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Latin American Technological Information

Posted by Sylia on

In accordance with the graph presented for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), Farid (2009) also encloses a significant increase of 26,5% in 2007 for 31,2% in 2008 of the domiciles that possess microcomputers, reaching 17,9 million domiciles. In its analysis, the author affirms that more than the half of the Brazilian domiciles that possuam computer in the previous year was in the Southeastern region, that totalized 10.1 million domiciles with this characteristic. It is evidenced that the relation computer and Internet if equalizam, where the access to the computer, consequentemente, premakes use its possessor to search a form of connects it world-wide net. The graph below presented by the National Research of Sampling for Domicilio (PNAD) demonstrates to the question of the users who had bought computers and those that are connected the world-wide net. Graph 1 – Source: IBGE PNAD 2007-2008 When analyzing these data and relating them with the Maranho, perceive that the State presents indicating countyer-productive in relation the access to the net.

Although to belong to the Northeast region, its data are most inferior of federacy, surpassing all the States, particularly of the region North, where the Internet still is a sufficiently restricted instrument. This peculiarity can be confirmed through the Net of Latin American Technological Information 4 (RITLA) that it carries through diverse research, between which, on the technological accessibility in all continent Latin American. In accordance with its study, the Maranho presents the lesser indices of access to the world-wide net of computers of Brazil, about 2% of the homes they are connected, and is of 7,7% the parcel of inhabitants who use the net, either inside of house, in public centers or schools. Ahead the pointers presented for the Maranho, Rollemberg (2009) conglomerates the too much States with lack of accessibility to the net and comments, that amongst 10 people, less than 1 have access to the computer in house in these regions, and complement around the relation made for the MEC with socioeconmicos factors of inaqualities affirming that: The work, with support of the Ministry of the Education, related to the inaqualities socioeconmicos factors as income, race and offers of ranks of public access.