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Manager Team

Posted by Sylia on

Never saw the completion of the project by that due to his foolishness was removed as Manager. The Manager may believe that their vision of reality is correct, but it is imperative the balance between his own perspective with that of the rest of the team. Decide without hearing from the team leads to folly. Negativism. A Manager consistently discussed projects in a negative way. It focused on the work that had not been undertaken, the crisis of the week, who wasn’t doing his job, etc.

This negative attitude about work, the staff and the purpose of the project having the energy, enthusiasm and passion for the work. It is the manager who always sees the glass half-empty and who frustrates the energy of the team. It does not mean that one always need to be happy or be smiling to people all the time. However to succeed Manager has to believe in what you are doing and positively motivate your team. Cowardice. Imagine this: the Manager, by being pressed when he has the time over to deliver the budget, blames the team members, shareholders or anyone who had allegedly contributed to the origin of this problem.

It is easier to involve others who identify the real cause of the problem and solve it. It is correct to be self critical and aware of own weaknesses and mistakes. For leaders who truly continue to grow in leadership capacities, they need to be the first, not the last, to admit their mistakes and learn from them. Mistrust. Managers who do not teach their most important skills, not show wisdom in his decisions and do not demonstrate integrity, will not win the confidence of its staff. The team members must believe that his manager has everything you need to manage the project and wisdom to decisions with respect and integrity to put the interests of the team ahead of his own. If any of these attributes is lost it is only a matter of time before that you decide to remove it.


Business Process Management

Posted by Sylia on

All misfortune is a lesson the company in the current scenarios as well as having the necessary resources is in the human, technical, financial, must be guaranteed a good management that cares about ensuring a good process management that allows you to compete without problems in scenarios where acts. The Venezuelan reality, which concerns the industrial sector of SMEs, in the present, especially leaves a lot to say in various aspects, ranging from the absence of a good management strategist, visionary, able to give way to plans that favor him, as well as the lack of a proper technology that you of the opportunity to compete, in addition to neglect that has been made to the management of processeswhich to many has hurt it in the achievement of their goals. To do this, since then is added, the present political reality facing the country where the current Government, under Lieutenant – Colonel Hugo Chavez pr4esidencia has given way to uncertainty, risk and that many companies close or simply your productivity leaves much to say. In this opportunity, we concentrate on everything related to process management, aspect that can not neglect, for this purpose, some views that allow the reader to something are exposed and to all those interested in these topics in order to consider the relevance, importance of everything that encloses process management. A process is an ordered sequence of repetitive activities whose product has intrinsic value for a user or customer. This definition allows to speak about different levels of processes, which vary according to the size of the organization.

It reminds us of, that the operative processes combine and transform resources to obtain the product or provide the service in accordance with the customer’s requirements, providing high added value. These processes are also the primary responsibility for achieving the objectives of the company. There are several types of processes.