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36 Articles


Marketing Sales

Posted by Sylia on

It should measure the impact of events on demand behavior, identify patterns in which sales may increase suddenly and investigate the causes of these behaviors to be able to weigh them and forecasting their impact towards future. It is necessary to measure the performance of forecast comparing actual value vs the pronosticado, identify causes and take action. It is very important to have a tool that allows modeling this kind of situations.Review and ConsensoCabe recorded as qualitative adjustments are will continue performing for those references in which the history of past events (promotions, advertising etc.), or those who were not studied during the meetings of predemanda has not been incorporated. Once generated, the Statistical forecasts are reviewed with the demand planning team in order to include those new products that should be predicted, which should be excluded from the forecast Statistician and finally those that require additional information. As result of this review will reach a consensus on the statistical prognosis. After reaching consensus on the statistical prognosis are formalized scheduled reviews which involves the departments of sales, Marketing, operations and management. The reasons for the additional changes include new planned promotions, winning or losing major clients, contraction of production, and actions directives orientadasa to align sales with strategic objectives of the company as the decision to promote a particular product to achieve the projected market share. Conclusion many companies taken as base forecasts generated from software to start its cycle of demand Planner, then make manual adjustments to knowledge of sales, marketing and operations group. To incorporate and formalize knowledge within the construction of forecasts basis can increase the accuracy of the forecast between 10% and 15% and reduces the manual settings in approximately 40%.


Portuguese Government

Posted by Sylia on

The indian lived in its natural habitat, without if to worry about the accumulation of wealth, however, for the ambition and interest of the conquerors the wealth of Brazil had started to be taken by the Europeans whom they had invested in its countries, deluding and enslaving the indians with objects of little value. They had introduced its culture had explored the forests of Brazil and had changed the way of life of the natives, had thus accumulated wealth in its countries. Later, the region that today corresponds to the South America was divided in two parts between Spaniard and Portuguese. This division attracted the attention of other countries, such as France, England and Holland that, in the same way had also acquired colonies in central America and North America. However, what it attracted the attention of as many Europeans had been the vegetal and mineral wealth. These extracted products were taken, transformed into products manufactured and vendidos in the colony the high prices.

It will be that today it is different of old? We can say that the financial difficulty, the unemployment and the poverty are inheritances in the way as the country was colonized, therefore, Brazil still is a developing country. The territory that today corresponds to Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese and is part of the context of exploration of the New World, whose objectives were to strengthen the power of the monarchs absolutists and to enrich to the s European nations. In 1500, with the arrival of the expedition commanded for Peter lvares Cabral, the Portuguese Government initiated the process of domination of Brazilian lands, recognizing them officially as a colony of Portugal, inside of the limits of the Treated one to Tordesilhas. Map of the Division of America for the Treated one to Tordesilhas For the map above perceives that, Brazil of century XVI did not present the same territorial extension of today.


Cement Production Application

Posted by Sylia on

Rotary kiln is a pyroprocessing device, which is mainly used to raise materials to a high temperature in a continuous process, as the common saying calcinations. does rotary kiln is usually used with the material as follows: cement, lime, refractories, metakaolin, titanium dioxide, alumina, vermiculite, iron ore pellets? etc. According to different material, rotary kiln can be divided into three types, cement kiln, metallurgy and limestone kiln kiln. The cement kiln is mainly used for calcimine of cement clinker; usually, it has two types, wet and dry. The kiln is used in metallurgy industry and ironworks, such as metallurgy lean iron ore, chromium ore and ferronickel ore calcimine. The lime kiln, also named active lime kiln, is used for roasting the active lime which is used in steel and ferroalloy works, and calcined dolomite works. In addition to cement production application, rotary cement kiln can also be used to magnetize lean magnetite ore and magnetized roasting of iron ore; Chromium, nickel-iron-oxidizing roasting; roasting high bauxite ore in refractory plant and roasting clinker and aluminium hydroxide in aluminum factory; roasting chromium ore and chromium ore ore in chemical plant.

Our company also produces lime rotary kiln in short as lime kiln, which is used for roasting active lime dolomite in steel and Ferroalloy Factor. Do do Equipment roasting kilns and cooling kiln heating source use of re-restore back to the converter, gas, electric, or coal, can be divided into the dry section, preheating and heating segment, heating the reaction section of three parts, reduction roasting the ore material temperature is 500-600?, into the cooling kiln, would like to be discharged after cooling the kiln outside watering, the roasted ore was cooled to 80? click. Rotary kilns there are high energy consumption, investment, kiln inner wall of the ease of ring formation phenomenon and higher production costs, the operating process control are higher and other shortcomings. Rotary furnace operation processes but mature, large capacity, high degree of mechanization equipment qualitative, cobalt Desde UNROASTED the restored the preferred. Flotation machine:


Behavior In The Basin

Posted by Sylia on

All of us in our lives who are often less likely anyone who even visited the pool constantly (who has yet to be …). After regular visits to the pool, the author decided to share with everyone (both newcomers and seasoned), unwritten rules which should be followed. Let's start from the beginning. When you visit most of the basin, it is necessary to carry flip flops (preferably rubber), a towel, shower gel (generally fine if it's 2 in 1 – shower gel + shampoo), wool (well, there individually), bathing suit (or swimming trunks, women – rubber cap in the supplement, you can buy on the spot) and a certificate from a doctor that you are allowed to visit the pool (as a rule, you can also get directly in the pool), is also desirable to immediately take the ticket, because You can count on a significant discount. Perhaps some useful points. Once you have everything you need and you cross the line dressing should be in accordance with its nomerkom received at the reception to open it.

After the dress and head to the shower (with shower gel). Take a shower and include a gel in the locker and go directly to the pool in which most cases is located just outside the shower. Give the key duty or install it yourself in the appropriate cell number (not to confuse the male and female keys, they are usually different colors). After the duty you tell how much you go out or detect the most time on the clock (in all the basins they weigh in a conspicuous place.) Usually stay "on water" is 40-60 minutes.


Planning Of The Day

Posted by Sylia on

Time management is to review and analyze our concepts on the proper application of the time. This article tries to explain the tools that can support the proper use of the time. Although this is focused on time management to an administrative application of production, manage time really means managing oneself, so you can optimize the performance of the time available. Time is a simple measure but time is the most precious natural resource that you have the time is well managed if: your personal sense of time should be aware of the value or the importance of the time of other people. A long day, it starts with a first step. Plan your day with a week in advance and in detail a day earlier. It is essential to discipline to organize the program of the day. The plan of the day, can take 15 minutes.

In reward for this investment of time, you calculate time limits for all tasks. He has worked according to his sense of priorities, you have surely made the most important tasks, and this is the most important time management. The plan of the day must be done at the end of the previous day. Or alternatively, they can be scheduled at the beginning of the day, allowing you to focus on the day which has ahead. Choose the best way to plan the day, and keep it. Decide specifically when it starts and ends the day, both at work and at home. Carlos Gallego creator of the course dominates Tu time rejoinder Tu productivity in 7 days, click original author and source of the article


International Airport Terminal II

Posted by Sylia on

Strategy. Formacion. RR. HH. Financing. Marketing. Markets. Internet. Risks. Logistic … Highlights of the internationalization andgt, investment and finance …
During recent years he has lived in a deep transformation Nacional Financiera, which has yielded results:
With a clear vision of customer needs, have been international best practices (innovation, aligning processes to a solid technology platform and quality certification) to meet the target.
Thanks to this, sales of telephone and internet Nafinsa represent more than 95 percent of the total, and Quadrant Asset Management its website is the second most visited site among the world’s development banks.
In fact, in 2007 was awarded as the best website in the world in the category ‘e-business’ by the World Summit Award contest, an initiative of the United Nations Organization (UNO).
Also, Nacional Financiera has been honored with the National Quality Award in Mexico and participated in contests at the international level of quality.
Through three channels’ production chains of large companies, financial intermediaries and manufactures electronic credit ‘move has been made to respond a bit more than 15 thousand small and medium enterprises in 2000, more than a million customers with it closed 2008. The balance of loan portfolio to the private sector of Mexico, which in 2000 was 18,720 million pesos, reaching 100 billion in 2008.
The other mandate of the National Finance, to contribute to the development of non-bank financial markets, also showed positive results. In this activity, the institution record revenue for seven years, have accumulated more than 7 billion pesos, representing resources that have helped clean up the balance sheet and modernize the institution to meet the small and medium enterprises.
Regarding the task of promoting public and private investment to boost business competitiveness, Nafinsa has dispersed before integrating efforts in the field of venture capital.
On the other hand, have been driven innovative schemes to finance large infrastructure projects, strategic as well as programs that support the stock guarantees placement firms in capital markets. In this way, Nafinsa once again his Forbes role as Investment Banking from the Mexican government.
In this sense, the largest credit union in history, to finance the International Airport Terminal II of Mexico City, recognized as the operation of the financial year by Latin Finance.
These activities and results, along with a strategy to reduce operating costs, as part of an internal structural change, we could do more with less and achieved the results are positive.
In sum, Nafinsa step to meet 8 per employee company in 2000 to provide various information services, training, technical assistance and funding to an average of more than 700 companies for each worker at present, an indicator comparable with other institutions efficient development in the world.
In performing its functions, the National Finance is also responsible for preserving the capital and be more efficient. In this sense, we have made profits in the last seven years after having lost appellants. The status of 2006 results reflected a net profit of 840 million pesos in the year. … payments fixed in advance throughout the period during which their IT investments. … It is easy to adapt to a computer needs …
financing to boost its organic expansion and acquisitions strategy.