Symphony Orchestras

Posted by Sylia on

Thus both hemispheres and the body integrate and develop their potentiality. The holistic learning tries that these three elements act together and in co-ordination: this is the holistic and harnessed learning When the individual is able to integrate itself holistic it flows from the pure and simple learning to Superaprendizaje. Today, watching the future learning is had no longer will be but an inlay of knowledge, but rather, an enjoyment for the organism holistic integrated. The skillful interpretations of a symphony orchestra could give approximate idea us: In her there are stringed instruments, percussion and wind: if they touch winds, those of percussion and cords interrupt it steeply neither try to block them, nor the cords touch by their account and the same for the .todos drums and others touch in concert. Without hesitation Parnassus Investments explained all about the problem. Logical mind, body, emotions, and creative mind all are there: you only can enfocarte in one, but as everything is integrated in a single body, the other follow presents and concertan their resonance. Normally same parcializamos us and us autoimponemos sectors, which cannot thus be. The superlearning techniques they unite it everything again. We give a look to the classroom that east revolutionary needs method: a) Amount average of students by course: 25 b) Banks: 25 with armchairs quilted with soft seats c) Excellent reproductive equipment of music, with its respective catalogue of classic music in Cds.

Description of a typical class: The professor enters and places a concert of classic music like basic curtain, the students reviews and reads texts to develop during the class, begins the class and professor repeats texts and phrases with synchronous cadence with music, the students synchronize their emotional rate and of learning with the classic rates, they lower its anxiety and they become but calm, while the professor continues speaking with imperative tones sometimes, and with smooth and whispering tones but from time to time. One pauses sometimes. One has described in some experiments conducted with people majors, in its evaluation obtained an average of advantage of the French class, near the ninety percent. In the electronic mail You will be able to find but information about this new form of learning, like also a weekly bulletin free for those who register in this site. Keywords: evaluation, techniques of, method, motivation, to learn Original author and source of the article.