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Posted by Sylia on

In accordance with the same author, the term organizacional climate mentions itself specifically to the motivacionais properties of the institucional environment, that is, to those aspects of the environment that lead to the provocation of different species of motivation. It is the summary of the total of experiences and values that exist in organizacional joint data. Thus, for Light (1995), the climate is resultant of the culture of the organizations; of its positive and negative aspects (conflicts). It results, also, of the positive and strong negative events, that occur outside of them. In the practical one, the organizacional climate depends on the conditions economic of the company, the organizacional structure, the organizacional culture, the chances of personal participation, the meaning of the work, the choice of the team, the preparation and the training of the team, the style of leadership, the evaluation and the remuneration of the team, etc. These determinative factors of the organizacional climate influence the motivation of the people, provoking stimulaton and different levels of satisfaction and productivity, which produce the final result in efficiency terms and effectiveness. The organizacional climate many times is cold, making with that the people lose the espontaneidade and opt to more defensive behaviors, that most of the time inhibit the creativity. Of another side, a good organizacional climate leads to the satisfaction, desinibio and contribution, contributing for the development of an environment of comprometimento and motivation.

METHOD Can be defined research as the rational and systematic procedure that has as objective to provide answers to the problems that are considered. The research is developed by means of the competition of the available knowledge and the careful use of methods, scientific techniques and other procedures (GIL, 2002). The metodolgicos procedures must be understood as the detailed and sequential set of methods and scientific techniques to be executed throughout the research, in such way that if it obtains to reach the objectives initially considered e, at the same time, to take care of to the criteria of lesser cost, greater rapidity, greater effectiveness and more trustworthiness of information (BARRETO; HONORATO, 1998).