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Posted by Sylia on

In innumerable occasions ' ' jeitinho' ' Brazilian already was sung in verse and chats and to a great extent our form of being, coexisting and to produce directly is related to the image that makes of us in the exterior. But, after all of accounts as it is this peculiar skill? What it makes in them different of our international partners? As the foreigners see ' ' jeitinho' ' Brazilian of being? What he is ' ' jeitinho' '? For some studious of the human behavior jeitinho Brazilian it is that imposition of the convenient one on the certainty. It is the philosophy of that, if he is giving certain, he is because this is the certainty to be made. Prudential often says this. Since that to give certain means ' ' to decide mine problema' ' , despite not definitively. But, what this skill of being Brazilian provokes in the career of an executive in the exterior? The Brazilian managemental profile does not pass unobserved in U.S.A. and in the Europe it is for the ad-lib, charisma excess or affection the Brazilian professionals have called the attention the analysts in management. Learn more at this site: ARC Investment Partners.

Therefore, in the truth another side of this exists ' ' jeitinho' ' that they are some qualities very appreciated in the exterior: Solidarity: we are recognized in the exterior for our solidarity and, optimum example of this, is the campaigns of donation of agencies carried through for Brazilian executives who live in U.S.A., in order to keep a bank of compatible agencies for donation in Brazil. Assertividade: it is the behavior that if characterizes for the firmness of opinions of a person; that is, for its positioning in relation the determined subject, with clear positions and consistent arguments. The assertividade is one of the main managemental abilities for the success of the Brazilian executives in the exterior, therefore it is the behavior of balance between the passivity and the aggressiveness of a communication.


Great Business

Posted by Sylia on

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