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7 Articles


Virtual Business

Posted by Sylia on

Many times you open asked as he has to do to get my business virtual sales. Surely, you open also asked if this virtual business is not a myth. And worse still if you haven’t already I decide to upload your business to the Web, and you have not had the expected results, you think that selling online is a fallacy. My intention is to give you all the knowledge that you understand that the Internet this made so that your virtual business to significant revenue and for that your reputation grew and te transformes also in an expert in the niche you’ve chosen. Well, it is clear that you are interested in having your business running on Internet, Ponte to think that it is what motivates you to carry forward this company. As can well, upload your business network for three basic reasons: 1. economic reason: you know that e-commerce has grown 534% in 2006? The Internet is a source of inexhaustible income, and your Virtual business must be part of this inexhaustible source of revenue.

You say do as you can tell me this if I know many people who have uploaded their? Do business network and not him doing well? Well that depends on another thing that we are going to be treated in another article. The Internet can be a 100% virtual business support, where communications can carry them out via on-line. There is no more incredible thing, in a business, to communicate with your customers constantly and automatically. Yes, you can have contact with them without having to constantly check your calendar, you can have contacts with them without having to stop doing what you do every day. You will also have the possibility of access to a wider market, but that market is local. Learn to properly exploit the benefits of this new way of communicating will significantly bulking your bank accounts.


Keith Construction

Posted by Sylia on

Introduction the reality can be changed Alone because and alone in the measure where we produce it to We ourselves, and in the measure where let us know that it is pro doubt for us (Kosik, 1976; 18). A form to appraise management is to see it as a process of mobilization of the ability and the energy of people collectively organized so that, for its active and competent participation, they promote the accomplishment, more fully possible, of the objectives of its unit of work, in the case, the educational objectives. … part of the estimated one of that the success of a dependent social organization of the mobilization of the joint constructive action of its components, for the associated work, by means of reciprocity that creates one ' ' todo' ' guided for a collective will. Follow others, such as James McNerney , and add to your knowledge base. The work is understood that educational, for its nature, demand a shared, carried through effort from the participation collective and integrated of the members of all the segments of the involved units of work.

… Such management consists of the envolvement of all the ones that are direct part or indirectly of the educational process in the establishment of objectives, in the solution of problems, the taking of decisions, the preposition of action plans, in its implementation, monitoramento and evaluation, aiming at the best ones resulted of the educational process (Lck, Freitas, Girling & Keith, 2005). … (P. 22). …

From there why the competent participation is the way for the construction of the autonomy. … By means of the practical one of this participation, is possible to surpass the exercise of the individual power and reference used in the schools and to promote the construction of the power of the ability, centered in the pertaining to school social unit as a whole, as if will see more ahead (p.23) That is becomes fullfilled meetings, debates, seminaries where questions from decisions and ideas already formed anticipatedly the respect are presented for quarrel, or then that the chance of speaking is had to the will, to exert ' ' right of voice and opinio' ' , without effort for the deepening of the understanding on the questions treated and for the construction to collective commitments around them The participation for the participation is still proven, in the cases where if it spends much time in debates and quarrels on banal and secondary questions.


Panama Places

Posted by Sylia on

Achieve a fantastic trip can require a little planning, especially if someone would like to maximize their time outside the city, for example with a trip to the city of Panama. Hotels Panama will be only the beginning of the planning process, the pursuit of fabulous activities, restaurants and other ways to enjoy the stay should also plan for the trip. Enjoy a little time on the beach many hotels Panama possess a tourist boon. And it is that many are located on the shores of beautiful beaches. Love who not to take a vacation, where accommodation is located close to the waves of the sea, and at any time to enjoy them? Or probably a tour on a boat is more fascinating to tourists.

If so, these beaches also offer opportunities precisely for that. Whatever a person is searching for when the ocean it comes, can find you here. Visit some other ruins great idea is to visit the many ruins of the original city of Panama. Hotels Panama can help tourists to organize these lovely and informative tours. Or you can find and plan internet searching.

Either way, this ride is a safe way to add fun to your trip. The city of Panama is founded in 1519, being the first Spanish city on the West Coast. In 1671, a pirate plundered the city and left it in ruins, which can be visited today. Take a Tour take an eco tour is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon. If this really is not liked by someone, they also tours by the canal, and the Trans-Isthmus train ride. Make one of these picturesque paths that are also full of all kinds of landscapes and information is a great way to learn something interesting in a sunny and relaxing walk. Enjoy the elegant restaurants of Panama City is comprised of fantastic places to enjoy the exquisite Panamanian cuisine. If a person host is at the center of the city, will have many opportunities to come walking up to many restaurants. There are excellent choices for the visitor has the opportunity to try the local food. There are many options to get out and enjoy a fantastic meal, an exquisite wine and dance with the people who live there every day. When visiting Panama, save staying in a hotel with everything a business traveler demand.


Affairs Latin America

Posted by Sylia on

Faced with this situation, is could be carried out a strategic partnership in the energy sector whose impact will have to be necessarily measured in environmental and social terms since the destruction of the Amazon would be the loss of the largest on the planet and, at the same time lung, the ruin for thousands of peasants that inhabit the jungle. Materialize this Alliance, both countries would be hogging the world market for biofuels at the expense of razing the reserve of oxygen under the pretext of producing world’s largest fuels that are more pleasant environment. By way of conclusion, we can mention that that United States has posed her eyes in the South, is mainly due to that it seeks to establish a way alliances that enable them to preserve their status quo as a hegemonic power to the length and breadth of the continent. Therefore, what is still the backyard of Washington, can get to become the Messiah that would save the energy crisis and the global decline that is experiencing so accelerated from the last decade, so Brazil does not already take the typical role of weak and dependent country as it emerges as a Latin American power smart and able to use this new role for their development by exploiting both its resources such as its geographic position. Time will determine the direction that will take the relations of these two countries, but recent events one thing is certain: despite past problems, the conditions of approach are becoming more equitable and suitable for both.



Posted by Sylia on

The composition of landscapes often and other bugs. Such an example of how the image fences or line of bushes in the foreground. This arrangement also divides the painting as if into two zones. In addition, a fence or subconsciously some bushes as a barrier perceived by the person that needs to be overcome and stop looking at her audience. The same inspection station image occurs if an obstacle occurs on other planes of the composition. Best for the perception is such a composition, when the viewer can walk look at the picture and it is desirable that he would not run randomly and sparsely, not being able to stop no matter what your opinion, and that the movement of eyes occurred in a certain direction, it is desirable to circle. Such a picture can look long and hard. A very important point for the composition, is to choose the format of the future work.

If the format is too big for the composition, the picture may be too much unnecessary space. What has too often these excess space is the sky in a landscape. A large piece of the sky of course it can be assumed, but it must be justified composition. The same goes for foreground. If the format of the canvas is too small, you may feel, 'fragmented' picture, where the composition is not perceived by the whole picture, but looks like 'a piece' of a product. Before start drawing the composition on a large format is useful to make no great sketches, measuring little more than a matchbox.


Operations Director

Posted by Sylia on

It is the first pan-European agreement that carries out the manufacturer and allows access to 6,000 European reseller of Magirus Embotics V-Commander, a solution of virtualization and management of private clouds has been designed with competitive prices to address the mid-market (enterprises with more than 250 virtualized computers). In particular, virtualization and management of Embotics products offer resellers a platform of reduced cost to help companies better manage their virtualized servers and to carry out an effective deployment to private cloud environments. One of the advantages of Embotics V-Commander is its ease of use, since thanks to its interface with Wizard can be installed and configured in 15 minutes. Allows virtual users to make forecasts and manages the process of application and approval of the workflow from end to end, offering analysis of cost of the TI. Also helps maintain optimized resources of the private clouds to the provide a 360 degree view of the entire virtualized environment, eliminating the proliferation of virtual servers and ensuring operational efficiency, the savings in cost and recursos.Como example, in this case a CIO discovered that each of the virtual machines in your organization 32 Gb of RAM, you had assigned when only 1% was being used. This information is presented in an easy to read format and formatted in euros, with the aim that the choices in the business can be a quick and effective way. In the words of Christian Magirus, Operations Director, Magirus, because Embotics is already part of our portfolio of suppliers, can offer to our resellers and their customers a real and effective possibility of migrating virtualized environments to cloud platforms clinical private or crm.

Its products add the directing – they will open the door to those distributors who want to take the step toward consulting services and will allow will strengthen those who already act as advisers to cloud with new effective tools.Meanwhile, Jay Litkey, CEO, Embotics, It ensures that Magirus meets all our expectations within the search for our first pan-European wholesalers. A natural choice due to its global presence and experience in the market of data has been centers virtualized and cloud computing services. Embotics responsible for further submits that European resellers have before them a huge opportunity to enter the market of small and medium-sized enterprises consulting services and virtual platforms. They are companies that need to carry out comprehensive assessments that show the reality of their virtual properties such as SuDespacho, the infrastructure that have, the resources that are consumed and how to migrate to the private cloud. With these analyses, the return on investment can be achieved in weeks.

It will offer to its channel effective solutions for virtualization and Cloud management cost savings, thus opening the Cloud in SME consulting services market.Magirus, one of the leading suppliers of solutions TI in Europe, has just announced the signing of an agreement with Embotics, Canadian leader in virtualization and crm free for management for private cloud environments. Magirus and Embotics carried out joint marketing actions to create a complete structure of channel partners and carried out workshops. In addition, Embotics is working to respond to this future channel through the recruitment of staff pre and post-sale. As well as technical architects.


The Information

Posted by Sylia on

In this direction when, for example, in the case of Brazil, the net Globe adopts a procedure form, to the other takes it senders as parameter to delimit its action. All these values notice presented by WOLF they act of systematic form to become possible the routine of the journalistic work. tel senior VP and COO. Of this form, these values must most be argued inside of the production procedures, therefore they only acquire meant in the productive process of the notice and there they develop its function. The routines of production of which the values notice are integrant parts, present three phases that are: the collection, the election and the presentation. The collection has as bedding the sources and them they are determinative factors for the quality of the information. The material collected for the correspondents, the envoy special, the cronistas and that it arrives by means of the agencies is reduced the certain number of notice, destined to the transmission of the reporter.

The flow of information received in writings already is regulated of form that can take care of to the procedures and the operational and individual habits of each organization. In this way, the coordinate act of receiving them notice on the part of the journalistic companies already it is configured as an election process. The last stage of the productive process of the notice is the edition and presentation of the notice. Inside of the presentation aspect the main bedding of the activity of edition in the reporters is to transform the event into a history with a beginning, way and end. ' ' The edition is destined, therefore to give a synthetic representation, necessarily soon, visibly coherent and possibly significant of the object of notcia' ' (WOLF 2003 P. 260). On this ' ' teoria' ' , Traquina (2005) affirms that the process of production of the information is born as a series of choices where the flow of notice has to pass for diverse gates, that is, gates, that are not more than what areas of decision in relation which the journalist, that is gatekeeper, has to decide if it goes to choose if this notice passes or does not pass for ' ' porto' ' , that is, if the notice goes or not to be propagated.