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Utopia Design

Posted by Sylia on

All of the foregoing forms a creative design pattern. The design can stand on the plot, where the author's vision of the ground. To go with him in the leg, "according to the plot and reception" (Pavel Chistyakov). Resist him, breaking the old dogma. But it's always the aesthetics, the author's vision, captured the emotional state of the artist, if you want a conversation with God. In Romanticism and distracted by the plot is not particularly important today, it acts as a subject combinations in order to identify what time of design merit a picture.

Erection of wonderful palaces, where the brush, dab the mystical stones, colored marbles nature, filled with life and meaning, the purpose of creative research. All joined in a rush, all identically depicted in the manner of execution. Traced the universal unity of heaven and earth, of all things. Painting begins to compete with the poetry and music. The product of stroke agreed that can be a rock and a tree, a cloud and the person being dissolved in the product, but at the same time, remaining himself. "The sleep of reason produces monsters" dream land, expressed through the artist, his imagination, creates miracles.

All the attention, means of expression and expressiveness are aimed at one target, construction of the city, the planets, the Sun, where dream and reality take on unity. It is a utopia, so what, let utopia, but art can not live without ideals, expressed in utopian form of matter which is a utopia, what it is and what is directed, although it may be, and it does not matter, would be a dream. For example, a social utopia provides social order and orientation. Personal Utopia provides creative momentum. She can transform into a social utopia that was good one, it becomes necessary to others, the majority, but unfortunately, with the author blurs the beginning, especially noticeable now.