; inteligentsima and beautiful lover of Pericles that governed next to him and advised him with wisdom in all the questions of state. Heterosexuals: The heterosexualidad is the preference by a companion of different sex. Like homosexuality, this inclination, comes determined by genetic, hormonal and social factors. The majority of the modern biologists thinks that the heterosexualidad is the manifestation of the human bisexuality. Higrofilia: Higrofilia is called to the sexual excitation brought about by the contact with corporal secretions between which are the tears, the saliva, the semen or the snots. For that reason some people practice the call nasolingus, that is a oriented caress to savor snots of the other. Or salirofilia, that is the excitation brought about by the flavor of the sweat. Or the vampirismo, the suction of a bleeding wound. Homilofilia: It is called thus to the sexual excitation brought about to listen to or to give to sermons or speeches. One tells that Hitler was excited sexually during their speeches; It thus express it to Charlot in parodia that does of this in the Great Dictator.