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Posted by Sylia on

All we, deficient or not, are citizens to suffer discrimination, therefore it is predominant in our society, but the condition of the deficiency multiplies the discrimination. If the question of the sexuality frequently is treated while a taboo in our society, this subject still if polemiza more when we argue the manifestations of the sexuality in people with deficiency. The sexuality also estimates, forms to think, to feel and to act, pertaining to the human being, the form of if perceiving in the world, seeing the world and to interact with other men and women (BECKER, 1984; WSTHOF, 1994). Despite socially it is stipulated derived from an impulse, in the truth, the sexuality is about a dynamic process of approach and thus: ' ' to recognize the meaning of internal states, to organize the sequence of the especificadamente sexual acts, to decode situations, to establish limits in the sexual answers and to properly tie meanings of not sexual aspects of the life for the sexual experience dita' ' (Gagnon & Simon, 1973/2005, p.13). However, in accordance with Scabello, Saints, Profida, Freitas and Galati (in prelo), when the concepts of deficiency and sexuality to aparem linked, instigate a series of preconceptions, doubts and stigmata front to the sexuality of these people. In the words of MAYAN (2001), it is clearly that, the questions related to the sexual development can be harmed in the people with deficiency, but its responsible parents can also bring difficulties or, who wait that the school, how much the institution where these perhaps pass most of the day, gives account to supply adequate to a sexual education its children, forgetting that its deficient children, children, adolescents or adults, has proper yearnings and sexual feelings. In this manner, the perceptions of not-deficient (the educators, researchers and other professionals whom they daily deal with the question of the deficiency; familiar parents and/or) that they deal daily with the questions concernentes to the deficiency and the sexuality of its educandos children/, would be demarcating, the proper way of these to be understood, deal, to guide and to promote the sexual education for these people.