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Best Training

Posted by Sylia on

The vanguard to form in franchise comes from the hand of the on-line world. And it is that thanks to the agreement which have signed mundoFranquicia consulting, the leading consultancy in franchises of our country, and Bureau Veritas training, specialized in virtual training company, who now wants to become accredited so in this sector and do so through an online platform may carry it out through several initiatives. Thus, in the framework of the agreement between the Spanish franchisers and Bureau Veritas training Association for the development of training products in franchise, consultant will be involved in the development of the first three courses, providing technical content and embarked on functions of management and consultative support. The courses they already work teams of mundoFranquicia consulting and Bureau Veritas training are the following: course for future franchisees, of 30 hours. Top of franchises, 80 hours course.

Direction and management of franchises, 200 hours course. And is that given that each day unfolds more market franchise, nothing better than to continue strengthening this growth through a very useful ally as the network. Our vocation for showing all the possibilities offered by the world of franchising, since this has been consolidated as a choice of great interest, both for small and medium-sized companies already established, as for those people who choose to start a new venture business nothing better that do so through a platform for eLearning so recognized as Bureau Veritas, as says Mariano Alonso, Managing General Partner of mundoFranquicia consulting. Collaboration that as defined, Jose Luis Lombardero, Director General of Bureau Veritas training, can do no more than bring benefits. Our philosophy is none other than the train the largest number of people through our eLearning system with the aim of offering them immediate and very innovative solutions. This collaboration with mundoFranquicia consulting will reinforce our agreement with the Spanish Association of franchisors to be able to make their on-line courses the most recognized and effective. Finally noted that these courses were presented by Lombardero in the last Assembly that the Spanish franchisers Association carried out recently in Madrid. Note to journalists for more information, cover seminars, interviews or sending graphic material do not hesitate to contact our Press Office.



Posted by Sylia on

-Optimize use of resources. 6. Reduction of costs (up to 40%) – most economical services. Best quality in services. Reduction of staff.

Better concentration on core business. 7. Increased profits: Are not only in the reduction of costs, but also in the improvement of the delivery of business and technology services. 8 The Capital towards the strategic point of the company: it relies mainly on concentrating capital in areas that offer a genuine competitiveness, i.e. the study of the market, development of new products and the distribution of them.

9 Costs: consists in reducing costs and investments as much as possible without losing the ability to launch new products on the market. 10 Accountability and Control: first thing you should do a company’s management is to assess under what conditions is the position of the company within the market, okay, is wrong, is regular. Then assess whether within the competition there are other similar companies that are better located or in the same position. Determines if within the competing companies exists any newly created because they have a lower cost burden, having fewer staff, fewer material resources, less time on the market, which indicates some flexibility. CONCLUSIONS modern management should consider Outsourcing is a means, a tool, not a person. It is important to then attach border within the limits of the possible, in principle often violated in the eagerness of tie business provider and client solve their operational problems with a magic wand. The history of Outsourcing well exploited, helps keep the expectations of both parties firmly anchored within the workable. There is already a product of the experiences of industry knowledge base in the latest designs. That lets you set clearly the chances of success of a transaction of Outsourcing based on the current conditions of the customer and the supplier.