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Portuguese Government

Posted by Sylia on

The indian lived in its natural habitat, without if to worry about the accumulation of wealth, however, for the ambition and interest of the conquerors the wealth of Brazil had started to be taken by the Europeans whom they had invested in its countries, deluding and enslaving the indians with objects of little value. They had introduced its culture had explored the forests of Brazil and had changed the way of life of the natives, had thus accumulated wealth in its countries. Later, the region that today corresponds to the South America was divided in two parts between Spaniard and Portuguese. This division attracted the attention of other countries, such as France, England and Holland that, in the same way had also acquired colonies in central America and North America. However, what it attracted the attention of as many Europeans had been the vegetal and mineral wealth. These extracted products were taken, transformed into products manufactured and vendidos in the colony the high prices.

It will be that today it is different of old? We can say that the financial difficulty, the unemployment and the poverty are inheritances in the way as the country was colonized, therefore, Brazil still is a developing country. The territory that today corresponds to Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese and is part of the context of exploration of the New World, whose objectives were to strengthen the power of the monarchs absolutists and to enrich to the s European nations. In 1500, with the arrival of the expedition commanded for Peter lvares Cabral, the Portuguese Government initiated the process of domination of Brazilian lands, recognizing them officially as a colony of Portugal, inside of the limits of the Treated one to Tordesilhas. Map of the Division of America for the Treated one to Tordesilhas For the map above perceives that, Brazil of century XVI did not present the same territorial extension of today.