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Posted by Sylia on

"Sinter Klaas" and "Zwarte Piet" – Christmas in the Netherlands while the children of Germany and Austria in particular on the 24th December is looking forward to this day for the Dutch children of rather less significance. Although Christmas is a church visit and a banquet on the program – but there are no gifts. By contrast, in Holland Sinterklaas – St. Nicholas – celebrated big. "Sinterklaas" – Gift Bringer and patron saint of "Sinterklaas" – that Santa Claus is called in Holland. He teaches the children not only the gifts, but he is also the patron saint of sailors.

On the last weekend in November Sinterklaas equipping the ports with a ship's visit. Dressed in a red mantle and bishop of the Episcopal hat, he rides on his white horse to land, accompanied by his servant, the "Zwarte Piet" (Black Peter). Rejoicing, he is greeted by large and small and it will be sung in honor songs. On the arrival of Sinterklaas, of course every child especially excited. Boots are filled with young boxers, and positioned so that forgets Nicholas also yes to anything. Also for his horse a snack will be provided: a bucket of water, a carrot and a little hay. In the Netherlands, is rumored that the Sinterklaas Zwarte Piet and at night from rooftop to rooftop ride and take small gifts into the chimneys.

When is the mess? The children in Holland do not receive their gifts on the 24th December, but on 5 same month. On the evening of that day will be held right family – and everyone, both children and adults each other gifts. For each gift, there is a perfect rhyme – a so-called Nicholas poem with which the family members make fun of each other. All these poems were from Sinterklaas himself signed. The Dutch enjoy – in the same period as we do – in their festively decorated Christmas tree. This will only set up but as soon as Sinterklaas leave the country again has – and on 6 December. Some are the same as traditional Christmas carols sung as ours – with Dutch text, of course. Also send out postcards with the best Christmas wishes is a nice gesture obtained. Gingerbread and marzipan and chocolate letters and coins are among the most popular snacks during the Sinterklaas time. Legend of the chocolate coins The gold coins made of chocolate can be attributed to a legend: an impoverished nobleman had no money for a dowry, and so were his three daughters as prostitutes to earn some money to earn a living. To help them, threw Bishop Nicholas – the patron of marriage and family – filled with three pieces of gold exchanges through the window in the room. So he kept the girls from a life in the gutter and also allowed them a dowry. Also testifies to this legend, the kindness and miracles of St. Nicholas.