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2 Articles


Sell More

Posted by Sylia on

As you know from experience, the “market stability” is a concept that has to be set aside. In today’s global economy, the crisis is a permanent and continuous, and in this new economy, the fall or the rebound of a company, country or the bag is immediately reflected in other, hence the thinking “to my Business Enterprise or not it can happen, “can be safely painfully unreal. In this new situation of flux, perform familiar actions such as the “traditional” bank financing for our business operations, often not possible. The Bank, as always, afraid of situations that do not control, chooses to become an “exclusive banking, giving money only to those who already have money. Of course there are always limited loans to companies not as solvents, but prohibitive costs and interest, which is not allowed to face the NEW TREND: steady decline in prices, by competitors with better cost structure Should we then be reduced to negotiate only with people and / or very solvent companies, respectful of your purchase orders and very punctual in their payments? …

is likely that your income does not cover their costs and reduce operations, is nothing to stop growing … and what does not grow dies addition may rely on the actions of “traditional”: Reduce your sales volumes and / or to the extent necessary Stocks (“with delays in deliveries, the anger of its clients, etc.?) Reduce the minimum operational level staff, keeping only the most capable and suitable to the interests of your company (VALID. But if you do as a policy STANDING gain much by replacing pawns for bishop), eliminate gifts (which today is going wrong .


Military Command

Posted by Sylia on

According to Pablo Freire: School is the place where if it makes friends, it is not only about building, rooms, pictures, programs, schedules, concepts School is, over all, people, people that work, that it studies, that is glad, if knows, if they esteem. The director is people, the coordinator is people, the professor is people, the pupil is people. the school will be each better time in the measure where each one if holds as colleague, friend, brother It is of this acolhedora school which they leave the instrumentistas, the creative artists, the multiplying artists of the culture. It is in it, also, that the social paper of the martial bands if makes important, because in it educating not only participates of a paradigm, but participates of a liberating formation, that teaches varied forms of contextualizar through music. Another important paper of the martial bands is the fact of it to go beyond the participation in the civic parade of 7 of September, it participates all of an intense programming during the school year, as for example: of the meeting of bands in the capital, in the neighboring cities and the interior, some leaving for other States. The bands also participate of competitions promoted for diverse institutions that produce these meeting, as, for example, in the decade of 80 she had a very important competition in Recife every year in Park 13 of May, organized for old the IV I exercise, today northeast Military Command. It was a competition moment, but to exactly time a chance institutions to show to the potential of its pupils, providing an enormous benefit to them for the social development. The social paper reveals there enormously enriquecedor. Another basic paper in the life of the participants of the band is the educational factor, because ahead of this process educating lives deeply its ethical values, ideological e, over all, the inclusive one.