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Humanity Enterprising

Posted by Sylia on

We have learned to follow instructions, to please a figure of authority with our yields and to live our life according to which the system dictates. And our enterprising spirit is relegated to some activity of free time or is buried for always in the trunk of the memories, along with our individual aspirations and our dreams. What we can do for revivir our enterprising spirit and thus to be able to excel in a world educated that us to be of the pile? Next I name 5 measures that you can take to return to develop his enterprising spirit and to reach the goals that you have in his heart: 1. Slgase of the mentality of flock One of the greatest enemies of the enterprising spirit is the flock mentality. The human being is a gregarious being. We like to belong to a group and power to identify to us with him. For that we do what the group does and we thought as the group thinks. The problem is that often the group, along with giving a comforting feeling us of property, limits to us as far as which we can obtain like individual. If you are not convinced, visit Ebay.

If you want to revivir his enterprising spirit, is going to have to be arranged to swim against the current. The history of the humanity is full of entrepreneurs who were condemned of ” locos” by its pairs. 2. It must understand that the freedom has its price Must fight for being free. When one person understands that she is unique, that she owns gifts and talents distinguish that it of the others, is born desire from being that ” yo” that God put in each of us. That individuality has a price.

Often it means to question paradigms and landlords of own thoughts of our culture and our education and to take passages from faith when exploring new lands that we do not know. 3. It does not vacillate Undertakes with determination. A person who makes the decision to undertake a certain course a day suddenly and vacillates and retakes another way on the following day, is not going to arrive very far. 4. She looks for positive information For power to be successful in which one sets out, she will need to invest time, money and effort in re-educating itself. She has in mind that the negative information always is gratuitous. However, the positive information that it goes to help to him to leave ahead is going, to have to outside look for it as if a hidden treasure. 5. It is not turned aside of his goal If it wants to fail in his emprendimiento, simply distrigase with other things. The key of the success is in staying focused in which one wants to obtain. Of that way always it will maintain a fervent spirit enterprising.


The Beings

Posted by Sylia on

I understand that the nature (action of God) is conducted by the beginning of the conservation and economy of energy and resources, are they which will be, thus God did not need to create all the diversity of beings livings creature at the same time, if it was in this way the beings livings creature would have completely different composition one of the others, then, the most likely one, was the creation begins, it, of extremely simple an alive being and from this and of others previously modified, and in a random succession, more complex beings, that is, the natural criterion was adopted to recombine and to modify simpler beings in more complex beings, without observing a rigid succession and yes from the available beings, exactly that these are in phase different. It would be as, imagining itself, God to take a creature any, to recombine and to modify its genome, as the functionalities or characteristic that objective for a new species, catch this modified being, divide it in one or more couples, so that for the acasalamento if it multiplies and thus they become a new species autossuficiente. Evidently, part of these new species, created as explained, had given certain, however, others nor in such a way, therefore they had been extinguished. In other cases the modifications had been so radical that it is impossible to find possible links between a species and another one, because it had however small modifications and in other total modifications, what it becomes impossible to reconstruct the sequential and evolutiva tree of the creation of all the beings livings creature. Imagining that above displayed possible and it had really happened, without taking in account the factor time that stops God it is irrelevant for its proper nature, the theories of the creation and the evolution would coexist without bigger problems, and more than this, one would be validated by the other, that is, God created everything observing an evolution process, as its way to act.


Victor Frank

Posted by Sylia on

Clinical listening, is the space where if she searchs to find, to give direction, new meanings to the life, our hopes, difficulties and sufferings. Felt in its primary form, that is, when we ask: which the direction of our lives? Which the direction of to be here? Many times we pass for situations in the life where the direction if loses. This happens when we lose something that we wanted much that happened, when we lose dreams. Victor Frank says in them of the importance of the Direction, to give sensible to our life. It says: The felt search of in the life of the person is the main motivadora force in the human being.

For this reason costumo to speak of a direction will, to contrast with the beginning of the pleasure. (…) The search of the individual for a direction is the first motivation in its life, and not a secondary rationalization of instinctive impulses. The logoterapia, its task is to help the patient to find sensible in its life. The logoterapia diverge of the psychoanalysis in the measure where it considers the human being a being whose main concern consists of carrying through a direction, and not in the mere gratuity and satisfaction of impulses and instincts, or in the mere reconciliation of the conflicting requirements of id, ego and superego (FRANK, 1991, P.92-95). Frank teaches in them as well as is important terms one direction, or to give sensible to our existence. The human being lives to give sensible its existence.

Pompia standes out: The end of a dream is one of the forms of loss of direction. This brings pain not only. The person can feel that she also lost accurately what she made its existence to be worthy of being lived. She is as if it felt itself wounded in its dignity. It disappears what it had importance, and, in these hours where a very important direction of the life if disarticulates, the danger is that this drags more all, in a movement that tends to empty all the things of any meaning that still they can have.